How to get Tommy’s Matchbook in Destiny 2



Shawn Farner

Writer and Storywriter

Remember the Touch of Malice? It was a gun from the original Destiny that, if you shot it enough, would also damage you. Same goes for Tommy’s Matchbook, an Exotic Auto Rifle in Destiny 2. Fire enough bullets and the weapon overheats and burns you. But there is an upside: when it overheats, it does more damage! Sound good? Sound like a gun that tickles your fancy? If so, here’s how to get Tommy’s Matchbook in Destiny 2.

How to get Tommy's Matchbook in Destiny 2

Tommy’s Matchbook was a seasonal weapon

Back before the Destiny Content Vault ripped the game to shreds, Tommy’s Matchbook dropped courtesy of a Season Pass: more specifically, the one found in 2020’s Season of the Worthy. Because seasonal content disappears following the conclusion of a particular season (gotta love that FOMO), weapons made available via the Season Pass, along with mission content and quests, go bye-bye. That means you can’t get Tommy’s Matchbook via that older avenue.

There is still a way to get it from the game as it stands now, and it is fairly straightforward. You need only look to the Tower. Your answer lies there.

You can buy Tommy’s Matchbook from the Monument to Lost Lights

Monument to Lost Lights

The Monument to Lost Lights serves as a repository for all the cool things you missed out on in Destiny 2. Weapons from Raids, Quests, secret Missions, and more are found in this kiosk. You’ll find it in between the Vault terminals in the Tower. But to get your hands on Tommy’s Matchbook, you’ll need some resources.

When you have all that handy, take a trip to the Tower, open the Monument to Lost Lights, and navigate to the section called “Shadowkeep Exotics.” From here, look about six spots over from the left and you’ll find the gun you are searching for.

And that’s how to get Tommy’s Matchbook in Destiny 2

My favorite way to use this gun is probably the best way to use it: on a Warlock with a Rift handy, or a Well of Radiance roaring at full blast. When all that is hopping, you can shoot Tommy’s Matchbook up past the level of overheating while still keeping your health up. In essence, you are doing max damage with it and aren’t feeling the consequences. Just make sure to stop firing when that Rift or that Well disappears.

Play with Tommy’s and see where it fits in your toolkit. And above all else: have fun with it.

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