In Fire Emblem: Heroes, stats determine whether you win or lose. While it’s possible to manipulate your characters’ level gains and make them stronger overall, each received character starts with a selection of Traits that remain fixed throughout their levels. These Traits increase one stat while decreasing another, and Trait Fruits are the only way to change these stat modifiers.

This article will focus on all you need to know about Traits Fruits, from getting them to making full use of them on your characters.
How to Get Trait Fruits in FEH?
After their long-anticipated introduction into the game, Trait Fruits have quickly become one of the most demanded currencies in FEH. Unfortunately, their general supply is relatively low, and you can’t simply go and buy more Trait Fruits in exchange for another currency.
There are only a few ways to get Trait Fruits, which are unreliable.

The Coliseum
One of the best ways to get some Trait Fruits is to battle in the Coliseum. This method is the most reliable way to obtain Trait Fruits, even though it might take a while to get enough Fruits to use them.

All game modes in the Coliseum can award some Trait Fruits (alongside other resources), so you’re rolling the dice with each battle. Of course, only victories will give you the rewards you need, so developing your character roster and improving your gameplay ability will be pivotal in getting more Trait Fruits over time.
One of the worst aspects of needing Trait Fruits is that they can hamper your team’s ability to fight effectively. A badly-rolled character can make the process go much longer than anticipated simply due to insufficient ATK or DEF values at the start. In the beginning stages, the stat differential between a good IV (Individual Values) distribution and a bad one can be made up with a level or team composition difference. However, the farther you go in levels, the fewer options you have to counteract these built-in downsides.
If you’re using Resonant Battles to farm for Trait Fruits, rolling for Harmonious Heroes is unnecessary to get them. Even without them, it’s possible to get excellent results from Resonant Battles without using them so long as you fully clear the battles which give the most rewards.
Another way to get Trait Fruits is through Mjolnir’s Strike limited event, but other events can also drop them. These occur fairly frequently and can hash out many rewards, including Trait Fruit. Monitor your current events to check what rewards you can get and maximize your potential resource gain.

Using Trait Fruits
You need 100 Trait Fruits to change a character’s IVs. This is done through the character menu.
Changing from -ATK to +ATK can yield between six and eight ATK on a fully leveled hero, which can be quite a difference. Additionally, some heroes will gain different stats based on their IVs, making their level progress slightly stunted until later. It’s best to rebalance IVs to remove ATK or DEF weaknesses in most situations.

You also have the option to remove IVs altogether and put a hero’s stat to their normalized values, although this option is typically suboptimal in most scenarios.
Get Fruity in FEH
With Trait Fruits, you can customize your heroes just as you want. They help even out the bad luck of summoning high-cost heroes with suboptimal stats and make the fights much more manageable. With some time spent in the game, you should get a decent amount without worrying about them.
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