It’s tough to pull out an Ace of Spaces in Destiny 2 and not feel the weight of the Exotic Hand Cannon you’re carrying. The Ace used to belong to Cayde-6, the Hunter Vanguard. The Ace, in a cruel twist of fate, is what killed him. Now you can wield it, given you know how to get it, of course. With that, here’s how to get Ace of Spades in Destiny 2.

Getting Ace used to be a lot more emotional
After the Forsaken expansion came out for Destiny 2, Ace of Spades was a reward for a Quest that involved listening to a bunch of old recordings from Cayde-6. It was a nice send-off for the character, and it reminded you of the bittersweet journey you were on. Yeah, you were going to get a cool new weapon. Destiny 2 had just killed off one of its most beloved characters, though. Would you rather have the Ace of Spades, or still have Cayde-6 milling around in the Tower Hangar?
Sadly, as it killed so many other interesting Quests and Adventures, the Destiny Content Vault murdered this Ace of Spades Quest, too. There’s still a way for you to get the gun now, which is good news. It’s definitely a lot more anticlimactic, though.

To start, you’ll want to visit the Monument to Lost Lights in the Tower, ensuring you have all of the following materials and currencies first:
- One Exotic Cipher
- 125,000 Glimmer
- 200 Etheric Spiral
- One Ascendant Shard
Once you’ve got all that whipped up and ready to go, open the Monument to Lost Lights and visit the “Forsaken Exotics” section. There, you’ll find Ace of Spades sitting in the very first spot. You can then purchase it and go wild.
And that’s how to get Ace of Spades in Destiny 2
The Ace is pretty wicked in Crucible, especially if you get its “Memento Mori” perk activated, which gives you bonus damage after getting a kill and immediately reloading. Ace of Spades also comes with Firefly as an intrinsic perk, which means it can do serious ad clearing work in PvE activities.
I’m a bit bummed you’re having to go this route to get Ace, as I think everyone should still be able to enjoy the Quest it originally came from. Either way, have fun with the gun, and be sure to use that Energy Accelerant mod from Season of the Splicer’s Seasonal Artifact to really make that Firefly sing.