How to Find the Yggdrasil Rifts in God of War: Ragnarok



Bayani Miguel Acebedo

Writer and Storywriter

Bayani is a freelance pop-culture newswriter that's been covering the news cycle since 2017. He writes mostly about TV and movies, but he also covers the biggest game news and makes sure to keep you up-to-date on the hottest titles. Though he does specialize on topics like Star Wars and Comic Book films, he also keeps up to date on none superhero properties like the latest movies and most buzzed about tv shows. He also has a podcast called Feed the Geeks which you can check out on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. He also draws original webcomics from time to time.

Learn how to find the Yggdrasil Rifts in God of War: Ragnarok!

How to Find the Yggdrasil Rifts in God of War: Ragnarok

Odin may be the main threat of God of War Ragnarok narratively, but there are all kinds of challenges for Kratos and Atreus (sometimes Freya) to face throughout the game.

One such challenge has Kratos looking for some Rifts of Yggdrasil in God of War: Ragnarok scattered throughout the map of several realms. Though the rifts are just side missions, they often come with great loot and should be necessary for anyone trying to platinum the game.

Yggdrasil Rifts in God of War: Ragnarok

Yggdrasil Rifts are a kind of game portal connected to the realm of the World Tree (Yggdrasil). These little portals can be found all over the realms, and there are 15 to watch out for.

While not every Yggdrasil Rift is the same, players should always expect some sort of mini-challenge when they interact with one, and when the challenge/fight is completed, they can expect a reward.

A screenshot of Kratos fighting against a large dragonlike creature in God of War: Ragnarok
via GamerPillar/Youtube

Activating The Lost Lindwyrms Favour

Besides the challenges, six portals will also be dedicated to the favor of The Lost Lindwyrms. The favor has the squirrel Ratatoskr tasking Kratos with searching for the children of Nidhogg as they’ve been scattered throughout the realms.

Read: God of War Ragnarok: How To Flood The Crater with Water

The favor can be activated after The Reckoning when Kratos kills Nidhogg. After the quest, return to Sindri’s House and chat with Ratatoskr; he will activate the favor, having the player look for rifts containing the Lindwyrms.

Yggdrasil Rifts in God of War: Ragnarok

As said previously, there are 15 rifts throughout the game, and they have all been scattered throughout the realms, albeit not all of them. The rifts can be found in Alfeim, Midgard, Svartalfheim, and Vanaheim, with Svartalfheim containing the most. Here’s the breakdown:

Alfheim Rift (1)

A screenshot of the map in God of War: Ragnarok showing where to find the first Yggdrasil Rift
A screenshot of a platform that Kratos must hit in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot showing Kratos running up to a doorway in God of War: Ragnarok
via GamerPillar/Youtube

You can find this rift after completing The Reckoning. Go to the north of the Forbidden Sands, and you can find a rock to grapple to that will have Kratos smashing against a wall. After defeating some enemies, pass through a small gap, and the location will naturally lead you to the Ygdrassil Rift.

Midgard Rifts (3)

A screenshot of Kratos approaching the entrance to the location of Thor's Frozen Thunderbolt in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot of the Midgard Rift next to Thor's Frozen Thunderbolt in God of War: Ragnarok
via GamerPillar/Youtube

Return to the location of Thor’s frozen thunderbolt in the frozen lake. Right next to the thunderbolt is the rift.

A screenshot showing a Midgard Rift location on the map in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot of Kratos running up to a pair of frozen gates in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot of Kratos running up to a pair of frozen gates in God of War: Ragnarok
via GamerPillar/Youtube

– Go to the Shores of Nine north of Tyr’s Temple, and after lifting the huge rock, head left and just follow the path. After jumping the gap, you’ll see a rift up ahead.

A screenshot of Kratos attacking some brambles in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot of Kratos approaching a Midgard Rift in God of War: Ragnarok
via GamerPillar/Youtube

– After destroying the previous rift, you can just go straight to an elevator blocked by vines. Burn the vines and ride the elevator up; there, you’ll see a Yggdrasil gate, and ahead of it, another rift.

