How to Romance River Guide in Cyberpunk 2077



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. In her free time, she streams video games with friends and creates PC game content, including clips and videos, on YouTube.

Learn how to romance River in Cyberpunk 2077 and become his lover!

How to Romance River Guide in Cyberpunk 2077

With so many interesting and unique interactions in Cyberpunk 2077, each decision and each reaction you make will impact how the game panes out.

The same goes for interacting with River. He will have three main missions for you, and this interaction will go interestingly.

What I mean by an interesting way is that you can have a relationship with River if you choose to do so and if you play your cards right. Like I said, each decision matters, so you must choose the correct ones to romance him.

How to Romance River in Cyberpunk 2077

The first mission you get from him doesn’t matter. You can play the first one and react as you wish. But the other two, i.e., “The Hunt” and “Following the River,” are the most important ones.

Below, we will outline each reaction you need to do and what you need to do at certain points.

The Hunt

  1. When in the car at the beginning of the mission, answer River with Wouldn’t let go if I were you.
  2. Talking to Dr. Packard: “Who are you?” > “Talking about saving a child’s life here.” > “NCPD won’t solve this.” > “Hasn’t let me down yet.” > “I want to see for myself.”
  3. Again, in the car with River, react the following way: “Didn’t tell me you got fired.” > “Shouldn’t we be looking for Harris’s Place?” > “Think Yawen’ll help?” > “Sign me up for that beer.”
  4. After that, you will be talking to Joss. Here is what you need to pick: “Randy’s been taken.” > “Guy who did it got caught.” > “Need to look through Randy’s stuff.”
  5. Soon after, find the laptop under the bed, and there is a clue in the record player; interact with those two. bed cyber
  6. When you see Joss again: “Know more tomorrow.” > “River’s a great investigator.” > “Course.”
  7. On the Hunt mission, scan everything when you’re watching the recording! If you have to make a choice, choose “Edgewood Farm.”
  8. When going to Edgewood Farm: “It’s gotta work.”
  9. When you successfully save Randy: “What’s your plan?” > “I’ll help you.”

Soon after, the Hunt mission will end. When you get a phone call from River, say: “Sure, I love to.” and then “Missed you too.”

Following the River

  1. If you’re sitting down eating, choose these choices: “No problem. They’re great kids.” > “Like to have one someday.” > “Out to set me up with River?” > “*Raise your hand* I do.” river romance last step
  2. Soon after, when on top of the tower with River, follow these choices: “*Sit* Love this spot, too.” > “*Take* What’s the occasion?” > “I can see what you’re doin.” > “Just don’t fall in love.” > *Kiss.*

I don’t want to reveal any spoilers after that, and I would much rather not speak of what happens next. All I can say is that this game is rated M for mature!

Soon after the cut-scene finishes, you will talk with River again, and you can choose these decisions since the main topic will be whether to go into a relationship.

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