Genshin Impact: Hangout Event – Ningguang All Endings of Act 1




Writer and Storywriter

Learn how to complete the Hangout Event – Ningguang All Endings of Act 1 in Genshin Impact!

Genshin Impact: Hangout Event - Ningguang All Endings of Act 1

Ningguang is one of the 4-star characters in Genshin Impact who played a significant role in the lore of the Geo nation, Liyue. This special story quest is the first Act of the Ningguang Hangout Event and will show the side of her that you cannot find in her character profile story.

In this hangout story, you will experience being a secretary to the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing and accompany her on the business she does daily. You will also have the chance to take her on vacation and know a side of her that is unknown to Liyue Harbor’s people despite her being the most well-known individual in town.


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Hangout Event Requirements

To do this Hangout Event, you must have an Adventure Rank of at least 28. You must also complete the Archon Quest The Crane Returns on the Wind, which involves rebuilding the jade Chamber after Ningguang used it to defeat Osial, the god and sea monster, in Guyun Stone Forest.

Act I – The Jade Chamber’s Returning Guest

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In this hangout, you, the Adventurer, will again get the rare opportunity to step on Ningguang’s newly rebuilt Jade Chamber. This time, you will be there to personally escort the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing and witness firsthand how the wealthiest woman in Liyue Harbor does what she does best.

You will also learn of some issues that followed the destruction of the Jade Chamber and how it affected how the people of Liyue Harbor see Ningguang.

The first act of Ningguang’s Hangout Event has five endings that you need to reach to complete.

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The Jade Chamber Once More

“You received an invitation from Ningguang; she seems to have something to discuss with you.”

Step 1: Go to the Jade Chamber.

You can do this by talking to Bu’yun and asking him to take you to the Jade Chamber or directly clicking the Jade Chamber icon on the map to teleport right onto it.

Go inside the chamber and find Ningguang talking to her trusted secretaries.

Step 2: Talk to Ningguang.

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As it happens, they were in a tight situation and were discussing who to ask for help from, and your arrival was perfect. Ningguang’s most trusted secretaries will oversee a vital auction the following day, leaving their regular duties unattended. This is where you come in.

Step 3: Talk to Baishi.

One of Ningguang’s three most trusted secretaries will go over the details of the administrative work you will be tasked with the next day.

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Baixiao and Baiwen handle tasks that require enormous experience. At the same time, Baishi is mainly responsible for organizing Ningguang’s daily schedule and ensuring she is well-fed and dressed for any occasion and that all her needs are met.

Your first task is to prepare Ningguang’s schedule for the following day. You can make a serious effort on it or avoid anything too complicated, and choosing the first option will lead to Endings 1 and 2, while the second one will open up Endings 3, 4, and 5.

Rigorous Schedule – Ningguang Endings 1 & 2 – Act 1

Scheduling the Day

“Ningguang asks you to fill in for her secretaries. After learning the ropes, you submit a schedule for the next day’s business.”

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**choose the option “(Alright. Time to make a serious effort.).

The Rigorous Schedule that you prepared goes as follows:

1.     Eat, wash up, change, and prepare to go out.

2.     Meet businesswoman Luo Qiao at Luili Pavilion and eat lunch.

3.     Meet three informants and exchange information.

4.     Go to Yuehai Pavilion for a conference.

5.     Light meal, negotiate any outstanding matters from the conference and return to the Jade Chamber.

The specific time for the first three items is flexible and progress-dependent. The conference in Item 4 is scheduled for the evening. Arriving early is recommended.

Baishi is impressed with the schedule you prepared and will ask you to be at the Jade Chamber the next day before Lady Ningguang wakes up and starts preparing based on the schedule.

Ending 1: While the View Remains Good

Business as Usual

“According to the schedule, the first thing you need to do is wake Ningguang up….”

Step 1: Wait until the following day (07:00 – 08:00).

Open the options menu and select the clock icon to set the in-game time to wait until somewhere between 07:00 and 08:00.

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You can stay inside the Jade Chamber while setting the time.

Step 2: Wake Ningguang up.

Go to Ningguang’s room and knock on the door to wake her.

