Learn how to defeat the Massive Moss Charger in Hollow Knight!

Team Cherry’s Metroidvania action-adventure game, Hollow Knight, follows the journey of a nameless warrior called the Knight as he travels through Hallownest, which is now a kingdom in ruins because of a supernatural disease. As the Knight journeys through Hallownest, he will encounter different enemies, bosses, mini-bosses, and even optional mini-bosses. One of these optional mini-bosses is the Massive Moss Charger.
The Massive Moss Charger is an optional mini-boss in the game that can be found off the Pilgrim’s Way in the Greenpath area. The Massive Moss Charger looks like a huge bush but is a group of regular Moss Chargers.
This guide will teach you how to defeat the Massive Moss Charger!
As mentioned, the Massive Moss Charger is near Pilgrim’s Way, southeast of Greenpath.
To find the Massive Moss Charger, this is what the Knight must do:
- Starting from the Bench in the Greenpath Stagway Station, head to the right and exit the room; head to the right and down to the bottom of the room, where the Knight will encounter a couple of Squits, Volatile Mosskins, Fool Eaters, Mosscreeps on the way down.
- Near the bottom of the room, you will see that part of the path will be closed. To open it, hit the lever on the left side, where a Fool Eater will appear once the Knight stands on the lever. After that, drop down and take the exit at the bottom left of the room.
- Next, upon dropping to the next room, drop down on the gap, head to the right, continue all the way, and take the exit on the rightmost part of the room.
- Then, continue heading to the right, where the Knight will encounter a Moss Charger and a Mosscreep, then take the exit on the right.
- After that, continue heading to the right, jump towards the following platforms where the Knight will encounter a Mosscreep above or a Moss Charger below, continue to the right where the Knight will encounter another Moss Charger, jump to the next platform on the right where the Knight will encounter another Mosscreep.
- Next, continue heading to the right by jumping on the next platforms, where the Knight will encounter a Moss Charger on either the platform above or below, then take the exit on the right.
- Then, head to the right, where the Knight will encounter four Obbles and a Mosscreep; take the next exit that leads downwards next to a Volatile Mosskin.
- It is worth noting that the Stone Sanctuary, which has a Bench, can be found by taking the exit on the right upon entering this next room. After that, head to the left, where the Knight will encounter a Mosscreep on a narrow pathway; continue to the left, where the Knight will encounter a Gulka; drop down the gap on the left, and head to the right, where the Knight will encounter another Gulka, drop down the gap on the right where the Knight will encounter another Gulka, head to the left, cross the gap with the help of the Monarch Wings ability or the Mothwing Cloak ability, then take the exit on the left.
- Finally, head to the left and the Knight will find the Massive Moss Charger!
It will look inactive at first but will shake once the Knight approaches, then roar and chase the Knight.
Unlike several other bosses in the game, the Knight is not locked in the arena when fighting the Massive Moss Charger, which means the Knight can leave or escape anytime.
In battle, the Massive Moss Charger will perform the following moves:
- Charge
The Massive Moss Charger will charge forward toward the Knight, similarly to the regular Moss Chargers.
- Belly-flop
The Massive Moss Charger will jump, head towards the Knight, and slam into the ground.
In battle, the Massive Moss Charger will head underground in between attacks. Despite looking like a regular Moss Charger but significantly larger, the Massive Moss Charger will not expose the bug within the moss when hitting it.
The primary strategy in defeating the Massive Moss Charger is jumping and nail-bouncing on top of it when it performs the Charge attack and dodging when it performs the Belly-flop attack. The Knight can also deal additional damage by dashing toward it and striking it using the Knight’s Nail once the Massive Moss Charger passes through the Knight and before it heads underground when it performs the Charge attack and the Belly-flop attack.
The battle against the Massive Moss Charger is fairly easy as long as the player is mindful of what attack the Massive Moss Charger will be performing.
Charms are also very beneficial in fighting the Massive Moss Charger: the Quick Focus Charm can be great to have as it can help the Knight heal faster, and the Mark of Pride and Longnail Charm can help by increasing the length of the Knight’s Nail. The Shaman Stone Charm can help by increasing the size and damage of Spells, and the Soul Catcher and Soul Eater Charm can help by increasing the amount of Soul that the Knight will gain when hitting enemies.
The Kingsoul Charm can help regenerate Soul every two seconds, and the Grubsong Charm can help gain Soul every time the Knight takes damage. The Spell Twister Charm can help by reducing the amount of Soul needed to cast Spells.
The Stalwart Shell Charm can help by increasing the invincibility time and decreasing the recoil every time the Knight takes damage. The Fragile Strength Charm or the Unbreakable Strength Charm can help by increasing the damage output of the Knight’s Nail by 50%.
The Heavy Blow charm can help by increasing the knockback when the Knight strikes enemies using the Nail or Nail Arts. The Quick Slash charm can help by allowing the Knight to attack enemies rapidly using the Nail.
You mustn’t get greedy in attacking the Massive Moss Guardian, as this will result in the Knight taking damage, primarily if the Massive Moss Charger performs the Belly-flop attack. Learn when to attack, when not to attack, and when to dodge, and you will defeat the Massive Moss Charger in no time.