Amarant Review [Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius]



Darrick Smith

Writer and Storywriter

Amarant 5 star


[easytable]Max Rarity, Skills, Future Proof, Stats, Equipment, Trust Master, Overall

Amarant Review [Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius]

5, A, A, A, D, A, A-[/easytable]

[easytable]Rarity, Job, Origin, Gender, Family

3★ – 5★, Monk,  FF9, Male, Human[/easytable]

Trust Master Rewards – HP +30% – Special Ability: HP +30% [Passive]

LevelXP requiredTotal XPUnlocked itemsRewards
210001000Poke Ball x10
320003000Poke Ball x15
430006000Poke Ball x15
5400010000Gyms, Potions, RevivesPoke Ball x20, Potion x10, Revive x10, Incense
6500015000Poke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Incubator
7600021000Poke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Incense
8700028000Razz BerryPoke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x10, Lure Module
9800036000Poke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x3, Lucky Egg
10900045000Super PotionsPoke Ball x20, Super Potion x20, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10, Incense, Lucky Egg, Egg Incubator, Lure Module
111000055000Poke Ball x15, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
121000065000Great BallsGreat Ball x20, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
131000075000Great Ball x10, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
141000085000Great Ball x10, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
1515000100000Hyper PotionsGreat Ball x15, Hyper Potion x20, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10, Incense, Lucky Egg, Egg Incubator, Lure Module
1620000120000Great Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
1720000140000Great Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
1820000160000Great Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
1925000185000Great Ball x15, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
2025000210000Ultra BallsUltra Ball x20, Hyper Potion x20, Revive x20, Razz Berry x20, Incense x2, Lucky Egg x2, Egg Incubator x2, Lure Module x2
2150000260000Ultra Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
2275000335000Ultra Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
23100000435000Ultra Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
24125000560000Ultra Ball x15, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
25150000710000Max PotionsUltra Ball x25, Max Potion x20, Revive x15, Razz Berry x15, Incense, Lucky Egg, Egg Incubator, Lure Module
26190000900000Ultra Ball x10, Max Potion x15, Revive x10, Razz Berry x15
272000001,100,000Ultra Ball x10, Max Potion x15, Revive x10, Razz Berry x15
282500001,350,000Ultra Ball x10, Max Potion x15, Revive x10, Razz Berry x15
3★ 4★ 5★
Amarant 3 star Amarant 4 star Amarant 5 star

General Thoughts

Amarant is a monk who is tanky and can revive allies. He also acts as a single target debuffer with power break(reduce attack by 15%) and curse(-20% elemental resistance). He has the passive called “Draw Attacks” which increases his chance of getting attacked, meaning if you run a squishy mage team, they will be more likely to take less attacks.

Amarant can heal 30% of his hp/mp and cure blind or poison. His gravity fist acts as a good attack against high health monsters. Like Miyuki, he can use throwable items. He also has an innate 60% counter chance when getting attacked. It is a very useful skill since he gets attacked quite often.

His limit burst is a single target physical damage skill. His trust master reward is perfect for any character that needs more health, which is EVERYONE. 🙂

Amarant’s biggest downside is that he can’t use any magic and also has very poor armor and weapon selection. Throwing and knuckle weapons are hard to come by. With hat and cloth armor being the only defensive options, he is a tank with low defense.

Verdict: Can be a viable tank if you have good healers. I think Cecil is better though.


Rarity HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits LB Drops Exp. Growth Pattern
3★ 1633 59 63 58 46 46 1 6 4
4★ 2123 77 83 76 61 61 1 8 4
5★ 2760 101 108 100 80 80 1 10 4


Amarant is neutral to all elements and status ailments.

Learned Abilities

Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect MP
3★ 6 Throw Throw Allow use of throwable items 6
3★ 21 Chakra Chakra Recover HP/MP (30%) and cure poison, blind to caster 8
4★ 12 Gravity Fist Gravity Fist HP damage (50%) to one enemy 12
4★ 26 Power Break Power Break Physical damage (1.2x) and reduce ATK (15%) for 3 turns to one enemy 7
4★ 28 Hp 10 HP +10% HP +10%
4★ 56 Curse Curse Decrease all element resistance (20%) for 3 turns to one enemy 15
5★ 45 Counter Counter Counter physical attacks (30%)
5★ 62 Draw Attacks Draw Attacks Increase likeliness of being targeted (50%)
5★ 72 Eye for an eye Eye for an Eye Double chance of countering
5★ 80 Revive Revive Revive one KO’d ally 12

Limit Burst

Rarity Name Effect
3★ No Mercy Base: Physical Damage (2.3x) to one enemy
Max: Physical Damage (2.75x) to one enemy
4★ Holy Strike Base: Physical Damage (2.5x) to one enemy
Max: Physical Damage (3.2x) to one enemy
5★ Countdown Base: Physical Damage (2.7x) to one enemy
Max: Physical Damage (3.65x) to one enemy


Amarant can equip 2 weapons and 3 armors.

[easytable]Weapons, Armors


Rarity Ability Slots Affinity
3★ 2
4★ 3
5★ 4


Rarity Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Material 4 Material 5
4★ Beast Meat (25) Esper Cryst (15) Seed of Life (10) Heaven’s Ash (5) Sacred Crystal (5)
5★ Seed of Life (20) Heaven’s Ash (10) Sacred Crystal (10) Talmonite of Life (5) Holy Crystal (5)


A fighter who appears in tales of Gaia, a world foreign to this one. He was known by the alias, the Flaming Amarant, thanks to his bright-red hair and fearsome power. Having been alone since birth, he used his own fist to navigate his way through the world on his own.

Because of this, he was unable to bring himself to trust others, and was rarely ever known to speak. Still, somehow, he found himself chasing after the man with the tail.

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