She will check the schedule plan you prepared for today and point out the lunch meeting with businesswoman Luo Qiao in the Luili Pavilion. She is someone who Ningguang hasn’t met before, but this woman is paying a high price for Tianquan’s time.

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People pay tens of millions of Mora to have lunch with Ningguang. Time is precious to her, so when she came up with the idea, she ruled that her time would go to the highest bidder. Gradually, it developed into a lucrative business.

Step 3: Have breakfast together with Ningguang.

Go to the other side of the chamber where Ningguang’s office is. Her secretary has prepared a fine breakfast that you can enjoy with Ningguang. This breakfast is a small token of her and her secretaries’ appreciation. She will thank you for accepting and diligently working on the task they needed help with.

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Step 4: Look for Lanyang to get the tailored clothes.

Ningguang’s lunch meeting is something she considers an important event, and that is why she needs to dress properly for it. Before leaving to meet Luo Qiao in Luili Pavilion, she must prepare and ask you to fetch a dress she had tailor-made.

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The room where the dress was kept is full of Ningguang’s items, and since she recently ordered to have it rearranged, it took a while for Lanyang to find the dress.

Step 5: Give the Tailored clothes to Ningguang.

Ningguang will ask your opinion on her dress, and a seal of approval from you will make her feel much more self-confident.

The Grand Banquet

“After making the preparations, you and Ningguang go to attend the banquet. The other party is a merchant who has spent a great sum of Mora to buy some of her time.”

Step 6: Go to Liuli Pavilion for the banquet.

Go inside the restaurant and talk to Luo Qiao.

Luo Qiao will greet you two and open up the rumors of an upcoming industry: the investment opportunities in the Luminescent Spine business, which has been all the rage recently.

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However, to Ningguang, all the talk around Luminescent Spines is just empty hype. Based on her secretaries’ analysis, the current price of Luminescent Spines far exceeds the profit that could be made on the product. If it were that profitable, those in the know would have kept it as quiet as possible.

You listen to Ningguang and the businesswoman talk about many things, from business matters to rumors about you and Liyue Qixing’s Tianquan.

After the lunch meeting, Ningguang will express her concern about the auction and how her secretaries are doing.

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**chose the option: “Don’t worry about them. They’re very capable.

Now that the banquet is over, Ningguang’s meeting with her informants is next.

Greeting Gift

“Before heading to the next item on the list, Ningguang would like to go to Mingxing Jewelry to collect a certain item.”

Step 7: Go to Mingxing Jewelry to collect the item.

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Ningguang had Xingxi, the owner of Mingxing Jewelry, repair a simple comb that is very precious to one of her informants, and it reminds her of her mother. Having this item repaired is a request from one of the informants, and it is only fair for Ningguang to meet such demands by providing her with extremely important information.

Exchanging Intelligence

“After obtaining the item, you meet some… unexpected informants.”

Step 8: Meet the informants.

Go to the southeastern part of Liyue Harber, near the Teleport Waypoint and the Crafting Bench, and you will find Ningguang’s informants, who are three little children.

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These kids are Zhizhi, Nannan, and Little Long, some of Ningguang’s most reliable helpers and friends. They treated gathering information as a game, thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and delivered the goods.

The kids shared what they observed on the docks. Nannan, who is usually the very talkative one, seemed unhappy and didn’t say anything. Eventually, she said she heard people saying that a prominent merchant from Fontaine was coming soon to buy Luminescent Spines and that when they arrived in Liyue, the price would go up a lot.

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What Nannan said was opposite to what Ningguang’s analysis found out, and when she asked the kid who she heard that rumor from, Nannan seemed uncomfortable saying anything. Ningguang then gave Nannan the comb she promised to have repaired, which cheered the kid up and gave her the courage.

Two people persuaded the kid to lie to Ningguang by telling her that Tianquan would forget about the comb and bribe her with a new one.


“Someone is trying to use Ningguang’s informants to trick her. She will not stand for this.”

Step 9: Go to the south wharf to meet the person behind the scenes.

The culprits are Lao Ke and Big Xu, merchants who tried to feed Ningguang false information in hopes of making a profit from the huge stash of Luminescent Spines that they stocked up after falling for the rumors that its price would go up when a mystery merchant from Fontaine arrives.

