Pokemon Legends: Arceus is set in olden times in the Pokemon world when it was rare to find harmony between people and Pokemon. Set in the Hisui region, modern-day Sinnoh, you will join the Galaxy Expedition Team (Galaxy Team for short) as a member of the Survey Corps stationed in Jubilife Village. You will be tasked to meet every species of Pokémon from the Hisui region to complete the region’s first-ever Pokédex.

The Galaxy Team will task the player to do missions in the game. Various people will also ask for help from the player in the form of requests. One of these requests is Request 94, titled the ‘Incarnate Forces of Hisui.’ This guide will teach you how to complete the ‘Incarnate Forces of Hisui’ request.
Incarnate Forces of Hisui
To unlock this request, the player must first complete the ‘Seeking the Remaining Plates’ Mission, the 26th mission in the game, where the player must defeat Volo and Giratina and obtain the Azure Flute.
After doing the requirements mentioned above, you can now start this request! To do that, head to the Galaxy Hall in the northern part of Jubilife Village. Upon entering, Cogita will approach the player and say that she has heard of Volo’s foul plan and say that the player should not think of him anymore as it is just another tale of passion burning too bright and consuming the bearer, and that is what happens when someone allows it to. After that, Cogita will check up on the player’s survey work. Then, after selecting an answer to the prompt, she will say that the Hisui region still holds fascinating Pokemon like the three Forces of Nature. She will then offer to speak to the player about one of them.
Select Tornadus on the prompt, and Cogita will say that Tornadus stirs up tremendous storms in every direction it flies. When there is a blizzard in the Alabaster Icelands, then Tornadus may be about.
Select Thundurus on the prompt, and Cogita will say that Thundurus fires bolts of lightning every which way as it flies around, and when there is a rainstorm in the Cobalt Coastlands, Thundurus may be about.
Select Landorus on the prompt, and Cogita will say that Landorus is the Pokemon hailed as the Guardian of the Fields, and it seems that it can be seen in the Obsidian Fieldlands, so she will ask the player to ask them for her.
After selecting ‘I’m done, thanks on the prompt, Cogita will say that she does not know why these three Pokemon have chosen not to show themselves, and maybe it is caused by the space-time rift or even their whims. She will then say that she supposes that the storms and bolts of lightning that these Pokemon stir up may trouble the player, but nature needs these things. Finally, Cogita will say that the player should come and speak with her once the player has completed the Pokedex entries for Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus. Then, the ‘Incarnate Forces of Hisui’ Request started just like that!
To complete this request, the player must catch Landorus, Thundurus, and Tornadus and conduct their research entries in the Pokedex!
Landorus can be found on Ramanas Island, southwest of the Obsidian Fieldlands. Upon arriving on the island, look for the Pokemon surrounded by a tornado, Landorus. Fortunately, Landorus can be found in this location at all times of day and in every weather condition.
Upon finding Landorus, it will move around fast and attack by sending out a bunch of tornadoes once it notices the player. So, the player can use a Stealth Spray or a Smoke Bomb to get closer to Landorus within throwing distance slowly. Once the player is close, the tornado surrounding Landorus must be destroyed before the player can throw a Pokemon and battle it or catch it. To do that, throw some Spoiled Apricorns, Snow Balls, Sticky Globs, or Balls of Mud to remove the tornado and stun it. Once that happens, quickly throw one of your Pokemon to battle it!
As the player would have to battle Landorus to weaken and catch it, it is essential to mention that Landorus is a Level 70 Ground and Flying-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Water type and especially Ice type moves (super effective), a resistance to the Bug-type, Fighting-type, and Poison-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Ground-type moves (no effect).
Do not worry if you accidentally defeat Landorus, as all the player has to do for it to spawn back is to reset the map by going back to Jubilife Village and then back to Ramanas Island in the Obsidian Fieldlands, and there you will again find Landorus.
Next, the player has to complete the Pokedex entry for Landorus. This can be done by accomplishing Research Tasks to reach Research Level 10. This depends on the moves that Landorus performed while battling and trying to catch it. However, suppose there are no other check marks in Landorus’ Pokedex entry except for the number seen. In that case, the player can immediately complete Landorus’ Pokedex entry by using Landorus’ Sandsear Storm in Agile Style three times.
This can immediately complete Landorus’ Pokedex entry fast because catching Landorus raises the Research Level by two, using Sandsear Storm for the first and third time raises the Research Level by two for those times, and using an Agile Style move for the first and third time also increases the Research Level by two for those times (meaning that using Sandsear Storm in Agile Style is checking two boxes at once) which will result to Research Level 10.
