Top 30 Cute Anime Couples List




Writer and Storywriter

With so many anime couples we have, who do you think rank among the top for being the best or lovely pairings? We shall reveal that to you below. This is a poll done by ANN. I have also added other popular couples that are not included in there.

Top 30 Cute Anime Couples List

Here are the best anime couples that people like!

NameTypeRaritySTAATKDEFSPFCSAVGSoul Trait(Max)Team Effects
KenpachiTechnique5714478246416221415Attack +27Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 11
MayuriMind5709412276406223405Strong attack recharge time -12%Captains, Research & Development Chiefs, Soul Reapers
GrimmjowSpeed5705457248400210404Attack +27Arrancar
Yachiru (Valentine's version)Power5635420248430285404Dodge rate +11Lieutenants, Soul Reapers, Squad 11
NellielSpeed5687420273423210403Strong attack recharge time -12%Arrancar
NnoitoraPower5674458306371190400Strong attack damage +20Arrancar
IchigoPower5701423242411216399Strong attack damage +20Getsuga, Rescuers, The Internal Struggle
SzayelaporroHeart5709400282383221399Dodge rate +11Arrancar
Kaien (New Year version)Mind5679392282396205391Strong attack recharge time -12%Lieutenants, Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Where the Heart Lies
Momo (Valentine's version)Technique5644383233502193391Strong attack damage +20Lieutenants, Lil' Shiro, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 5
AizenMind5692392262389215390Dodge rate +11Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 5, Terrible Ambition
Nelliel (Valentine's version)Mind5657422257413202390Normal attack damage +20Arrancar
Orihime (New Year version)Heart5648320268506206390Recover 20% Stamina between quest areas.Rescuers, What Is a Heart?
Rukia (Valentine's version)Speed5657387260445199390Recover 20% Stamina between quest areas.Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Where the Heart Lies
Byakuya (New Year version)Technique5657392255401237388Strong attack damage +20Captains, Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 6
TessaiTechnique5657392255435202388Strong attack damage +20N/A
IkkakuPower5687403240384219387Strong attack damage +20Soul Reapers, Squad 11
UlquiorraHeart5692382259394207387Strong attack recharge time -12%Arrancar, What Is a Heart?
ShinjiHeart5683387253389219386Dodge rate +11Visored
ChadPower5683395300329217385Strong attack recharge time -12%Rescuers
GenryusaiPower5692392249382210385Fire duration -65%Captains, Soul Reapers, Unconditional Loyalty
OrihimeMind5652328253482206384Recover 20% Stamina between quest areas.Rescuers, What Is a Heart?
IchigoPower5692377264369214383Strong attack recharge time -12%Getsuga, Rescuers, The Internal Struggle
White IchigoTechnique5665384267386210382Strong attack recharge time -12%The Internal Struggle
PescheTechnique5657384282346231380Strong attack recharge time -12%Arrancar
ZangetsuSpeed5652384263389214380Strong attack recharge time -12%Getsuga
HachigenMind5665361258401210379Strong attack damage +20Visored
HiyoriPower5648389262369228379Normal attack damage +20Visored
KenpachiPower5701392240362200379Last-Ditch Survival rate +100Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 11
UruruHeart5679387262337231379Strong attack damage +20N/A
SajinPower5710379277333193378Strong attack damage +20Captains, Soul Reapers, Unconditional Loyalty
Don KanonjiHeart5777333222333222377Strong attack damage +20N/A
UryuTechnique5635338248403262377Dodge rate +11Rescuers
ToshiroSpeed5678366251369214376Freeze duration -65%Captains, Lil' Shiro, Soul Reapers, Squad 10
ByakuyaHeart5660312268382251375Dodge rate +11Captains, Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 6
YoruichiSpeed5640377260372224375Dodge rate +11Old Friends, Rescuers, Stealth Force Commanders
UryuMind5661330242383255374Dodge rate +11Rescuers
KanameSpeed5678356266342221373Confusion duration -65%Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 9, Terrible Ambition
Soi FonSpeed5644372258365228373Strong attack recharge time -12%Captains, Soul Reapers, Stealth Force Commanders
