Hogwarts Legacy Officially Delayed



Bayani Miguel Acebedo

Writer and Storywriter

Bayani is a freelance pop-culture newswriter that's been covering the news cycle since 2017. He writes mostly about TV and movies, but he also covers the biggest game news and makes sure to keep you up-to-date on the hottest titles. Though he does specialize on topics like Star Wars and Comic Book films, he also keeps up to date on none superhero properties like the latest movies and most buzzed about tv shows. He also has a podcast called Feed the Geeks which you can check out on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. He also draws original webcomics from time to time.

With the disappointment of the last Fantastic Beasts film, Wizarding World fans thought they would be coming back to Hogwarts later this year with Hogwarts Legacy, but it looks like that won’t be happening after all.

Hogwarts Legacy Officially Delayed

As per an official announcement, Hogwarts Legacy has been pushed from its winter 2022 release date to February 10, 2023. Here’s the post:

We don’t have any specifics as to why the game has been delayed, but with the massive scale that Hogwarts Legacy is allegedly going for, a delay can always be expected nowadays. This won’t be the game’s first delay either, as HL was expected to come out in 2021 before they decided to push it back to this year.

While there are definitely players who are disappointed, Cyberpunk 2077 has already taught everyone that it’s far better to get a completed game late than an unfinished game on time. Heck, you’ll even notice that the AAA games that have been announced have mostly been getting vague release windows—as compared to before when they could get specific dates that are usually never met.

Become the student you have always wanted to be as you experience life at Hogwarts and embark on a journey through the wizarding world. Discover magical beasts, craft potions, and master spell casting as you uncover the mystery of Ancient Magic.

Hogwarts Legacy launches for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC on Feb. 10, 2023. No release date has been announced for the Nintendo Switch version.

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