Pokemon Legends: Arceus is set in olden times in the Pokemon world when it was rare to find harmony between people and Pokemon. Set in the Hisui region, modern-day Sinnoh, you will join the Galaxy Expedition Team (Galaxy Team for short) as a member of the Survey Corps stationed in Jubilife Village. You will be tasked to meet every Hisui Region Pokemon to complete the region’s first-ever Pokédex.

The Galaxy Team will task the player to do missions in the game. Various people will also ask for help from the player in the form of requests. One of these requests is Request 98, titled the ‘Massive Mass Outbreak in the Coastlands.’ This guide will teach you how to complete the ‘Massive Mass Outbreak in the Coastlands’ request.
Massive Mass Outbreak in the Coastlands
To unlock this request, the player must first complete the ‘Massive Mass Outbreak in the Mirelands’ Request, the 97th request in the game where the player must investigate the Massive Mass Outbreak in the Crimson Mirelands as a request from Mai of the Diamond Clan.
After doing the requirements mentioned above, you can now start this request! To do that, head on to the Front Gate, which is on the northeastern part of Jubilife Village, and there the player will find Mai of the Diamond Clan and her Munchlax. Talk to Mai, and she will tell the player that the next step of the investigation is to look for massive mass outbreaks in the Cobalt Coastlands, and she will thank the player for all the help. Then, the ‘Massive Mass Outbreak in the Coastlands’ Request started after that!
After that, Mai will ask the player if they are ready to head to the Beachside Camp in the Cobalt Coastlands with her and her Munchlax. After confirming the prompt, Gaeric of the Pearl Clan will appear and say it is a fine surprise to find Mai and the player while fetching supplies for their settlement. He will then approach Mai and the player and say that Calaba filled him in about them looking into mass outbreaks during rainstorms and that he recommends Sticky Globs. He will then give the player 30 Sticky Globs and say that hitting a Pokemon with it will slow it down. Gaeric will leave, then Mai will say that it is interesting that the Pearl Clan is recommending the Galaxy Team’s Sticky Globs. Then, the player, Mai, and her Munchlax will head off to the Beachside Camp in the Cobalt Coastlands.
Upon arriving in the Cobalt Coastlands, there will be a rainstorm, and Mai will say that it seems that they have arrived in time for another massive mass outbreak and remind the player of Gaeric’s advice about using Sticky Globs, which could be a big help. She will also tell the player to let her know if the player wants to give Munchlax some Aguav Berries, which will let the player know what Pokemon are gathering in the massive mass outbreaks.
To complete this request, the player must catch or defeat all the Pokemon from three massive mass outbreaks in the Cobalt Coastlands.
The player can give Mai’s Munchlax five Aguav Berries by talking to Mai to find out what Pokemon are appearing at each massive mass outbreak while they are ongoing. The player must catch or defeat all the Pokemon in the mass outbreak to finish investigating the area before the outbreak disappears. Gaeric mentioned that the player could throw Sticky Globs on the Pokemon to slow them down.
The player’s map will not initially show the Pokemon appearing in the massive mass outbreaks unless the player goes to it or Munchlax is fed with Aguav Berries. The Pokemon icons with a sparkling mark on the top left mean that it is a special mass outbreak, while Pokemon icons with an orange berry mark mean that the player may receive Aguav Berries in that mass outbreak. It is also worth noting that additional Pokemon may appear after the player completes the investigation.
As the Massive Mass Outbreaks will only appear when it is raining and will disappear after some time, it is recommended to try out the three massive mass outbreaks nearest to the Beachside Camp unless there are Pokemon in the massive mass outbreaks you want to catch.
Once the massive mass outbreak ends, the player must wait for a new one. The player can restart the map several times until a new massive mass outbreak appears by returning to Jubilife Village and heading back to the Cobalt Coastlands. Once the massive mass outbreaks are back, the map will again not show the Pokemon that will appear in the massive mass outbreaks unless the player goes to it or Munchlax is fed with Aguav Berries.
