Pokemon GO Fest 2020: Guide, Details & Rewards



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. Outside of work, she streams video games with friends and creates clips and videos about PC games on YouTube.

It’s finally here

Pokemon GO Fest 2020: Guide, Details & Rewards

Pokemon GO Fest Of 2020

Nintendo recently announced Pokemon GO Fest in 2020 and the day has finally come, lets look into this!

Pokemon Go Fest Battle Challenges

Changing habitats times for Pokémon Go Fest 2020 explained

Through the first day of Pokemon Go Fest, you will be introduced to the five rotating habitats – fire, water, grass, battle and friendship.

While each habitat is available, you’ll be able to encounter a unique set of Pokémon. During the water habitat, for example, you’ll encounter more water-type Pokémon.

pokemon go fest 2020

Each habitat will last about an hour and will only occur twice throughout the day.

The times listed below will give you a guide on how each habitat will appear in your local time.

  • 10am to 11am (local time) – Battle
  • 11am to 12pm (local time) – Friendship
  • 12pm to 1pm (local time) – Fire
  • 1pm to 2pm (local time) – Water
  • 2pm to 3pm (local time) – Grass
  • 3pm to 4pm (local time) – Battle
  • 4pm to 5pm (local time) – Friendship
  • 5pm to 6pm (local time) – Fire
  • 6pm to 7pm (local time) – Water
  • 7pm to 8pm (local time) – Grass

If you use an incense during your the habitat hours,  it will boost the spawn rate of Pokemon for a chance of finding rare Pokemon.

Each habitat will have its own Global Challenge reward which expires when the next habitat arrives!

Last but not least, regardless of the schedule, Unknown will spawn for the letters Q and O, you should definitely make sure you catch a Rotom before the end of Go Fest 2020!

Battle – Habitat List

You can encounter these Pokémon during the Battle habitat’s.

Gen 1:

  • Machop
  • Alolan Grimer
  • Dratini

Gen 2:

  • Sneasel
  • Skarmory

Gen 3:

  • Slakoth
  • Sableye
  • Meditite
  • Swablu
  • Zangoose
  • Seviper

Gen 4:

  • Gible
  • Croagunk

Gen 5:

  • Stunfisk
  • Durant

Pokemon Go

Friendship – Habitat List

You can encounter these Pokémon during the Friendship habitat, during Pokemon GO Fest of 2020.

Gen 1:

  • Pikachu
  • Clefairy
  • Jigglypuff
  • Chansey
  • Eevee
  • Snorlax

Gen 2:

  • Togetic
  • Marill
  • Sudowoodo
  • Wobbuffet
  • Mantine

Gen 3:

  • Roselia
  • Feebas
  • Chimecho

Gen 5:

  • Woobat


Grass – Habitat List

You can encounter these Pokémon during the Grass habitat.

Gen 1:

  • Bulbasaur with a Pikachu Visor
  • Venusaur
  • Oddish
  • Exeggcute
  • Alolan Exeggutor
  • Tangela

Gen 2:

  • Sunkern

Gen 3:

  • Treecko
  • Seedot

Gen 4:

  • Cherrim – both Sunshine and Overcast Forme
  • Snover
  • Leafeon

Gen 5:

  • Snivy
  • Foongus
  • Ferroseed

Pokemon GO Fest 2020

Water Habitat List

You can encounter these Pokémon during the Water habitat.

Gen 1:

  • Squirtle with a Pikachu Visor
  • Poliwag
  • Tentacool
  • Slowpoke
  • Magikarp
  • Vaporeon

Gen 2:

  • Chinchou
  • Qwilfish

Gen 3:

  • Mudkip
  • Carvanha
  • Clamperl
  • Luvdisc

Gen 5:

  • Oshawott
  • Tympole
  • Alomomola

pokemon go fest 2020

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