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Ningguang is rather angry that the two businessmen forced a kid to lie to the person who is close to her and trusted her. Now, she wants the men to make a full and unreserved apology to Nannan.

Step 10: See the children.

When Lao Ke and Big Xu apologize to Nannan, the children forgive them if they play with them.

Step 11: Play with the children at the north wharf.

The two adult men are forced to play hide-and-seek with the kids as an apology. You and NIngguang decide to go with them.

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At the wharf, Ningguang shares a story about why and how she got the children involved in her business routine as her informants. The kids used to run away as soon as they saw her, or they’d be shaking with nerves and unable to speak. But gradually, they started seeing Ningguang as someone they could trust.

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Ningguang played games with these children and taught them observation, analytical, and critical thinking skills, but never business. Now, they’re much further ahead in their studies and far more mature than their peers, giving them self-confidence.

Liyue Qixing’s Tianquan hopes to teach the kids things she was not taught but learned independently. She wants them to be ready to face the world head-on and become exceptional businessmen and women.

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Time flies, and the good years slip away easily. But the name “Ningguang” will remain a symbol for generations.

Ending 2: The Weight of a Collection

Step 1: Follow steps 1 to 5 of Ending 1.

The Grand Banquet

“After making the preparations, you and Ningguang go to attend the banquet. The other party is a merchant who has spent a great sum of Mora to buy some of her time.”

After the lunch meeting, Ningguang will express her concern about the auction and how her secretaries are doing.

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**chose the option: “Well, we have time to go and check up on them if you want.

Auction Games

The Auction

“After finishing her meal, Ningguang is worried about the auction that her secretaries are in charge of, and so you go to inspect the site with her. What’s got her all concerned, you wonder?”

Step 2: Go to the site where the auction is being held.

The auction is being held in Yujing Terrance, so go to the area as easily as possible.

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Step 3: Talk to the secretary in charge of preparations.

Find Baiwen, who is in front of the reception, and talk to her.

After her secretary assures her that things are going smoothly and that the auction will start in a few moments, Ningguang decides to host the auction herself, just in case anything untoward happens. She will invite you to participate this time to experience the atmosphere.

Step 4: Inspect the goods on the auction (3)

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You accepted Ningguang’s invitation to participate in the event and are now given a chance to look around the venue before the auction starts.

Writing Tools – “Generic Implements. I guess they could brighten the place up a little. Still, it’s is cheaper to get one from Bolai…”

Vase – “A plain-looking vase with clear signs of wear and tear. Can’t see any reason to bid on something like this.”

Hairpin – “A fairly well-made hairpin, but there’s nothing exceptional about it. Fine to buy in a shop, but can this really fetch a good price at an auction?”

After looking around and observing the items being auctioned, you wait for the event to start.

The Final Call

“The merchants present have all come bearing their own suspicions and motives. Who will get what they want out of this auction?”

Step 5: Wait for the auction to start (16:00 – 18:00).

Set the in-game world time to somewhere between 4 in the afternoon and 6 in the evening.

Step 6: Attend the auction.

The auction is about to start. Find yourself somewhere to sit.

One item for bidding is a teacup from Ningguang’s collection, and the bid starts at 10,000 Mora. The price quickly rose to over a hundred thousand Mora and was eventually sold for 180,000 Mora to a man named Yingfeng.

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One by one, unexceptional items were sold for exceptionally high prices. Ningguang then reveals that she did not organize the auction to sell her things. She then suggests you talk to the buyers to answer questions that you have in mind.

Step 7: Figure out what the attendees are thinking (3)

Xiaofei – This woman paid so much because the previous owner of the items in the auction was Lady Ningguang. The item looked pretty ordinary to her because she is not a connoisseur and doesn’t know how to appreciate it. She figured she’d buy the item first, then get it appraised by an expert.

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Little Bin – This man did not manage to get much during the auction, and he was overwhelmed that there were too many bidders and found them all experts in bidding. He decides to wait for the next auction and hopes to be the lucky one someday.

Yingfeng – The bidder who snagged the teacup for 180,000 Mora was happy he got the desired result despite paying an arm and a leg. To him, nothing of Ningguang’s is over-inflated. He also said that he is far from the only buyer who believes that “owned by NIngguang” is worth paying a premium for. And how much he makes from the item depends on how many people are even bigger fans of Ningguang than he is.