Vanaheim Rifts (4)

A screenshot showing a Vanaheim Rift on the map in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot showing Kratos riding a boat through a swamp in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot showing Kratos riding a boat through a swamp in God of War: Ragnarok

– After completing the Reckoning, enter the River Delta. Sailing down the left side, you’ll see a passage by the right before you reach the bridge. Enter, then take a left; follow the path, and you’ll find the rift.

The remaining Vanaheim rifts are in The Crater, unlocked after completing the Scent of Survival favor.

A screenshot showing a Vanaheim Rift on the map in God of War: Ragnarok
via GamerPillar/Youtube

A rift is located in The Plains around the north of the area. You’ll see a rift floating above some water in the corner with some debris.

A screenshot showing a Vanaheim Rift on the map in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot showing a Mystic Gateway in God of War: Ragnarok
via GamerPillar/Youtube

– Go to the Mystic Gateway around the east of the plains. Walk toward the river to the left of the gate, and you’ll see the rift up ahead.

This last rift can only be accessed after Kratos completes the Return of the River favor and floods the Crater.

A screenshot showing a Vanaheim Rift on the map in God of War: Ragnarok
Kratos riding a boat across a river towards a Vanaheim Rift in God of War: Ragnarok
via GamerPillar/Youtube

Returning to the Plains, take a boat and sail west of the Gateway at the Crater Entrance. You’ll notice a small island with a rift on it.

Svartalfheim Rifts (7)

A Svartalfheim Rift on the map in God of War: Ragnarok
Kratos crouching up to a chain in God of War: Ragnarok
Kratos approaching a Svartalfheim Rift in God of War: Ragnarok
via GamerPillar/Youtube

On Dragon Beach, climb a chain around the left side. Follow this path until you swing across a gap; duck under a beam on the right, and you’ll find the rift.

A Svartalfheim Rift on the map in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot of Kratos walking through a mountainous area in God of War: Ragnarok
via GamerPillar/Youtube

– At Alberich Hollow, you have to defeat a monster called Ormstunga, and once you do, you go straight and see a ledge on the left. That’ll be where the rift is.

A Svartalfheim Rift on the map in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot of a platform that Kratos has to hit in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot of Kratos holding a Draupnr spear in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot of Kratos approaching a Svartalfheim Rift in God of War: Ragnarok
Via GamerPillar/Youtube

– Access the ledge around the right of Alberich Island; after blowing up a wall with Sonic Arrows, you can see across the water that there is a rock that can be blown up with a Draupnr spear. Destroy it, and a grapple will be raised, and you can use that to access the rift in the middle of the river.

A Svartalfheim Rift on the map in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot of Kratos approaching a trapdoor in God of War: Ragnarok
via GamerPillar/Youtube

– At the Myrkr Tunnels, you should see the rift straight ahead after you open the second gate near the end of the area.

A Svartalfheim Rift on the map in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot of Kratos running through a ravine in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot showing where to find a Svartalfheim Rift in the Forge in God of War: Ragnarok
Via GamerPillar/Youtube

– Once you reunite with Freya at the Forge, you can follow the path down to a gap between rocks Kratos can squeeze through. On the other side, there’s another rift.

A Svartalfheim Rift on the map in God of War: Ragnarok
06 The Forge 02 01
A screenshot showing a section of rocks where Kratos can see an embedded point in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot showing where to find a Svartalfheim Rift in the Forge in God of War: Ragnarok
via GamerPillar/Youtube

– You will be presented with the embed points when earning the Draupnr Spear at the Forge. When you squeeze past some tall rocks, you can look back and see an embedded point there higher up. Get to the end, and you can swing Kratos to another Rift.

A screenshot showing an Embed Point in God of War: Ragnarok
A screenshot showing where to find a Svartalfheim Rift in the Forge in God of War: Ragnarok
Via GamerPillar/Youtube

– Inside The Applecore, find Althjof’s Statue, and you’ll see a place to embed a spear. Climb the area, and you’ll find the rift to your left.

Just Rewards

Pursuing the Yggdrasil Rifts will grant the player much experience and loot, but completing the Lost Lindwyrms favor will grant the player a Gale Spark from Ratatoskr. Enough Gale Sparks and players can earn the Gale Flame weapon upgrade for the Draupnr Spear—fully upgrading the wind-based weapon for Kratos.

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