MayuriTechnique5648356262369219371Poison duration -65%Captains, Research & Development Chiefs, Soul Reapers
RetsuTechnique5631305251472178367Recover 20% Stamina between quest areas.Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 4
RenjiHeart5604347222298184331Attack +27Lieutenants, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 6
NellielMind4547269228314153302Spiritual Pressure +21Arrancar
RoseSpeed4617255215245173301Stamina +40Visored
Soi Fon (Valentine's version)Heart4544290227259165297Attack +21Captains, Soul Reapers, Stealth Force Commanders
GantenbainnePower4595267222233164296Stamina +40Arrancar
MashiroTechnique4587259217258160296Normal attack damage +16Visored
NnoitoraHeart4536284268252139296Defense +21Arrancar
Rangiku (Valentine's version)Power4544263225278170296Spiritual Pressure +21Lieutenants, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 10
Rukia (New Year version)Speed4547255227282166295Spiritual Pressure +21Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Where the Heart Lies
GrimmjowPower4552284214269152294Attack +21Arrancar
GrimmjowSpeed4552284214269152294Attack +21Arrancar
DordoniSpeed4566270214245165292Damage taken -12%Arrancar
KisukeHeart4529260222294152291Spiritual Pressure +21Old Friends, Research & Development Chiefs
LoveHeart4572253217255157291Strong attack damage +16Visored
RenjiSpeed4572269220235157291Strong attack damage +16Lieutenants, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 6
Ichigo (New Year version)Power4540263227254165290Strong attack damage +16Getsuga, Rescuers, The Internal Struggle
LisaTechnique4528278222259163290Attack +21Visored
LisaMind4528278222259163290Attack +21Visored
LovePower4563262212264148290Fire duration -55%Visored
SajinPower4567260255225141290Defense +21Captains, Soul Reapers, Unconditional Loyalty
SajinSpeed4567260255225141290Defense +21Captains, Soul Reapers, Unconditional Loyalty
SzayelaporroMind4521243240276168290Defense +21Arrancar
GenryusaiSpeed4552261212264154289Fire duration -55%Captains, Soul Reapers, Unconditional Loyalty
RenjiPower4572263220235157289Strong attack damage +16Lieutenants, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 6
IkkakuPower4596263214225141288Stamina +40Soul Reapers, Squad 11
IkkakuSpeed4588263214225149288Stamina +40Soul Reapers, Squad 11
KenseiHeart4566252209266147288Dodge rate +9Visored
YumichikaHeart4556250220259155288Normal attack damage +16Soul Reapers, Squad 11
CirucciTechnique4506240222292175287Spiritual Pressure +21Arrancar
GenryusaiPower4552255212264154287Fire duration -55%Captains, Soul Reapers, Unconditional Loyalty
IllfortTechnique4547253243240151287Defense +21Arrancar, Grimmjow's Fracciónes
KisukeTechnique4529260222273152287Crystal drop +13Old Friends, Research & Development Chiefs
ShawlongSpeed4556255225245153287Normal attack damage +16Arrancar, Grimmjow's Fracciónes
MashiroSpeed4540250217257168286Strong attack recharge time -10%Visored
Shinji (Yukata version)Mind4528274219254157286Attack +21Visored
ShunsuiHeart4522274214259162286Attack +21Captains, Soul Reapers
RoseTechnique4559253210240164285Strong attack recharge time -10%Visored
MomoMind4544258220242157284Fire duration -55%Lieutenants, Lil' Shiro, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 5
ToshiroMind4541252214254157284Freeze duration -55%Captains, Lil' Shiro, Soul Reapers, Squad 10
AizenHeart4537252217257152283Dodge rate +9Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 5, Terrible Ambition
EdradPower4540257227242148283Fire duration -55%Arrancar, Grimmjow's Fracciónes
RangikuTechnique4513248214285154283Spiritual Pressure +21Lieutenants, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 10
RangikuHeart4513248214285154283Spiritual Pressure +21Lieutenants, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 10
AizenTechnique4537246217257152282Dodge rate +9Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 5, Terrible Ambition
IzuruTechnique4519252217264157282Slow duration -56%Lieutenants, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 3
ToshiroSpeed4541246214254157282Freeze duration -55%Captains, Lil' Shiro, Soul Reapers, Squad 10
