Aloy is a pretty great character, but there’s just so much more to love about the world of Horizon from Guerrilla Games. The studio had been teasing a VR experience in the world of Horizon, and we have a new gameplay trailer thanks to the latest State of Play from Sony.

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Step into a new virtual reality adventure set in the world of Horizon.
Explore the world through the eyes of Ryas, former Shadow Carja warrior, to uncover a grave threat to the Sundom. Experience luscious and dangerous areas up close as you fight mighty machines, meet new and familiar faces – and take in spectacular views on the immersive River Ride experience!
The game is pretty sparing when it comes to story reveals but we do get to see that we’ll once again be experiencing the colourful (but dangerous) world of Horizon. Besides the lush forest and mountains, we also get to see some familiar mechanized animals. Hopefully this game will also come with new creatures that Aloy is yet to face.
We can also see that we should expect to do pretty much what Aloy does in the Horizon games. Not only do we get our own bow and arrow, but we’re also expected to climb and parkour our way to certain areas. Maybe we can even meet some more familiar faces from the main games, but I’m just guessing at this point.
Horizon Call of the Mountain will be a PlayStation VR2 exclusive which is set to launch sometime in the second half of 2022.