How to Taunt in DOTA 2 [and a Complete Taunt List]



Jasper Nikki De La Cruz

Writer and Storywriter

Jasper Nikki De La Cruz is a video game enthusiast and has written for various gaming outlets for a decade. He specializes in reviewing early access games.

DOTA 2 is not just a game of technical skills, it is also a game of mental fortitude. OG, the back-to-back winners of The International, is known for tilting their opponents through spamming chat-wheels and putting up banners as taunts. Aside from the two aforementioned methods of provoking opponents, there are also taunts in DOTA 2, a cosmetic that allows the player’s heroes to perform goofy actions in an attempt to arouse emotions from the opponents – in hopes of making them make mistakes.

How to Taunt in DOTA 2  [and a Complete Taunt List]

How to Obtain Taunts in DOTA 2

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Below are the three ways to obtain taunts in DOTA 2:

  1. Buy from the Steam Marketplace – DOTA 2 taunts are most commonly purchased in Steam Marketplace. Technically, they do not appear as in-game drops after playing. Instead, they may be part of a treasure or a bundle that can be unlocked with a purchasable key and is randomly dropped. Whether you’re buying the taunt off the marketplace, or buying a key to open a treasure with a chance to get a taunt, you still have to use real money to acquire them.
  2. Drops in a Battle Pass – It has become a tradition that the battle pass includes taunts for specific heroes. Reaching a certain level, or completing a task, may reward a player with a taunt.
  3. Receive in a Giveaway, Raffle, or a Gift – Third party entities may host events for giveaways that occasionally include taunts. This might be risky since there is always a potential that you’re being scammed. A friend who has extra taunts lying around, or has taunts for heroes not in his hero pool, might also gift you with them. However, some taunts are not marketable or tradeable.

How to Use Taunts in DOTA 2

The default key bind for activating taunts is “T”. You can change this in the advanced hotkeys; taunts can only be used in 8-second intervals. Generally, taunts can be used while channeling, meaning they do not cancel teleporting out or using channeling skills like Pugna’s Life Drain or Enigma’s Black Hole. However, taunts that were released prior to The International Compendium 2015 (May 1, 2015) cancel channeling, get canceled when moving, and do not trigger to autoplay.

Modern taunts are triggered by in-game actions without hitting the taunt key. Below are the acts that will trigger taunt autoplay:

  1. Using a Town Portal Scroll or Boots of Travel at critical health (HP at >15% or below)
  2. Escaping at critical health (HP at >15% or below) after diving a tower and killing an enemy
  3. Participate in teamwiping the enemy
  4. Denying any Rune
  5. Killing opponent’s courier
  6. Killing allied hero to deny an enemy from a hero kill

What are the Taunts Available Now in DOTA 2

Below is the table of all the taunts available now in DOTA 2. Their pricing and availability are based on Steam Marketplace listing as of this writing and are subject to change. Take note of the date of release, taunts released prior to May 1, 2015, do not have auto-play except for Witch Doctor’s Celebration of Death.

