Pokemon Legends: Arceus is set in olden times in the Pokemon world when it was rare to find harmony between people and Pokemon. Set in Hisui, known as the Sinnoh region in modern times, you will join the Galaxy Expedition Team (Galaxy Team for short) as a member of the Survey Corps stationed in Jubilife Village. You will be tasked to meet every Hisui Pokemon species to complete the region’s first-ever Pokédex.

In the game, there are certain Pokemon that the player cannot catch or are hard to catch in the wild. One of the methods to catch these Pokemon is through evolution. One of these Pokemon is Overqwil, and in this guide, you will learn how to evolve Hisuian Qwilfish into an Overqwil!
Hisuian Qwilfish into Overqwil
Overqwil is a Dark and Poison-type Pin Cluster Pokemon with a large, spherical body that is black and purple on the top half and light yellow on the bottom half. Overqwil has spikes all over its body with colors that correspond to where it is on its body, eyes with purple pupils that constantly look annoyed, small spikes in between its eyes, purple lips, and a large tail with a purple marking that looks like the letter Q. According to its Pokedex entry in the game, Overqwil is nicknamed as “sea fiend” because of the spikes all over its body and its savage temperament. Additionally, Overqwil nourishes itself by slurping up the poison.
Overqwil actually cannot be found anywhere in the wild. The only way the player can find an Overqwil is through “The Trial of Lake Valor” mission (mission 15). It is also worth noting that the Overqwil that can be found in “The Trial of Lake Valor” mission is a Level 58 Alpha Pokemon.
The only way to catch an Overqwil outside of the mission mentioned is through evolution. To do that, the player must evolve a Hisuian Qwilfish. First, the player should know where to find a Hisuian Qwilfish.
Hisuian Qwilfish
The player also can find a Hisuian Qwilfish in the Obsidian Fieldlands (in the waters around Ramana’s Island) and in the Cobalt Coastlands (in Tranquility Cove, in Lunker’s Lair, east of Islespy Shore, in the waters southeast of Hideaway Bay, and Tombolo Walk) and they can be found in these locations at all times of the day and in every weather condition. It is worth mentioning that the Hisuian Qwilfish found in the east of Islespy Shore is a Level 55 Alpha Pokemon. Aside from that, the Hisuian Qwilfish can also be found in Massive Mass Outbreaks in the Cobalt Coastlands.
If you plan on distracting it with food before catching it, it is worth mentioning that Hisuian Qwilfish’s preferred foods are Hearty Grains and Plump Beans.
Suppose you plan on battling a Hisuian Qwilfish first before catching it. In that case, it is worth noting that Hisuian Qwilfish is a Dark and Poison-type Pokemon which means it has a weakness to Ground-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Dark-type, Ghost-type, Grass-type, and Poison-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Psychic-type moves (no effect).
Barb Barrage
Now that the player has caught a Hisuian Qwilfish, all that is needed to evolve a Hisuian Qwilfish into Overqwil is for the player’s Hisuian Qwilfish to perform the Barb Barrage attack in Strong Style 20 times.
Hisuian Qwilfish will learn the Barb Barrage attack when it reaches Level 15 and master it, meaning it can perform it in either Strong Style or Agile Style when it reaches Level 25.
If you have caught a low-level Hisuian Qwilfish and it does not know or has not mastered the Barb Barrage attack yet, you can level it up by battling against Grass-type and Fairy-type Pokemon, which are weak against Poison-type moves. The kind of Grass-type and Fairy-type Pokemon to battle against depends on the level of the player’s Hisuian Qwilfish, but it is worth mentioning that the Grass-type and Fairy-type that the player can find in the locations where the player can find a Hisuian Qwilfish are the Wormadam, Paras, Parasect, Cherubi, and Cherrim which are Grass-types in the Obsidian Fieldlands, Mime Jr, Mr. Mime, Ralts, Kirlia, and Togekiss which are Psychic and Fairy types in the Obsidian Fieldlands, Wormadam, Paras, Parasect, Carnivine, and Tangela which are Grass types in the Cobalt Coastlands, and Togepi and Togetic which are Fairy-types (Fairy and Flying-type for Togetic) in the Cobalt Coastlands.