Thundurus can be found just ahead of the two stone pillars near the “middle finger” of Sand’s Reach, which is in the southeastern part of the map of the Cobalt Coastlands. Thundurus can be found in this area at all times of the day. However, it can only be found in this area when there is a thunderstorm. So, suppose there is no thunderstorm in the area after the player arrives. In that case, the player can keep resting at the tent in any of the Base Camps until a thunderstorm spawns in the area (depicted as an icon with a cloud and a lightning bolt in the top left corner of the map). Once there is a thunderstorm, head to the area mentioned above, and you will find a Pokemon surrounded by a tornado, Thundurus.
Upon finding Thundurus, it will move around fast and attack by sending out a bunch of tornadoes once it notices the player. So, the player can also use a Stealth Spray or a Smoke Bomb to get closer to Thundurus to within throwing distance slowly then; once the player is close, the tornado that surrounds Thunudurs must then be destroyed before the player can throw a Pokemon and battle it or catch it which the player can do by simply throwing some Spoiled Apricorns, Snow Balls, Sticky Globs, or Balls of Mud at it to remove the tornado and stun it. Once that happens, immediately throw one of your Pokemon to battle it!
As the player would have to battle Thundurus to weaken and catch it, it is essential to mention that Thundurus is a Level 70 Electric and Flying type Pokemon which means it has a weakness to Ice-type and Rock-type moves (super effective), a resistance to the Bug-type, Grass type, Fighting type, Flying type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Ground-type moves (no effect).
If you accidentally defeat Thundurus, the player can reset the map by going back to Jubilife Village and then back to Sand’s Reach in the Cobalt Coastlands, and there you will again find Thundurus.
Next, the player has to complete the Pokedex entry for Thundurus. This can be done by accomplishing Research Tasks to reach Research Level 10. This also depends on the moves that Landorus performed while battling and trying to catch it. However, suppose there are no other check marks in Thundurus’ Pokedex entry except for the number seen. In that case, the player can immediately complete Thundurus’ Pokedex entry by using Thundurus’ Wildbolt Storm in Agile Style three times.
This can immediately complete Thundurus’ Pokedex entry fast because catching Thundurus raises the Research Level by two, using Wildbolt Storm for the first and third time raises the Research Level by two for those times, and using an Agile Style move for the first and third time also increases the Research Level by two for those times (meaning that using Wildbolt Storm in Agile Style is checking two boxes at once) which will result to Research Level 10.
Tornadus can be found in Bonechill Wastes near the middle of the map of the Alabaster Icelands. Tornadus can be found in this area at all times of the day. However, it can only be found in this area when a blizzard/snowstorm occurs. So, suppose there is no blizzard/snowstorm in the area after the player arrives. In that case, the player can keep resting at the tent in any of the Base Camps until a blizzard/snowstorm spawns in the area (depicted as an icon with a snowflake with the wind in the top left corner of the map). Once there is a blizzard/snowstorm, head to the area mentioned above, and you will find a Pokemon that is also surrounded by a tornado, Tornadus.
Upon finding Tornadus, it will also move around fast and attack by sending out a bunch of tornadoes once it notices the player. So, the player can also use a Stealth Spray or a Smoke Bomb to get closer to Tornadus to within throwing distance slowly then; once the player is close, the tornado that surrounds Tornadus must then be destroyed before the player can throw a Pokemon and battle it or catch it which the player can do by simply throwing some Spoiled Apricorns, Snow Balls, Sticky Globs, or Balls of Mud at it to remove the tornado and stun it. Once that happens, immediately throw one of your Pokemon to battle it!
As the player would have to battle Tornadus to weaken and catch it, it is essential to mention that Tornadus is a Level 70 Flying type Pokemon which means it has a weakness to Electric-type, Ice type, and Rock-type moves (super effective), a resistance to the Bug-type, Fighting type, and Grass-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Ground-type moves (no effect).
If you accidentally defeat Tornadus, the player can reset the map by going back to Jubilife Village and then back to Bonechill Wastes in the Alabaster Icelands. There you will again find Tornadus.
Next, the player has to complete the Pokedex entry for Tornadus. This can be done by accomplishing Research Tasks to reach Research Level 10. This also depends on the moves that Tornadus performed while battling and trying to catch it. However, suppose there are no other check marks in Tornadus’ Pokedex entry except for the number seen. In that case, the player can immediately complete Tornadus’ Pokedex entry by using Tornadus’ Bleakwind Storm in Agile Style three times.
This can immediately complete Tornadus’ Pokedex entry fast because catching Tornadus raises the Research Level by two, using Bleakwind Storm for the first and third time raises the Research Level by two for those times, and using an Agile Style move for the first and third time also increases the Research Level by two for those times (meaning that using Bleakwind Storm in Agile Style is checking two boxes at once) which will result to Research Level 10.