Gin (Yukata version)Heart4521257219247161281Strong attack recharge time -10%Captains, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 3, Terrible Ambition
IzuruMind4519246217264157281Slow duration -56%Lieutenants, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 3
JushiroMind4491253208287165281Spiritual Pressure +21Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 13
JushiroTechnique4491259208281165281Strong attack recharge time -10%Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 13
LuppiHeart4506250216261172281Poison duration -55%Arrancar
Soi FonMind4510256220252168281Normal attack damage +16Soul Reapers, Squad 11
YumichikaTechnique4526250220259149281Strong attack recharge time -10%Captains, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 3, Terrible Ambition
GinMind4510259219249165280Confusion duration -55%Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 9, Terrible Ambition
KanameMind4529246225240162280Confusion duration -55%Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 9, Terrible Ambition
MayuriHeart4514246222254162280Paralysis duration -55%Captains, Research & Development Chiefs, Soul Reapers
Soi FonSpeed4510250220252168280Poison duration -55%Captains, Soul Reapers, Stealth Force Commanders
Soi FonTechnique4510256220252168281Dodge rate +9%Captains, Death in Three Strikes, Masters of Stealth, Soul Reapers, Squad 2, Sting All Enemies to Death!
GinSpeed4510253219249165279Strong attack recharge time -10%Captains, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 3, Terrible Ambition
KanameSpeed4529240225240162279Confusion duration -55%Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 9, Terrible Ambition
RukiaHeart4536232182266179279Strong attack damage +16Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Where the Heart Lies
MayuriTechnique4514240222254162278Paralysis duration -55%Captains, Research & Development Chiefs, Soul Reapers
RukiaPower4525236217254154277Freeze duration -55%Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Where the Heart Lies
Byakuya KuchikiTechnique4510226196264186276Normal attack damage +16%Brooding Eyes, Captains, Pride of the Kuchikis, Scatter!, Soul Reapers, Squad 6, The Fate of the Kuchiki's
Ikkaku (Raid Reward)Mind4556247219216148277Defense +15
Extend!, Soul Reapers, Squad 11, Team Hitsugaya
RukiaSpeed4525236217254154277Freeze duration -55%Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Where the Heart Lies
Mashiro Kuna (Raid Reward)Mind
4510229212273160277Spiritual Pressure +15Soul Reapers, Visored
Kensei Muguruma (Raid Reward)Power4566216224237154279Defense +15Soul Reapers, Visored
ByakuyaSpeed4510226196264186276Strong attack recharge time -10%Captains, Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 6
Kaname TosenHeart4529246225240162280Spiritual Pressure +21Captains, , Squad 9, Terrible Ambition, The Way of Justice
Ikkaku Madarame (Raid Reward)Mind4556247219216148277Defense +15Extend!, Soul Reapers, Squad 11, Team Hitsugaya
Toshiro Hitsugaya (Raid Reward)Technique4529215214230159269Spiritual Pressure +15Captains, Deep Freeze, Fellow Shiros, Lil' Shiro, Reign Over the Frosted Heavens!, Soul Reapers, Squad 10, Team Hitsugaya
Findorr CaliusTechnique4514240222254162278Paralysis duration -55%Arrancar
Gin Ichimaru (Raid Reward)Technique4480232214250172270Focus +15Captains, Memory of a Vow, Sly Smiles, Soul Reapers, Squad 3, Terrible Ambition
Kisuke Urahara (Raid Reward)Power4479229192244124254Attack +15Keeping Shop, Old Friends, Research & Development Pioneers, Soul Reapers, Urahara's Shop
Love Aikawa (Raid Reward)Technique4553241202240145276Attack +15Soul Reapers, Visored
Yumichika Ayasegawa (Raid Reward)Speed4504229225250146271Defense +15Beauty and Beauty?, Soul Reapers, Squad 11, Team Hitsugaya, Tear in Frenzy!
Mayuri KurotsuchiMind4514246222254162280Spiritual Pressure +21Captains, Mad Scientists, Research & Development Pioneers, Soul Reapers, Squad 12, Tear Him Up!, The Doctor Will See You Now
Ichigo Kurosaki (Raid Reward)Heart4540231221239160278Attack +15Decisive Battle, Getsuga, One Body, Protectors, Soul Reapers, Substitute Soul Reapers, The Internal Struggle, The Power to Protect
