It is once again Friday in the world of Destiny 2, and you know what that means: Xur time. Xur, the mysterious Agent of the Nine, typically shows up on this day with a sack of goodies, and hangs around until the game’s weekly reset on Tuesday. Below in this week’s edition of the Destiny 2 Xur report, we’ll tell you where he’s set up shop and what he has to offer.

Xur location: Tower Hangar
Xur is chilling in the Tower Hangar this week. When you spawn in, turn left, run down to where Amanda Holliday is, then hook a left. Just before you reach the end of the Hangar, there’ll be a set of stairs you can climb. Go up those, and you’ll find Xur standing on the grate off to your right.
Now, let’s examine the Xur inventory for the week.
Xur’s inventory
Exotic Engram
Is there still an Exotic you’re after? If so, you can buy an Exotic Engram from Xur. You’re limited to one per week, but still, one per week can get you toward finally completing your collection.
COST: 97 Legendary Shards.
Two-Tailed Fox (Exotic Rocket Launcher)
What’s better than one Rocket Launcher? How about two? That’s essentially what you’re getting with Two-Tailed Fox, an Exotic Rocket Launcher that enables you to fire two missiles at once. One Void missile flies in to suppress your enemies. The next, a Solar missile, then lands with a punch and burns them down.
COST: 29 Legendary Shards.
STOMP-EE5 (Hunter Leg Armor)
If you want your Hunter to move like lightning, I suggest you pick up a pair of STOMP-EE5. These Exotic Legs buff sprinting, sliding, and jumping. The jumping part is especially useful if you’re the type of person who has a LOT of trouble with the game’s jumping puzzles.
- Mobility: +18
- Resilience: +10
- Recovery: +2
- Discipline: +2
- Intellect: +14
- Strength: +13
- TOTAL: 59
COST: 23 Legendary Shards.
Severance Enclosure (Titan Chest Armor)
You punch things, they go boom. That’s basically the promise of the Titan Chest Armor known as Severance Enclosure. Your finishers generate an explosion, as do powered melee kills. If you’re someone who engages in less shooting and more hand-to-hand combat, you might really enjoy this armor.
- Mobility: +6
- Resilience: +14
- Recovery: +12
- Discipline: +6
- Intellect: +21
- Strength: +2
- TOTAL: 61
COST: 23 Legendary Shards.
Chromatic Fire (Warlock Chest Armor)
If you want to turn a Kinect weapon into a not-so-Kinect weapon, Chromatic Fire will definitely be your jam. Precision final blows will create an elemental explosion that’ll match the Light subclass (Light! No Stasis) you have equipped. This could be very helpful for higher level activities where you need to cover a few different elements at once.
- Mobility: +2
- Resilience: +16
- Recovery: +15
- Discipline: +13
- Intellect: +8
- Strength: +10
- TOTAL: 64
COST: 23 Legendary Shards.
Exotic Cipher Quest
This week’s Exotic Cipher Quest requires you to either complete 21 points worth of Strikes, or earn 21 points by winning matches in Crucible or Gambit. You’ll get extra progress for “more challenging activities and for succeeding with clanmates.”
And that is your Destiny 2 Xur Report for the week! Hope the weekend is good to you, Guardians.