Poke Balls are arguably the most essential item in every Pokemon game because they are used to capture and store Pokemon. Maybe even so, in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, the game’s primary goal is to catch every Pokemon in Hisui Region. In this iteration, however, we are introduced to Poke Balls as something that has just been invented as this game is set way before the modern Pokemon games.

One of the Poke Balls in Pokemon Legends: Arceus is the Gigaton Ball. The Gigaton Ball is a kind of Poke Ball that is highly effective if used on unsuspecting Pokemon but falls quickly to the ground after being thrown and cannot be thrown very far because of its weight. The Leaden Ball is a better and improved version of the Leaden Ball and the ultimate version of the Heavy Ball.
Also introduced in Pokemon Legends: Arceus is a new mechanic called Crafting. With Crafting, you can craft items instead of buying them. With Crafting, you can create various items like Poke Balls, healing items, and more using crafting ingredients found all over the Hisui region. This guide will teach you how to make Gigaton Poke Balls.
Unlock Crafting
It is worth mentioning you can not craft right from the start of the game. However, you do unlock the function early on. After completing the Galaxy Team’s Entry Trial, players will be able to start the Basics of Crafting mission, which is the game’s third mission.
For the Basics of Crafting mission, Akari or Rei will teach you how to craft items by introducing you to the Craftworks, where there will be a Workbench to create items. You can find a Workbench in the Craftworks in Jubilife Village or at the campsite.
Akari or Rei will teach you that you need to see a Pokemon perform a specific move during battle to complete some research task. As you proceed on this mission, you will get to a part where Akari or Rei will instruct you to catch a Buizel, which you would have to battle first before you can catch it. After that, you will have another mission where you will work on Research Tasks. Finish these tasks, and Akari or Rei will reward you with a Crafting Kit for completing the challenges so far.
So, what’s the difference between the Crafting Kit and the Workbench in the Craftworks or at the campsite? The main difference is you can craft items using the items you have in your satchel and the items you have kept in storage with the workbench. Again, you can only access the workbench in the Craftworks and the campsite. On the other hand, with the Crafting Kit, aside from using it anywhere, you can only craft with items you have in your satchel.
Crafting Gigaton Balls
To obtain the crafting recipe for Gigaton Balls, you must first achieve a Seventh Star Rank, and Captain Cyllene will give you the crafting recipe for Gigaton Balls. To craft Gigaton Balls, you need one Apricorn, two Iron Chunks, and two Black Tumblestones.
These crafting materials can be purchased, though you are better off finding them in the overworld as they spawn quite frequently. However, if you do not have time to farm for items, the option to purchase them is still there.
To obtain some Apricorn, you can find Apricorn trees all over the Hisui region: Obsidian Fieldlands, Alabaster Icelands, Cobalt Coastlands, Coronet Highlands, and Crimson Mirelands. There are three Apricorn trees northwest of Horseshoe Plains in Obsidian Fieldlands, and you can obtain at least fifteen Apricorns from this zone alone. To get Apricorn from Apricorn trees, you would need the help of your Pokemon. Aim and throw one of your Pokemon to a tree, then your Pokemon will come out and strike the tree to harvest the Apricorn. The selected Pokemon will also gain experience in helping out.
After catching or defeating Pokemon, Apricorn can also be obtained, specifically Starly, Staravia, Staraptor, and Kricketot.
Alternatively, it is possible to purchase Apricorn for 40 Pokemon Dollars in the Craftworks by talking to Anvin. Additionally, you can pay Colza 500 Pokemon Dollars to plant Apricorn harvests at the Farm in Jubilife Village to get plenty of Apricorns.
Iron Chunks are jagged silver stones you can find and pick up from the ground. If you are looking to farm for some Iron Chunks, many Iron Chunks are lying around all over the western part of the map of the Obsidian Fieldlands. Fortunately, they can easily be found in the Hisui region areas: Obsidian Fieldlands, Crimson Mirelands, Cobalt Coastlands, Coronet Highlands, and Alabaster Icelands.
Iron Chunks can also be obtained after catching or defeating Pokemon, specifically Bronzor, Bronzong, Riolu, Lucario, Glalie, and Nosepass.
Alternatively, it is possible to purchase Iron Chunks for 200 Pokemon Dollars in the Craftworks by talking to Anvin (given it is already added to his wares).
It is worth mentioning that Iron Chunks can also be obtained from harvesting ores (like the ore that will be discussed next) around the Hisui region.
As for Black Tumblestones, you need to find silver stones all over the Hisui region (it looks similar to the regular Tumblestone’s rust-colored stones but in silver). To get Black Tumblestones from these rocks, you would also need the help of one of your Pokemon. You can also do this by throwing out one of your Pokemon, and your Pokemon will come out to strike the rocks and harvest the Black Tumblestone!
There are a lot of Black Tumblestones to harvest on the path up to the Heights Camp at Obsidian Fieldlands. You can also find Black Tumblestones around Crimson Mirelands, Coronet Highlands, Cobalt Coastlands, and Alabaster Icelands, but near the Heights Camp in Obsidian Fieldlands would be the easiest.
Tumblestones can also be obtained after catching or defeating Pokemon, specifically Bonsly, Sudowoodo, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Onix, Cranidos, and Skorupi.
Alternatively, it is possible to purchase Black Tumblestone for 80 Pokemon Dollars in the Craftworks by talking to Anvin.
Now you know how to craft Gigaton Balls in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, start farming for some Apricorn, Iron Chunks, and Black Tumblestones, craft as many Gigaton Balls as you want, and continue the mission Arceus has bestowed upon you to go and catch ’em all!