Retsu Unohana (Raid Reward)Speed4489195204252129254Spiritual Pressure +15Captains, Genuine Elegance, Soul Reapers, Squad 4,
ByakuyaMind4510226196264186276Strong attack recharge time -10%Captains, Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 6
Kugo Ginjo (Raid Reward)Heart4547232217254151280Defense +15Fullbringers, Humans, Substitute Soul Reapers
Byakuya KuchikiPower4510226196264186276Strong attack damage +16%Brooding Eyes, Captains, Pride of the Kuchikis, Scatter!, Soul Reapers, Squad 6, The Fate of the Kuchiki's
Soi Fon (Raid Reward)Heart4500219205258160268Spiritual Pressure +15Captains, Death in Three Strikes, Masters of Stealth, Soul Reapers, Squad 2, Sting All Enemies to Death!
Yumichika AyasegawaTechnique4526250220259149281Normal attack damage +16%Beauty and Beauty?, Soul Reapers, Squad 11, Team Hitsugaya, Tear in Frenzy!
Rukia Kuchiki (Raid Reward)Mind4513225207240126262Spiritual Pressure +15A Childhood Pact, Bearers of Bonds and Duties, Dance!, Pride of the Kuchikis, Protectors, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Team Hitsugaya, The Forest of Menos Guide, Where the Heart Lies
Momo HinamoriSpeed4574243215223141279Normal attack damage +16%Admiration and Affection, Lieutenants, Lil' Shiro, Snap!, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 5
Charlotte ChuhlhourneTechnique451424022254162278Poison duration -55%Arrancar, Beauty and Beauty?
Charlotte ChuhlhourneHeart451424022254162278Poison duration -55%Arrancar, Beauty and Beauty?
Rangiku Matsumoto (Raid Reward)Mind4513237214245151272Attack +15Buxom Beauties, Growl!, Lieutenants, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 10, Team Hitsugaya
Rangiku MatsumotoSpeed4508250219267149279Strong attack recharge time -10%Buxom Beauties, Growl!, Lieutenants, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 10, Team Hitsugaya
Sosuke Aizen (Raid Reward)Power4507240217253144272Attack +15Captains, Haughty Schemers, Soul Reapers, Squad 5, Terrible Ambition
Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto (Raid Reward)Heart4532239192250141271Defense +15Assured Authority, Captains, Head Captain's Protégés, Soul Reapers, Unconditional Loyalty
Momo Hinamori (Raid Reward)Heart4534252200223139270Attack +15Admiration and Affection, Lieutenants, Lil' Shiro, Snap!, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 5
Cirucci SanderwicciSpeed4484235222287170280Strong attack recharge time -10%Arrancar
Shunsui Kyoraku (Raid Reward)Speed4512247204250149272Attack +15Captains, Floating World Dandies, Flower Wind Stirs and Flower God Cry!, Head Captain's Protégés, Soul Reapers, Squad 8
Izuru Kira (Raid Reward)Power4507235207250144269Focus +15Lieutenants, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 3
Mashiro (Raid Reward) Kuchiki (Raid Reward)Technique4500219229255161273Defense +15Brooding Eyes, Captains, Pride of the Kuchikis, Scatter!, Soul Reapers, Squad 6, The Fate of the Kuchiki's
Jushiro Ukitake (Raid Reward)Power4491237208272152272Spiritual Pressure +15All Waves Become My Shield!, Captains, Fellow Shiros, Head Captain's Protégés, Kind-Hearted Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 13
Jushiro UkitakeSpeed4491239158260195269Strong attack recharge time -10%All Waves Become My Shield!, Captains, Fellow Shiros, Head Captain's Protégés, Kind-Hearted Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 13
RetsuTechnique4499195214328132274Paralysis duration -55%Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 4
Retsu UnohanaMind4499195214328132274Strong attack recharge time -10%Captains, Genuine Elegance, Soul Reapers, Squad 4
RetsuHeart4499195214328132274Paralysis duration -55%Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 4
Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Raid Reward)Mind4504219212245164269Focus +15Captains, Mad Scientists, Research & Development Pioneers, Soul Reapers, Squad 12, Tear Him Up!, The Doctor Will See You Now
IchigoPower3410183157209115215Stamina +28Getsuga, Rescuers, The Internal Struggle
IchigoHeart3410183157209115215Stamina +28Getsuga, Rescuers, The Internal Struggle
