How to Get More Technology Points in Palworld



Luqman Abdulkabir

Writer and Storywriter

Luqman is an adept gaming writer with over 3 years of experience. He has contributed to several gaming publications, focusing on game reviews, industry news, and in-depth guides. Luqman stays ahead of the curve, delivering insights on the latest gaming trends and technologies. In his leisure time, he enjoys playing Call of Duty and exploring new games.

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Find out the different methods to get more technology points in Palworld and get new items for your survival!

How to Get More Technology Points in Palworld

Palworld is an open-world survival game that offers a truly distinctive experience. It places your character in a world to explore and find means to survive among Pals and bosses. To survive, you must have the necessary resources matching your level.

Fortunately, the game features a technology menu that allows you to unlock new items and craft them for your survival. But, you can only acquire these technologies (items) with technology points, otherwise known as tech points. At the beginning of the game, you’ll easily come by tech points just by exploring, but it gets tougher to find as you level up. And this is actually when you need the tech points the most.

How to Get More Technology Points in Palworld

Here are some helpful tips for finding more technology points in Palworld:

Activate Fast Travel Points

Get more technology points in Palworld

Unlocking fast travel points in Palworld allows instant travel between distant locations and earns you technology points. It’s unarguably the easiest way to farm tech points in the game, as it requires no combat.

To unlock the fast travel points, you’ll have to find their locations on the map or pay attention to them while exploring Palworld. On reaching the statue physically, interact with it to activate it. Doing that will get you 1 technology point and a fast traveling ability to that location.

The tech points you earn with this method may not be much, but they can still get you an item in some Palworld levels.

Level up in Palworld

Level up in Palworld

In Palworld, you get more technology points by leveling up. But to level up, you must earn experience points (XP), which you gain by capturing Pals. The more XP you earn, the more you level up and earn additional technology points.

Quick Tip: If you capture 10 Pals of the same kind, you’ll get a bonus amount of XP.

Find Technical Manuals

Boss kill

Another way to get more tech points in Palworld is by getting technical manuals. There are 3 types of technical manuals you can come by in Palworld, which are:

  • Ordinary technical manual – gives 1 point
  • High-grade technical manual – gives 2 points
  • Innovative technical manual gives 3 points

There are different methods to farm technical manuals in this game:

Raid Dungeons

You can complete dungeon raids and defeat bosses for a chance to find technical manuals as loot. To increase your odds of defeating bosses, use powerful Pals like Pyrin and Fenglope.

Once you clear the dungeon and kill/capture the boss, open the chests at the boss’s keep to see if you earn a technical manual. If you get one, go to the Inventory on the game and consume the manual to get technology points.

Explore Sanctuaries

Apart from dungeon raids, you can explore sanctuaries (especially the north wilderness sanctuary 3). It’ll be easier to farm from these sanctuaries if you set up a base at the back of the sanctuary rocks.

If you find a chest with a technical manual in a sanctuary, mark the location on the map so you can return to obtain more tech manuals and thereby earn tech points. However, note that sanctuaries are risky, and not all of them have chests with technical manuals.

Defeat Tower Bosses and Alpha Pals

Tower bosses and some Alpha Pals (Anubis, Lyleen, Shadowbeak, Hootcrates, Katress, and Wixen) drop technical manuals when you defeat them. So, defeat them to get more technology points in Palworld.

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