Those Whose Faith is Blind

“After listening to Ningguang’s analysis, you realize that there is another layer of purpose to this auction…”

Step 8: Talk to Ningguang again.

After talking to the buyer, talk to Ningguang again and tell her what you found out.

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Yingfeng questioned the items of the auction and wondered if they were counterfeits. He claimed he was willing to pay a high price because he trusted Ningguang, but it is related to a lost item from the original Jade Chamber collection that has quietly made its way into Yingfeng’s hands. Ningguang agreed to refund all the money that Yingfeng spent in the auction today if he is willing to return her property.

Ningguang hand-picked every participant in the auction, and they all possess lost property belonging to her. And the sole reason the auction was held was to reclaim her treasured possessions.

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None of the items offered during that decisive battle shall be lost, no matter how small.

Simple Schedule – Ningguang Endings 3, 4, and 5 – Act 1

Scheduling the Day

“Ningguang asks you to fill in for her secretaries. After learning the ropes a bit, you submit a schedule for the next day’s business.”

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**choose the option: “(Alright. Time to avoid anything too complicated.).

You created a Simple Schedule with only “One day off!” written.

Baishi thinks the schedule is a bit of a light load but is convinced her Ningguang needs a vacation.

Ending 3: Unchanging Will

Time Off!

“Ningguang has been working pretty hard all day. You’d like to help her take a day off, and she seems to have some idea of what she’d like to do during this downtime…”

Step 1: Wait until the following day (07:00 – 08:00)

Open the options menu and select the clock icon to set the in-game time to wait until somewhere between 7 am and 8 am tomorrow.

Step 2: Wake Ningguang up and talk to her.

Go to Ningguang’s room and knock on the door to wake her. When she’s out, you show her the schedule for today. Ningguang finds taking a break from her usual tight schedule is quite nice.

Ningguang then asks for your idea on how to spend her day off.

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**choose the option: “Let’s do something you never normally have time for.

Liyue Millennial

“Ningguang would like to use the board game she created to commemorate the battle against Osial. As such, she wished to produce a very special figurine.”

Ningguang remembers the chess game she made called the Liyue Millennial, which is based on classic chess but has different rules. She designed it to be a fun game that uniquely captures Liyue’s culture. Many concepts that aren’t part of traditional chess were introduced, as well as different chess pieces and even boards.

She also plans to make a new set with the board and pieces based on the battle for Liyue. Ningguang wants to make each of the chess pieces of Liyue Millennial as true-to-life as possible, and one of them is a model of you, the Traveler.

Step 3: Accompany Ningguang to have the piece made.

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Measurements need to be taken to make the chess piece that is based on you. Go with Ningguang to meet Ying’er, the shop assistant at Scent of Spring, and take your measurements. She is the one who was asked to make the custom chess pieces that Ningguang needs for her board game.

Step 4: Go to Mingxing Jewelry to place an order.

Once your measurements are taken, head to Mingxing Jewelry to hand the proportions to Xingxi, the shop’s owner. She will pass them to the craftsman later so that he can start working on them.

Xingxi agreed to use top-quality materials for Ningguang’s chess pieces but worries that production will be dragged out and only limited products can be made. This, however, is not a problem for Ningguang because, to her, every previous set has always had some degree of commercial or marketing considerations to bear in mind.

But this certain set serves more of a commemorative purpose: Ningguang’s contribution to Liyue Harbor, sacrificing her jade Chamber to defeat Osial.

After the Descent

“While having the chess piece made, Ningguang says that using the Jade Chamber to repel Osial was a “deal” in and of itself, but that doesn’t entirely seem to be the case…”

Step 5: Return to the Jade Chamber and talk to Ningguang.

Teleport to the Jade Chamber and listen to the truth about how and why Ningguang decided to destroy her Jade Chamber to defeat the giant sea monster Osial.

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Through countless melancholy moments, the clouds are now at last clear. Gazing ahead, she will surely make the right decisions.

Ending 4: Fortunes Shared

Time Off!