KenpachiPower3393206155200106212Attack +15Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 11
KenpachiHeart3393206155200106212Attack +15Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 11
SajinPower3398192186180102212Defense +15Captains, Soul Reapers, Unconditional Loyalty
SajinHeart3398192186180102212Defense +15Captains, Soul Reapers, Unconditional Loyalty
RukiaSpeed3376183158217119211Freeze duration -35%Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Where the Heart Lies
RukiaHeart3376183158217119211Freeze duration -35%Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Where the Heart Lies
KisukeHeart3382185163212110210Coin drop +11%Old Friends, Research & Development Chiefs
KisukeMind3382185163212110210Coin drop +11%Old Friends, Research & Development Chiefs
ShinjiTechnique3384193156207110210Normal attack damage +12Visored
White IchigoHeart3382191152208115210Normal attack damage +12The Internal Struggle
White IchigoSpeed3382191152208115210Normal attack damage +12The Internal Struggle
YoruichiSpeed3366186158206136210Focus +15Old Friends, Rescuers, Stealth Force Commanders
YoruichiHeart3366186158206136210Focus +15Old Friends, Rescuers, Stealth Force Commanders
KaienPower3382191152213106209Paralysis duration -35%Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Where the Heart Lies
ByakuyaMind3359178165212126208Strong attack recharge time -6%Captains, Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 6
ByakuyaSpeed3359178165212126208Strong attack recharge time -6%Captains, Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 6
JushiroTechnique3354186152229117208Spiritual Pressure +15Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 13
JushiroMind3354186152229117208Spiritual Pressure +15Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 13
Shuhei HisagiPower3383186156204110208Attack +17Lieutenants, Reap!, Seireitei Bulletin Editorial Team, Soul Reapers, Squad 9
ShunsuiPower3377186156208115208Normal attack damage +12Captains, Soul Reapers
ShunsuiMind3377186156208115208Normal attack damage +12Captains, Soul Reapers
YumichikaTechnique3359198165208108208Attack +15Soul Reapers, Squad 11
YumichikaHeart3359198165208108208Attack +15Soul Reapers, Squad 11
MomoTechnique3359178158221112206Fire duration -35%Lieutenants, Lil' Shiro, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 5
MomoMind3359178158221112206Fire duration -35%Lieutenants, Lil' Shiro, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 5
RangikuTechnique3370183161208110206Strong attack damage +12Lieutenants, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 10
RangikuMind3370183161208110206Strong attack damage +12Lieutenants, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 10
Shuhei HisagiMind3373186156204110206Strong attack damage +12%Lieutenants, Reap!, Seireitei Bulletin Editorial Team, Soul Reapers, Squad 9
ToshiroSpeed3370181156204120206Freeze duration -35%Captains, Lil' Shiro, Soul Reapers, Squad 10
ToshiroMind3370181156204120206Freeze duration -35%Captains, Lil' Shiro, Soul Reapers, Squad 10
ChadPower3382193163180106205Damage taken -10%Rescuers
ChadHeart3382193163180106205Damage taken -10%Rescuers
GinSpeed3356186161200121205Strong attack damage +12Captains, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 3, Terrible Ambition
GinMind3356186161200121205Strong attack damage +12Captains, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 3, Terrible Ambition
IkkakuPower3390195156180102205Last-Ditch Survival rate +68Soul Reapers, Squad 11
IkkakuHeart3390195156180102205Last-Ditch Survival rate +68Soul Reapers, Squad 11
IzuruTechnique3354181158212120205Slow duration -35%Lieutenants, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 3
IzuruMind3354181158212120205Slow duration -35%Lieutenants, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 3
Soi FonSpeed3356183162202123205Slow duration -35%Captains, Soul Reapers, Stealth Force Commanders
Soi FonHeart3356183162202123205Slow duration -35%Captains, Soul Reapers, Stealth Force Commanders