After catching or defeating all the Pokemon from three Massive Mass Outbreaks in the Crimson Mirelands, head back to Mai, still a little bit east of Professor Laventon in the Beachside Camp, and talk to her. Mai will then tell the player that she is glad she asked the player for help and that they can get information from the Pearl Clan more easily now. After that, Akari/Rei will appear and say they have even more information from the Survey Corps. Professor Laventan has been researching the massive mass outbreaks per Captain Cyllene of the Galaxy Team’s orders. Akari/Rei will say they would be happy to share what they found, but they have one little request first: for the player to battle Akari/Rei and that they will wait for the player at Gingko Landing.
Next, the player must defeat Akari/Rei in battle! Head to Gingko Landing, just east of Mai and her Munchlax. The player will find Akari/Rei near the shore of the beach. Talk to Akari/Rei, and they will say that the player must battle them to learn more about the massive mass outbreaks. Then, after confirming that the player is ready on the prompt, Akari/Rei will say that they need to prove to the player that you can depend on them, then the battle with Akari/Rei will commence!
Akari/Rei’s Pokemon are Clefairy, Mr. Mime, Staraptor, Pikachu, and Grotle/Prinplup/Monferno. With that in mind, it is important to take note of the following:
Akari/Rei’s Clefairy is a Level 60 Fairy-type Pokemon which means it has a weakness to Poison-type and Steel-type moves (super effective), a resistance to the Bug-type, Dark type, and Fighting-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Dragon-type moves (no effect).
Akari/Rei’s Mr. Mime is a Level 61 Fairy and Psychic-type Pokemon which means it has a weakness to Ghost type, Poison type, Steel type moves (super effective), a resistance to Psychic type, and especially Fighting type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Dragon-type moves (no effect).
Akari/Rei’s Staraptor is a Level 61 Normal and Flying type Pokemon which means it has a weakness to Electric-type, Ice type, and Rock-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Bug type and Grass-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Ghost-type and Ground-type moves (no effect).
Akari/Rei’s Pikachu is a Level 62 Electric type Pokemon which means it has a weakness to Ground-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Electric type, Flying type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective).
Suppose the player chooses Cyndaquil as a starter Pokemon. In that case, Akari/Rei will have a Level 62 Grotle, a Grass type Pokemon which has a weakness to the Bug-type, Fire-type, Flying type, Ice type, and Poison type moves (super effective) and resistance to Electric type, Grass type, Ground type, and Water-type moves (not very effective).
Suppose the player chooses Rowlet as a starter Pokemon. In that case, Akari/Rei will have a Level 62 Prinplup, a Water type Pokemon with a weakness to Electric-type and Grass-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Fire-type, Ice-type, Steel type, Water-type moves (not very effective).
Suppose the player chooses Oshawott as a starter Pokemon. In that case, Akari/Rei will have a Level 62 Monferno, a Fire-type Pokemon that has a weakness to Flying-type, Ground-type, Psychic-type, and Water-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Dark-type, Fire-type, Grass-type, Ice-type, Steel-Type, and especially Bug-type moves (not very effective).
After defeating Akari/Rei and all their Pokemon, Akari/Rei will tell the player that they want to become strong like the player as if they could be a worthy opponent, then they know that they could do the Survey Corps proud. Suddenly, their Pikachu will understand how Akari/Rei feels, and Akare/Rei will say that they can get stronger if they can understand each other.
After almost forgetting the reason they battled, Akari/Rei will say that they think that Pokemon are gathering around lingering traces of energy that were left behind by the space-time rift. However, they still need to investigate more to learn how those energy traces relate to rainstorms. Mai will then appear and say that she does not understand what Akari/Rei was saying, but she thinks they sound like they know what they were talking about.
After Akari/Rei leaves, Mai will say that the next place to investigate is the Coronet Highlands, but she has yet to hear a single sighting of a massive mass outbreak in the area. If they hear any sightings there, she will say they should meet up at the Highlands Camp. After that, Mai will reward the player with 30 Tumblestones, 30 Sky Tumblestones, and 30 Iron Chunks for your efforts. The ‘Massive Mass Outbreak in the Coastlands’ Request is now completed!
Now that you have completed the ‘Massive Mass Outbreak in the Coastlands’ Request, you can now try to complete other requests, complete missions, or complete Arceus’ task for you, which is to catch ’em all!