“Ningguang has been working pretty hard all day. You’d like to help her take a day off, and she seems to have some idea of what she’d like to do during this downtime…”

Step 1: Wait until the following day (07:00 – 08:00)

Open the options menu and select the clock icon to set the in-game time to wait until somewhere between 7 am and 8 am tomorrow.

Step 2: Wake Ningguang up and talk to her.

Go to Ningguang’s room and knock on the door to wake her. When she’s out, you show her the schedule for today. Ningguang finds taking a break from her usual tight schedule is quite nice.

Ningguang then asks for your idea on how to spend her day off.

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**choose the option: “Let’s do something you never normally have the opportunity to do.

Step 3: Take a trip down memory lane with Ningguang

Ningguang wants to do something indulgent. She wants to recapture life before joining the Liyue Qixing and feel some of the drive again when she is doing hard work just to earn enough Mora.

She sets a rule that you should not use your status or reputation in Liyue Harbor to your advantage and that you should have no starting capital. The goal is to see how much Mora you can earn under these conditions.

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**choose the option: “Let’s start at the bottom of the ladder.

Starting From Zero

“Ningguang would like to relive the experiences she had when she was just starting out. She thus invites you to play a game of starting from the very bottom. You head to the wharf together…”

Step 4: Go to the wharf to search for abandoned goods.

Go to the docks, check the thrown-away unclaimed or abandoned goods, and find something you can exchange for Mora.

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Talk to the warehouse manager, Gou San’er, and ask about the unclaimed and abandoned goods. Eventually, you only find a wooden toy made of good quality wood. If you took it apart, there are quite several useful everyday objects that you could turn into with a little work.

Step 5: Sell the material to the merchant.

Find a merchant to appraise the abandoned goods you picked up and sell them to him.

Go to Wanyou Boutique and have Bolai check the value of the goods.

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Adventurer’s Survival Handbook

“It is very difficult to start from zero in Liyue Harbor. Only the outer wilds offer the opportunity to throw off the Tianquan’s name.

After several misunderstandings with the people of Liyue Harbor, you decide to take your little game with Ningguang outside of the city. You suggest living like an adventurer and going treasure hunting. Despite the hard work and low payout, Ningguang agreed to follow your suggestion.

Step 6: Go out and search for treasure.

Teleport to Guili Plains and defeat the Slimes lurking around a treasure chest.

In this part, you will have the opportunity to play as Ningguang out in the wild. After defeating the monsters, open the treasure chest.

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Step 7: Continue looking for chests.

Go up the path that leads north to Wangshu Inn, and right across the wooden bridge, you will find another treasure chest.

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Step 8: Defeat the monsters and open the treasure chest.

Just around the area, Ningguang notices a hole in the ground. This one was dug by a Weasel Thief, an animal that brings a bag of Mora with it.

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Step 9: Look for the Weasel Thief’s tracks.

Continue up the dirt path that leads to Wangshu Inn until you see holes in the ground.

Step 10: Check the hole that the Weasel Thief left behind.

Investigate the holes dug by the Weasel Thief and see if you find anything valuable.

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Step 11: Find the Mora that the Weasel Thief was hiding.

Upon checking the last hole, a Weasel Thief will appear and run away. Catch it to get the Mora it is carrying.

Open Resources, Thrifty Expenditure

“You can’t just waste the Mora you took time and effort to find out in the wild like that…”

After chasing after the Weasel Thief, Ningguang suddenly felt a little hungry. Since you only made a little over a thousand Mora, spending it on expensive dishes in Wangshu Inn would be a waste.

Ningguang finds this an opportunity to show you a skill she used to be rather proud of—fishing. And since the rule of the game is that no fishing rod is allowed, you are going fishing by hand.

Step 12: Catch fish by the river (3)

Go down the river and catch the fish that are in the shallow parts.

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Step 13: Grill the fish by the shore with Ningguang

Aside from catching fish by hand, Liyue Qixing’s Tianquan will let you taste her cooking.

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After a short rest, it is time to convert your previous efforts into future motivations.

Ending 5: Feint and Riposte

Time Off!

“Ningguang has been working pretty hard all day. You’d like to help her take a day off. She seems to have some idea of what she’d like to do during this downtime…”

Step 1: Follow steps 1 and 2 of Ending 4.