KanameSpeed3370175165188124204Confusion duration -35%Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 9, Terrible Ambition
KanameMind3370175165188124204Confusion duration -35%Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 9, Terrible Ambition
MayuriTechnique3359175163204120204Poison duration -35%Captains, Research & Development Chiefs, Soul Reapers
MayuriMind3359175163204120204Poison duration -35%Captains, Research & Development Chiefs, Soul Reapers
RenjiPower3382188160180110204Strong attack damage +12Lieutenants, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 6
RenjiHeart3382188160180110204Strong attack damage +12Lieutenants, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 6
OrihimeTechnique3348142156257103201Recover 12% Stamina between quest areas.Rescuers, What Is a Heart?
OrihimeHeart3348142156257103201Recover 12% Stamina between quest areas.Rescuers, What Is a Heart?
UryuSpeed3360177119208139201Normal attack damage +12Rescuers
UryuMind3360177119208139201Normal attack damage +12Rescuers
Orihime Inoue (Swimsuit version)Mind3365145154258112207Recover 12% Stamina between quest areasHumans, Protectors, Pure Hearts, What Is a Heart?
Renji Abarai (Swimsuit version)Power3376188157203115208Strong attack damage +12%A Childhood Pact, Lieutenants, Protectors, Roar!, Shouting Never Solved Anything, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 6, Stray Dogs, Team Hitsugaya
Byakuya Kuchiki (Swimsuit version)Technique3382178154205122208Strong attack recharge time -6%Brooding Eyes, Captains, Pride of the Kuchikis, Scatter!, Soul Reapers, Squad 6, The Fate of the Kuchiki's
Rukia Kuchiki (Swimsuit version)Heart3370188173201119210Defense +15A Childhood Pact, Bearers of Bonds and Duties, Dance!, Pride of the Kuchikis, Protectors, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Team Hitsugaya, The Forest of Menos Guide, Where the Heart Lies
Ichigo Kurosaki (Swimsuit version)Speed3387193160205112211Attack +15Decisive Battle, Getsuga, One Body, Protectors, Soul Reapers, Substitute Soul Reapers, The Internal Struggle, The Power to Protect
Ichigo Kurosaki (Swimsuit version)Mind3387193160205112211Strong attack damage +14%Decisive Battle, Getsuga, One Body, Protectors, Soul Reapers, Substitute Soul Reapers, The Internal Struggle, The Power to Protect
Orihime Inoue (Halloween version)Speed3382145154262118212Recover 12% Stamina between quest areasHappy Halloween!, Humans, Protectors, Pure Hearts, Trick or Treat!, What Is a Heart?
Orihime Inoue (Halloween version)Mind3382145154262118212Recover 12% Stamina between quest areasHappy Halloween!, Humans, Protectors, Pure Hearts, Trick or Treat!, What Is a Heart?
Orihime Inoue (Swimsuit version)Heart3398145154258112213Recover 12% Stamina between quest areasHumans, Protectors, Pure Hearts, What Is a Heart?
Byakuya Kuchiki (Swimsuit version)Power3423178154205122216Normal attack damage +14%Brooding Eyes, Captains, Pride of the Kuchikis, Scatter!, Soul Reapers, Squad 6, The Fate of the Kuchiki's
Renji Abarai (Swimsuit version)Speed3407188157203115214Strong attack recharge time -6%A Childhood Pact, Lieutenants, Protectors, Roar!, Shouting Never Solved Anything, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 6, Stray Dogs, Team Hitsugaya
Ichigo Kurosaki (Halloween version)Power3407180159209119215Normal attack damage +14%Decisive Battle, Getsuga, Happy Halloween!, One Body, Protectors, Soul Reapers, Substitute Soul Reapers, The Internal Struggle, The Power to Protect, Trick or Treat!
Renji Abarai (Halloween version)Technique3418187157214118219Stamina +28A Childhood Pact, Happy Halloween!, Lieutenants, Protectors, Roar!, Shouting Never Solved Anything, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 6, Stray Dogs, Team Hitsugaya, Trick or Treat!
Rukia Kuchiki (Swimsuit version)Technique3402188173201119217Freeze duration -37%A Childhood Pact, Bearers of Bonds and Duties, Dance!, Pride of the Kuchikis, Protectors, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Team Hitsugaya, The Forest of Menos Guide, Where the Heart Lies
