Learn about the best legendary gems for the Wizard class in Diablo Immortal!

Fighting at close range might not be everyone’s cup of tea, so ranged casters such as the Wizard and Necromancer exist in Diablo Immortal. If you prefer fighting from afar and dealing as much damage as possible from the back lines, then the Wizard is probably the class for you.
The Wizard brings a combination of AoE damage, crowd-control, and status effects to the battlefield but mostly relies on powerful AoE skills to deal as much burst damage as possible in one go.
With that in mind, we have listed the best Legendary Gems you can use on the Wizard class in Diablo Immortal that can help maximize the class’ effectiveness when dealing with Dungeons and bosses in-game.
Wizard Class Overview

The Wizard is a high DPS ranged caster that can unleash a ton of damage on groups of enemies through various elemental spells. Some of the Wizard’s abilities can also inflict status effects such as slow, knockback, and burn, making it a great PvE class that can clear dungeons quickly.
The Wizard class is squishier than tankier classes such as the Barbarian or Crusader but is considerably more mobile than those classes. The Wizard class’s teleport ability is its bread and butter, allowing it to position itself wherever necessary around the battlefield. The same ability helps ensure the Wizard’s high-damage AoE abilities land perfectly every time.
As a class dependent on quick bursts of AoE damage, the Wizard can benefit significantly from Legendary Gems that increase overall damage output. We have listed some of the best Legendary Gems for the Wizard in the section below.
Best Legendary Gems for the Wizard Class in Diablo Immortal
The Wizard relies on burst damage to clear enemies before they even come anywhere near the Wizard on the battlefield. Legendary Gems that improve the Wizard’s overall DPS can help add that little bit of zing to the Wizard’s spells and help unleash tons of damage between cooldowns.
1-star Legendary Gems
- Berserker’s Eye
- Ca’arsen’s Invigoration
- Trickshot Gem
Berserker’s Eye is one of the best 1-star Legendary Gems in the game. Berserker’s Eye provides a 5% damage buff but increases the damage the holder takes by 6%. While the 5% damage buff costs 6% more damage, a class with good mobility, such as the Wizard, can easily avoid taking damage through thoughtful positioning and mobility skills such as Teleport.
Read: Diablo Immortal: How To Get Legendary Gear
Ca’arsen’s Invigoration is also a great Legendary Gem that can help improve the Wizard’s Primary Attack speed by 6%. Some of the Wizard’s high-damage skills will have long cooldowns, which means there will be times when the Wizard is left with no choice but to use its Primary Attack to deal damage while waiting for its skills to come off cooldown. This Legendary Gem should fill the gap in DPS nicely while the Wizard waits to unleash its next barrage of skills.
Disintegrate is an important skill for the Wizard, as the skill causes enemies to take 2% more damage that can stack up to five times. Trickshot Gem’s 8% reduced energy consumption buff can help the Wizard deal more damage through channeled skills for longer.
2-star Legendary Gems
- Lightning Core
- Fervent Fang
- Bloody Reach
- Power and Command
- Fervent Fang
The Wizard is not a Primary Attack-dependent class but can still benefit from Lightning Core’s bonuses. Lightning Core will allow the Wizard to release chain lightning that deals 90% base damage + 1,134 to nearby enemies, further increasing the Wizard’s already powerful burst damage potential.
Fervent Fang will cause enemies to take 0.80% more damage each time the Wizard damages them in battle. This buff can stack up to 10 times for 8% bonus damage. Fervent Fang can synergize well with the Wizard’s Disintegrate skill, potentially increasing damage dealt to enemies by up to 18% (10% damage at five stacks through Disintegrate and 8% more damage from Fervent Fang at max stacks)
Power and Command is potentially a perfect 2-star Legendary Gem pickup for the Wizard, thanks to the alternating 8% damage buff it provides to either your Primary Attack or skills every 9 seconds. Power will give the Wizard 8% more Primary Attack damage, which can help when the Wizard’s skills are on cooldown. On the other hand, Command will also increase all skill damage the Wizard deals by 8%.
Bloody Reach is arguably the best 2-star Legendary Gem you can get for the Wizard. Since the Wizard will want to keep as much distance as possible from targets on the battlefield, it can benefit greatly from Bloody Reach’s bonus damage, which increases per 2 yards between the Wizard and its enemy. At 8 yards, the Wizard can get as much as 8% bonus damage from Bloody Reach.
5-star Legendary Gems
- Blood-Soaked Jade
- Chip of Stoned Flesh
- Howler’s Call
- Seeping Bile
5-star Legendary Gems are the best of the best in Diablo Immortal. If you somehow manage to get a hold of one of these elusive or rather expensive Gems, you really can’t go wrong with any one of them.
Blood-Soaked Jade will increase all damage you deal by 8% and improve movement speed by 10%. The bonus damage gets reduced to a minimum of 4% at low HP, but you should have an easier time avoiding damage and keeping your HP pool up with the additional mobility the Gem provides.
Another great 5-star Legendary Gem is the Chip of Stoned Flesh, which applies an explosive curse to enemies you inflict total loss of control on. When the curse expires, the enemy will explode and deal damage equal to 45% of all damage it has taken while the curse was active up to 150% base damage.
Howler’s Call will give you a 10% chance to summon a charging spirit world that deals 150% base damage + 1458 to all enemies. This can be great for the Wizard as it adds a chance for you to deal burst damage through your Primary Attack when your skills are on cooldown.
Like Howler’s Call, Seeping Bile can enhance the Wizard’s Primary Attack by adding a 4% chance to poison enemies, which deals 25% base damage + 263 per second for 6 seconds. The poison effect can spread to nearby enemies if the poisoned unit dies within the area, which should help keep the Wizard’s DPS output up.
Elemental Master
The Wizard is a fun yet challenging class to play in Diablo Immortal. The slew of powerful AoE skills can make players feel like a god on the battlefield, but the Wizard’s low HP will also force them to think hard about positioning.
Legendary Gems that can improve the Wizard’s damage output and mobility and help it curb some of its innate weaknesses in Diablo Immortal. The Legendary Gems we have featured above should help give you a better idea about which ones to slot into your Wizard’s Gear so you can maximize the Wizard’s effectiveness in PvE and PvP.