Step 2: Take a trip down memory lane with Ningguang

Ningguang wants to do something indulgent. She wants to recapture life before joining the Liyue Qixing and feel some of the drive again when she is doing hard work just to earn enough Mora.

She sets a rule that you should not use your status or reputation in Liyue Harbor to your advantage and that you should have no starting capital. The goal is to see how much Mora you can earn under these conditions.

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**choose the option: “Let’s go find some work at Northland Bank.

Endless Smoke

“Ningguang would like to relive the experiences she had when she was just starting out. She thus invites you to play a game of starting from the very bottom. When you mention the Northland Bank, she decides to let you have a look at how things are now.”

Step 3: Go to Northland Bank.

Go inside Northland Bank and talk to the receptionist, Ekaterina.

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As expected, Ningguang is not welcome in the Fatui Bank, and when she offered to do business with them, Eketerina made it clear that they would not do it if they were to go under huge losses like the last time.

Step 4: Leave the Northland Bank and talk to Ningguang.

A Clumsy Cover-Up

“The reception at the Northland Bank is frosty. You and NIngguang can only leave. But right after you do, you immediately sense someone’s eyes on you. Most curious…”

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When you leave the building and are in the town’s streets, discussing the Bank employees’ hostility towards Ningguang, you notice someone observing you two.

Step 5: Follow Ningguang and observe your surroundings.

Ningguang suggests you act naturally, determine who your trail is, and then lure them somewhere more deserted so that you can catch them. Walk forward at a normal pace, and don’t do anything to give away that you suspect anything.

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Walk with Ningguang to Mingxing Jewelry and then talk to her.

The Snare

“As you pretend to have a leisurely stroll through the streets, several suspicious figures start to emerge.”

Step 6: Follow Ningguang and observe your surroundings again.

Follow Ningguang again as she walks towards Changshun’s stall.

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You have narrowed down your suspects further, but you must be 100% sure who the culprit is. Ningguang suggests that you continue walking and observe who is tailing you.

Step 7: Continue following Ningguang and observing your surroundings.

Continue walking to the bridge leading to the city’s southern part and discuss your next move with Ningguang.

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Step 8: Find the person following you.

It’s time to sneak up on the person tailing you to ask why he is following you and who sent him. Based on your observations, the person following you is the guy with short blonde hair, wearing an overcoat.

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If you approach the wrong person, the culprit will have the chance to escape, and the Hangout Event will end without reaching the correct ending or memory. So be sure to engage the right suspect.

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Ningguang negotiates with the suspicious person to tell the truth in exchange for a certain level of immunity once this action of the Northland Bank gets investigated. The man agreed and assured her his assignment was just to follow the Tianquan.

The people at the Fatui bank were on high alert when Ningguang showed up unannounced, thinking she was up to something. They seem to be too guarded against her, and they need to know why she suddenly appeared.

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Ningguang feels that this action of the Northland Bank is very suspicious and that there is more to it than what the man is letting on. The suspicious person also confessed that more people were tailing you and would have reported to the bank that you caught on with their actions.


“Ningguang is hardly about to overlook the Northland Bank’s overreaction…”

Step 9: Go back to the Northland Bank for a confrontation.

Lady Ningguang decides that you must confront the Northland Bank people immediately. The longer they react, the fewer clues they’ll leave behind.

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When you reach the bank, you hear Ekaterina instructing her people to keep investigating Ningguang. The Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing is not very pleased that when she made a brief and inconsequential visit, the Northland Bank’s reaction was to immediately arrange a sizable surveillance operation with her as the target.

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No one wants to go up against Ningguang…

Achievements & Rewards

When you reach the 5th end of Act I of Ningguang’s Hangout Event, you will unlock an achievement with 5 Primogems. The achievement is Protectiveness – A single stone births a thousand ripples. It seems like Ningguang’s day off is not to be.

Completing all five endings of this Hangout Event will also unlock an achievement with 20 Primogems to be claimed. The achievement is Megrez’s Companion Star – Complete “The Jade Chamber’s Returning Guest” and unlock all endings.

Reaching an ending or memory will also give you rewards, and they are as follows:

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