Rangiku Matsumoto (Halloween version)Speed3390192156223110214Strong attack damage +14%Buxom Beauties, Growl!, Happy Halloween!, Lieutenants, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 10, Team Hitsugaya, Trick or Treat!
Ichigo Kurosaki (Halloween version)Heart3407180159209119215Strong attack damage +12%Decisive Battle, Getsuga, Happy Halloween!, One Body, Protectors, Soul Reapers, Substitute Soul Reapers, The Internal Struggle, The Power to Protect, Trick or Treat!
Uryu Ishida (Halloween version)Speed3368188155217141214Focus +15Comedy Duo, Happy Halloween!, Humans, Pride of the Quincies, Protectors, Trick or Treat!
Rangiku Matsumoto (Halloween version)Mind3390192156223110214Damage taken -10%Buxom Beauties, Growl!. Happy Halloween!, Lieutenants, Memory of a Vow, Soul Reapers, Squad 10, Team Hitsugaya, Trick or Treat!
IchigoHeart225313911014780146Attack +9Getsuga, Rescuers, The Internal Struggle
RukiaSpeed224912311115592146Focus +9Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Where the Heart Lies
KukakuPower225312711515080145Attack +9Pyrotechnicians
ChadPower226513811413074144Attack +9Rescuers
HanataroMind22619110817974143Stamina +20Soul Reapers, Squad 4
OrihimeTechnique22299311019078140Spiritual Pressure +9Rescuers, What Is a Heart?
UryuSpeed222912573150114138Focus +9Rescuers
MuramasaTechnique22619611117680145Stamina +20Soul Reapers,Your Voice Doesn't Reach Me,Zanpakuto
Sogyo No KotowariHeart224713111015978145Attack +9All Waves Become My Shield!, Soul Reapers, Zanpakuto
HainekoSpeed224512311215187144Focus +9Catfight, Growl!, Soul Reapers, Zanpakuto
HozukimaruSpeed22599911417377144Stamina +20Extend!, Soul Reapers, Zanpakuto
Lisa YadomaruHeart224513910915079144Attack +9Soul Reapers, Visored
Ruri'iro KujakuMind224513111914777144Attack +9Soul Reapers, Tear in Frenzy!, Zanpakuto
Shinji HirakoSpeed22469711118880144Spiritual Pressure +9Soul Reapers, Visored
Sode No ShirayukiHeart224111910916487144Focus +9Dance!, Soul Reapers, Zanpakuto
SuzumebachiSpeed225313511114380144Attack +9Soul Reapers, Sting All Enemies to Death! , Zanpakuto
HyorinmaruPower224313811314677143Attack +9Reign Over the Frosted Heavens!, Soul Reapers, Zanpakuto
Katen KyokotsuPower22419711118480143Spiritual Pressure +9Flower Wind Stirs and Flower God Cry!, Soul Reapers, Zanpakuto
KazeshiniHeart224313511914277143Attack +9Reap!, Soul Reapers, , Zanpakuto
Kensei MugurumaTechnique224513611215074143Attack +9Soul Reapers, Visored
KonPower22619110817974143Stamina +20One Body
SenbonzakuraMind22457611218278143Spiritual Pressure +9Problem Children, Scatter!, Soul Reapers, Zanpakuto
TobiumeMind223913611214981143Attack +9Catfight, Snap!, Soul Reapers,
ZabimaruTechnique22459811418077143Spiritual Pressure +9Problem Children, Roar!, Soul Reapers, Zanpakuto
Ashido KanoHeart222512897159102142Attack +9Soul Reapers, The Forest of Menos Guide
Koga KuchikiTechnique223514310514287142Focus +9
Soul Reapers, The Fate of the Kuchiki's, Your Voice Doesn't Reach Me
UlquiorraHeart224711310716578142Spiritual Pressure +9Arrancar, Dark Squadron, Decisive Battle, Espada, What Is a Heart?
Ashisogi JizoTechnique223912281149107140Focus +9Soul Reapers, Tear Him Up!, Zanpakuto
Mashiro KunaTechnique224612675150105140Focus +9Soul Reapers, Visored
TenkenPower224912577139110140Focus +9Soul Reapers, Tenken!, Zanpakuto
Ambassador SeaweedMind2222111111111111133Spiritual Pressure +9None
IchigoHeart121695819747107Stamina +20Getsuga, Rescuers, The Internal Struggle
GanjuMind120885909947106Defense +9Pyrotechnicians
Renji Abarai (Raid Reward)Technique4530242235236154279Defense +15A Childhood Pact, Lieutenants, Protectors, Roar!, Shouting Never Solved Anything, Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066, Soul Reapers, Squad 6, Stray Dogs, Team Hitsugaya
RukiaSpeed1193888710848105Spiritual Pressure +9Pride of the Kuchikis, Soul Reapers, Squad 13, Where the Heart Lies
Kaname TosenTechnique4529246225240162280Confusion duration -55%Captains, Soul Reapers, Squad 9, Terrible Ambition, The Way of Justice
ChadPower120892938643104Defense +9Rescuers
OrihimeTechnique1178598113351100Spiritual Pressure +9Rescuers, What Is a Heart?
UryuSpeed11789946996998Attack +9Rescuers

