Pokemon Legends: Arceus is set in olden times in the Pokemon world when it was rare to find harmony between people and Pokemon. Set in the Hisui region, modern-day Sinnoh, you will join the Galaxy Expedition Team (Galaxy Team for short) as a member of the Survey Corps stationed in Jubilife Village. You will be tasked to meet every Hisui Region Pokemon species to complete the region’s first-ever Pokédex.

The Galaxy Team will task the player to do missions in the game. Additionally, various people will also request the player’s help. One of these requests is Request 59, titled ‘Misdreavus the Hairstyle Muse.’ This guide will teach you to complete the ‘Misdreavus the Hairstyle Muse’ request.
Misdreavus the Hairstyle Muse
To unlock this request, the player must first accept the ‘Scaling Perilous Heights’ mission, the eleventh mission in the game where the player must quell a frenzied Noble Hisuian Electrode.
After doing the requirements mentioned, you can now start this request! To do just that, head to the hairdresser, beside Anthe in the Clothier and Choy in the General Store just across the player’s quarters on the left side of the Galaxy Hall, and outside you will find Arezu of the Diamond Clan. Talk to Arezu, and she will tell the player that she needs help coming up with new hairstyles, and she thinks that Pokemon would be great for inspiration.
The Pokemon she is currently picturing is Misdreavus, and she wants to study Misdreavus up close as she is sure she will come up with some amazing new styles. She will then ask the player to show her a Misdreavus if the player manages to catch one so she can have a look. Then, just like that, the ‘Misdreavus the Hairstyle Muse’ request has started!
To complete this request, the player must catch a Misdreavus and show it to Arezu outside the hairdresser in Jubilife Village. Now it is time to find a Misdreavus!
Misdreavus can be found in the Coronet Highlands (in Celestica Ruins, east of Sacred Plaza and near Stonetooth Rows) and Alabaster Icelands (north of Bonechill Wastes, west of Avalugg’s Legacy, and around Icebound Falls). Misdreavus can only be found in these locations at night in every weather condition.
If you decide to battle against a Misdreavus before catching it, note that Misdreavus is a Ghost-type Pokemon, meaning it is weak against Dark-type and Ghost-type moves (super effective). It is also resistant to Bug-type and Poison-type moves (not very effective) and immune to Fighting-type and Normal-type moves (no effect).
Additionally, if you decide to throw food at it to distract it, it is also worth mentioning that Misdreavus’ preferred foods are Springy Mushrooms and Plump Beans.
After catching a Misdreavus, head back to Arezu, still outside the hairdresser beside the General Store and Clothier, and talk to her; on the prompt, select the “About your request…” and show her the Misdreavus you just caught. Arezu will then tell the player that people are afraid of Misdreavus because of how it wails at night. However, after taking a good look at it, the Misdreavus has given Arezu some fresh perspective because of how the Misdreavus billows, sways, and flows.
After that, Arezu will have thought of some new charming hairstyles and a new palette of colors. Finally, she will tell the player to come by anytime to try the new hairstyles added to the hairdresser’s lineup, which the player can do right after talking to her and completing the request!
Now that you have completed the ‘Misdreavus the Hairstyle Muse’ Request, you can now try to complete other requests, complete missions, or complete Arceus’ task for you, which is to catch ’em all!