After catching Landorus, Thundurus, and Tornadus completing their Pokedex entries, head to the Ancient Retreat, where the player will find Cogita sitting on the left side of her house. Talk to Cogita, and she will say that the player did well in learning more about the three Forces of Nature. She will continue and say that she would let Landorus, Thundurus, and Tornadus fly free if it were more normal times, but, as they are still fresh from the tearing of the space-time rift, it is better to keep them contained until the effects of the space-time rift fade entirely.
Then, Cogita will tell the player that there is one more Pokemon that the player should know about, and, suddenly, the Enamorus will appear. Cogita will say that the Enamorus is the Pokemon hailed as the Herald of Spring and that while Enamorus is not particularly given to ill behavior, she thinks that the player would like to document it for the player’s Pokedex. She will end by saying that if the player wants to catch Enamorus, the player can find it in the Crimson Mirelands.
Enamorus can be found in Scarlet Bog near the middle of the map of the Crimson Mirelands. Unlike the two of the three Forces of Nature, Enamorus can be found in this area at all times of the day and in every weather condition. However, like the three Forces of Nature, the player will also find Enamorus surrounded by a tornado barrier.
Upon finding Enamorus, it will also move around fast and attack by sending out a bunch of tornadoes once it is alerted and notices the player; compared to the three Forces of Nature, Enamorus is much harder to sneak on because it can be quickly alerted. Also, Enamorus is harder to deal with than the three Forces of Nature because it is more difficult to dodge its attacks as the bog in the area will slow the player down, and, once Enamorus’ attacks hit the player, it will also confuse. A simple way to overcome the effects of confusion is to press the + button to ride your rideable Pokemon quickly.
With all that in mind, the player can also use some Stealth Sprays or Smoke Bombs to get closer to Enamorus to within throwing distance slowly then; once the player is close, the tornado that surrounds Enamorus must then be destroyed before the player can throw a Pokemon and battle it or catch it which the player can do by simply throwing some Spoiled Apricorns, Snow Balls, Sticky Globs, or Balls of Mud at it to remove the tornado and stun it. Once that happens, immediately throw one of your Pokemon to battle it!
As the player would have to battle Tornadus to weaken and catch it, it is essential to mention that Enamorus is a Level 70 Fairy and Flying-type Pokemon which means it has a weakness to Electric-type, Ice-type, Poison type, Rock type, and Steel-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Dark type, Grass type, and especially Bug type and Fighting-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Dragon type and Ground-type actions (no effect).
If you accidentally defeat Enamorus, the player can reset the map by returning to Jubilife Village and Scarlet Bog in the Crimson Mirelands. There you will again find Enamorus.
Next, the player has to complete the Pokedex entry for Enamorus. This can be done by accomplishing Research Tasks to reach Research Level 10. This also depends on the moves that Enamorus performed while battling and trying to catch it. However, suppose there are no other check marks in Enamorus’ Pokedex entry except for the number seen. In that case, the player can immediately complete Enamorus’ Pokedex entry by using Enamorus’ Springtide Storm in Agile Style three times.
This can immediately complete Enamorus’ Pokedex entry fast because catching Enamorus raises the Research Level by two, using Springtide Storm for the first and third time raises the Research Level by two for those times, and using an Agile Style move for the first and third time also increases the Research Level by two for those times (meaning that using Springtide Storm in Agile Style is checking two boxes at once) which will result to Research Level 10.
After catching Enamorus and completing its Pokedex entry, head back to Cogita, still sitting on the left side of her house in the Ancient Retreat, and talk to her. Cogita will then tell the player that Enamorus is called the Herald of Spring because it arrives in the Hisui region after the winter has passed. She will then say that Enamorus spending time with her is a great help as it brings her all over the Hisui region, but she will leave Enamorus in the player’s care for now. Select a reply on the prompt, and she will say that even the player can hardly expect to live forever, but Enamorus will be in the player’s care for now.
After that, Cogita will give the player the Reveal Glass, which the player can use on Landorus, Thundurus, Tornadus, and Enamorus, resulting in different forms. Then, Cogita will say that the player, Landorus, Thundurus, Tornadus, and Enamorus, have something in common: they all tend to stir the pot of life, and she will say that she means that positively.
She would continue by asking what meaning there would be in living so long if everything were straightforward, then quote an old verse. Then, she will end by saying that she has passed on to the player all there is to pass and where history goes from here. She will leave it to the player and the player’s Pokemon to see through.
Finally, the player will be rewarded with four Exp. Candy L, for your efforts and the ‘Incarnate Forces of Hisui’ request is now completed!
Now that you have completed the ‘Incarnate Forces of Hisui’ Request, you can try to meet other requests, complete missions, or complete Arceus’ task for you, which is to catch them all!