Kirito x Asuna – Sword Art Online

Kirito x Asuna

Source: KahoOkashii

Koyomi Araragi x Hitagi Senjōgahara – Monogatari Series

Koyomi x Hitagi

Source: Photo Bucket

Toma Kamijo x Mikoto Misaka – A Certain Magical Index

Toma Kamijo x Mikoto Misaka

Naruto x Hinata – Naruto

Naruto x Hinata

Source: Zeetah

Saito x Louise – The Familiar of Zero

Saito x LouiseSource: Hime-sama98

Tomoya Okazaki x Nagisa Furukawa – Clannad

Tomoya Okazaki x Nagisa Furukawa

Ryūji Takasu x Taiga Aisaka – Toradora!

Ryūji Takasu x Taiga Aisaka

Source: Wallpaper

Sogo Okita x Kagura – Gintama

Sogo Okita x Kagura

Source: TohyaAkira

Shinichi Kudo x Ran Mōri – Case Closed

Shinichi Kudo x Ran Mōri

Inuyasha x Kagome – Inuyasha

Inuyasha x Kagome

Source: auxeru

Yūta Togashi x Rikka Takanashi – Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!

Yūta Togashi x Rikka Takanashi

Source: pixiv

Kira Yamato x Lacus Clyne – Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny

Kira Yamato x Lacus Clyne

Source: NamieyXcarletLaytis

Toshiro Hijikata x Mitsuba Okita – Gintama

Toshiro Hijikata x Mitsuba Okita

Usui Takumi x Misaki Ayuzawa – Kaichou wa Maid-Sama!

Usui Takumi x Misaki Ayuzawa

Shota Kazehaya x Sawako Kuronuma – Kimi ni Todoke – From Me to You

Shota Kazehaya x Sawako Kuronuma

Source: untallie

This is the continuation of the list with the next 15 couples.

Sorata Kanda x Mashiro Shiina – The Pet Girl of Sakurasou

Sorata Kanda x Mashiro Shiina

Kyōsuke Kōsaka x Kirino Kōsaka – Oreimo

Kyōsuke Kōsaka x Kirino Kōsaka

Holo x Lawrence – Spice & Wolf

Holo x Lawrence

Source: Tumblr

Rintarō Okabe x Kurisu Makise – Steins;Gate

Rintarō Okabe x Kurisu Makise

Edward x Winry – Fullmetal Alchemist

Edward x Winry

Source: fanpop

Natsu Dragneel x Lucy Heartfillia – Fairy Tail

Natsu Dragneel x Lucy Heartfillia

Source: Wikia

Shuuya Kano x Tsubomi Kido – Mekaku City Actors

Shuuya Kano x Tsubomi Kido

Source: Enara-chan

Mabuchi x Futaba – Ao Haru Ride

Mabuchi x Futaba

Source: MintKaty

Mikiya Kokutō x Shiki Ryōgi – The Garden of Sinners

Mikiya Kokutō x Shiki Ryōgi

Kojō Akatsuki x Yukina Himeragi – Strike the Blood

Kojō Akatsuki x Yukina Himeragi

Source: Badtara

Gajeel x Levy – Fairy Tail

Gajeel x Levy

Yato x Hiyori Iki – Noragami

Yato x Hiyori Iki

Yuno x Yukiteru – Mirai Nikki

Yuno x Yukiteru

Kei x Hikari – Special A

Kei x Hikari

Hōtarō Oreki x Eru Chitanda – Hyōka

Hōtarō Oreki x Eru Chitanda

References: MyTopTen, ANN, Deviant Art

Veromos Dark

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