Fortnite had been given a major shake-up when Building was removed from the default mode, and while there are people who like the feature, it looks like ‘No Building’ will be the default moving forward.

As per @HYPEX on Twitter, data-miners have found that Fortnite will keep its ‘No Building’ mode. Here is the post:
Another leaker, @TweaBR, also says ‘No Build’ mode will also be available for Solo, Dio, Trios, and Squads:
Though Building looks essential to the complete Fortnite experience, many players are relieved the mode is finally being removed from the game. If anything, some are even saying they are re-installing the game. Now that it is going around, the ‘No Building’ option is here to stay. Players will now have to rely on tactics rather than constantly building fortresses around themselves during matches.
Epic Games is yet to give an official update on the ‘No Building’ status, but IGN speculates we will have some news by May—around when the current season ends. In the meantime, players online have praised the ‘No Building’ mode and hope it stays for good.
Join the Resistance in the final battle to free the Zero Point!
Take on your opponents in the ultimate battle for the Zero Point in Chapter 3, Season 2: Resistance! The IO has lined up guards and sky stations, but the Resistance is equipped with new tactics like sprinting, mantling, etc. Board an Armored Battle Bus as a powerful force or attach a Cow Catcher to your truck for extra ramming power.
Fortnite is now available on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, and PC.