The best Pokemon to battle and perform Barb Barrage, a Poison-type move, in Strong Style is Grass and Fairy-type Pokemon as they are weak against Poison-type moves. Once the player’s Hisuian Qwilfish has mastered the Barb Barrage move, performing it 20 times in Strong Style is time. The player can also battle the Pokemon mentioned above to fulfill this requirement.
Suppose the player’s Hisuian Qwilfish runs out of PP for the Barb Barrage attack. In that case, the player can just use a Hopo Berry, Leppa Berry, Max Elixir, and Max Ether on the Pokemon to restore its PP using items, or the player can rest in any of the Base Camps, which will restore the player’s Pokemon’s HP and PP.
Alternatively, restoring a Pokemon’s PP without using items or resting in the Base Camp is a trick. To do that, this is what the player must do:
- Press the up-directional button to open the player’s Satchel.
- Next, select the Pokemon with the move that has used up all of its PP, then select ‘Change moves’ on the prompt.
- After that, move the selection from the ‘moves to add to the Pokemon’s current move that has run out of PP, then press the Y button to reorder the moves.
- Next, select the move that has run out of PP, exchange it for any move from the Pokemon’s unequipped moves, press the X button to confirm the change, then confirm the change again on the prompt. After that, you will see that the move in the previous move’s slot now has no PP.
- Then, select the Pokemon again and select ‘Change moves’ again on the prompt.
- Next, select the move that was previously out of PP from the Pokemon’s unequipped moves, and exchange it for any move from the Pokemon’s current moves except for the move on the slot that has no PP (the slot where the move was originally on), press the X button to confirm the change, then confirm the change again on the prompt.
Upon returning to the game, you will see that the move with no PP now has PP and is on a different move slot. It is like sacrificing a move slot to fill up a move’s PP. If that is still confusing for you, we can use Hisuian Qwilfish’s Barb Barrage as an example. If Hisuian Qwilfish’s Barb Barrage has run out of PP, exchange it for a different move from Hisuian Qwilfish’s unequipped moves, like Pin Missile, for example. Then, if you check Hisuian Qwilfish’s moves, you will see that Pin Missile has no PP. After that, exchange Barb Barrage from Hisuian Qwilfish’s unequipped moves with any of the moves on the Hisuian Qwilfish’s move set except for Pin Missile, which has no PP, like Poison Sting, for example. Then, if you recheck Hisuian Qwilfish’s moves, you will see that Barb Barrage now has PP. Once the move has rerun out of PP, the player can repeat this method by exchanging the move out of the Pokemon’s move set again, then exchanging it back but in a different move slot. The player can only use this method three times, as Pokemon only has four move slots before all the move slots have run out of PP. Once that happens, the player has no choice but to use the PP recovery items mentioned above or rest in any of the Base Camps.
Finally, Overqwil!
After catching a Hisuian Qwilfish and performing Barb Barrage in Strong Style 20 times, the player can now evolve a Hisuian Qwilfish into an Overqwil!
To do that, this is what the player must do:
- If it is not already there, put the player’s Hisuian Qwilfish in the Player’s party by talking to the Galaxy Member near the tent on any of the Base Camps and selecting “I want to see my Pokemon” on the prompt or heading to the Pastures in the eastern part of Jubilife Village.
- Then, return to the game and press the up-directional button to open the player’s Satchel.
- Select the player’s Hisuian Qwilfish, and you will see that the Poke Ball beside it is glowing, indicating that the Pokemon is ready to evolve. Select Evolve on the prompt, confirm on the next prompt to evolve Hisuian Qwilfish, then, just like that, Hisuian Qwilfish will evolve into an Overqwil!
Now that the player has an Overqwil, the player can try to use the Overqwil to complete other requests, missions, or Arceus’ task for the player, which is to catch ’em all!