8Taunt / HeroDescription Date of Release / OriginRarity / Tradeable / MarketableCost (Starts at)How Acquired
Ghostriding (Spectre)Spectre rides his weapon as if it is a horse. Using the taunt with the Phantom Advent Arcana will make her whip the daggers like it is a lasso. June 24, 2021 / Nemestice Battle Pass Common / Yes / Yes0.75 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 335 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Goin’ Bananas (Monkey King)Monkey King hops on his Ruyi Jingu Bang and uses it as a pogo stick. December 12, 2016 / Great Sage’s BundleCommon / Yes / Yes3.75 US$Part of an Arcana set
A Sproink in Your Step
Enchantress twirls her spear like a majorette. May 25, 2020 / The International 2020 Battle PassRare / Yes / YesNot yet marketableObtained by leveling Battle Pass to level 277
All Sparkles and Rainbow (Death Prophet)Death Prophet dances with jazz hands ending with a rainbow animation over her May 8, 2018 / The International 2018 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.15 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Advanced Bladework (Tinker)Tinker’s mechanized shoulder and arms rotate furiously. May 25, 2020 / The International 2020 Battle PassRare / Yes / YesNot yet marketableObtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 412
Bananadancer (Venomancer)Venomancer leaves a banana with squeaky sound effects. January 27/ 2016 / Winter 2016 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.70 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 28 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Barrelmeister (Brewmaster)
Brewmaster balances over his rolling barrel. October 5, 2016 / Fall 2016 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.29 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 28 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Bathed in the (Omniknight)Omniknight performs a Dark Souls’ “Praise the Sun”.May 8, 2018 / The International 2018 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes1.78 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Battle Dressage (Centaur Warrunner)Centaur Warrunner hops around raising his arms as if waking the crowd. October 5, 2016 / Fall 2016 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.34 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 14 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Beautiful Snowangel (Crytal Maiden)Crystal Maiden falls into the ground and makes a snow angel.May 31, 2013 / Compendium Taunt PackRare / Yes / Yes0.66 US$Initially, the Compendium Taunt Pack was given to players who bought The International 2013 Interactive Compendium Bundle, this taunt is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Bring It On (Anti-Mage) Anti-Mage dances around. May 7, 2019 / The International 2019 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.83 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 442 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Call It What You Will (Ogre Magi)Ogre Magi dances around.May 25, 2020 / The International 2020 Battle PassRare / Yes / YesNot yet marketableObtained by leveling Battle Pass to level 606
Cat Wrangler (Mirana)Sagan, Mirana’s mount, chases its tail around. May 8, 2018, The International 2018 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.61 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 142 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Celebration of Death
(Witch Doctor)
Witch Doctor performs his Death Ward animation even without casting the spell. Bonkers (Witch Doctor’s cosmetic monkey) also performs this taunt when equipping the cosmetics Bonkers of the Mad or Bonkers of the Awaleb.May 9, 2013 / Treasure of the Malignant AmantiaRare / Yes / Yes1.89 US$Part of the Treasure of the Malignant Amantia, a treasure which is unique since there is no seal or key needed to open the treasure
Check This Out (Pugna)Pugna dances around.May 8, 2018 / The International 2018 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.08 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Cold Breakfast (Phoenix)Phoenix tosses a peeled hard-boiled egg on the ground.May 8, 2018 / The International 2018 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.05 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Cold-Hearted! (Ancient Apparition)Ancient Apparation waves and produces hearts at the end of the animation. May 7, 2019 / The International 2019 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.15 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 16 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Come and Get It! (Axe)Axe signals with his hand to “Come and get it.” May 9, 2013 / Treasure of the Malignant AmanitaRare / Yes / Yes1.85 US$Part of the Treasure of the Malignant Amantia, a treasure which is unique since there is no seal or key needed to open the treasure
Curious Movements Indeed (Void Spirit)With one leg, Void Spirit jumps around and flips in the air in the end. May 25, 2020 / The International 2020 Battle PassRare / Yes / YesNot yet marketable Obtained by leveling Battle Pass to level 3
Deadly Grace (Phantom Assassin)Phantom Assassin twirls her blade and flips in the air. When Manifold Paradox is equipped, the blades are joined.May 8, 2018 / The International 2018 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes1.12 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Dirt Surfer (Earth Spirit)Earth Spirit surfs on air using his staff. May 7, 2019 / The International 2019 Battle Pass Rare / Yes / Yes0.10 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 86 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Do a Barrel Roll (Gyrocopter)Gyrocopter does a barrel rollMay 1, 2015 / Manual of Fearsome MovesRare / Yes / Yes0.20 US$Part of the Manual of Fearsome Moves which was handed out to players who purchased The International Compendium 2015
Do the Robot (Clockwerk)Clockwerk performs a jerky mannequin dance.May 1, 2015 / Manual of Fearsome MovesRare / Yes / Yes0.19 US$Part of the Manual of Fearsome Moves which was handed out to players who purchased The International Compendium 2015
Enigmatic Style (Enigma)Enigma dances like a blown tube man.May 8, 2018 / The International 2018 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.16 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Exterminated (Weaver)Weaver convulses on the ground while sparks fly around.May 8, 2018 / The International 2018 Battle Pass Rare / Yes / Yes0.19 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Fearless Cadence
(Legion Commander)
Legion Commander marches a goose step while raising her weapon.May 8, 2019 / The International Battle 2019 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes 0.43 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 201 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Fiendish Swag (Shadow Fiend)Shadow Fiend dances with his arm on the sides and then up to his head. May 1, 2015 / Manual of Fearsome MovesRare / Yes / Yes1.07 US$Part of the Manual of Fearsome Moves which was handed out to players who purchased The International Compendium 2015
Fight Me! (Tusk) Tusk boxes around and ends it with an uppercut.May 8, 2018 / The International 2018 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes1.01 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Fit to Rule (Wraith King)Wraith King dances like a clown. His skeleton summons will also perform the dance moves when they are not attacking. May 8, 2018 / The International 2018 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes 1.07 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Float Where He Wanna (Snapfire)Snapfire and Mortimer float in the air inside a bubble. May 25, 2020 / The International Battle Pass 2020Rare / Not yet / Not yetNot yet marketableObtained by leveling Battle Pass to Level 563
Slardar flaps around like a fish.May 7, 2019 / The International Battle Pass 2019 Rare / Yes / Yes0.09 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 4 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Fluid Mechanics (Jakiro)Jakiro maneuvers an aileron roll.May 4, 2017 / The International 2017 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.13 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
For Death and Honor (Juggernaut)Juggernaut shows respect and bows. May 9, 2013 / Treasure of the Malignant Amanita Rare / Yes / Yes1.19 US$Part of the Treasure of the Malignant Amantia, a treasure which is unique since there is no seal or key needed to open the treasure
Funk of the Dead (Undying)Undying performs the zombie walk dance in Michael Jackson’s Thriller Music Video. January 27, 2016 / Winter 2016 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes 0.94 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 14 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Get the Blood Flowing (Mars)Mars warms up by hitting his spear to his shield. May 25, 2020 / The International 2020 Battle Pass Rare / Not yet / Not yet Not yetObtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 347
Giddy Up! (Rubick)Rubick rides his staff like a witch on her broomstick. May 1, 2015 / Manual of Fearsome MovesRare / Yes / Yes0.47 US$Part of the Manual of Fearsome Moves which was handed out to players who purchased The International Compendium 2015
Hang Loose! (Batrider) Batrider’s mount flies upside down.May 1, 2015 / Manual of Fearsome Moves Rare / Yes / Yes 0.11 US$Part of the Manual of Fearsome Moves which was handed out to players who purchased The International Compendium 2015
Harsh Critique (Grimstroke)Grimstroke pushes his brush to the ground leaving an ink stain. May 7, 2019 / The International 2019 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes 0.31 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 332 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Hot Eats (Ember Spirit)Ember Spirit cuts some meat and devours them.May 25, 2020 / The International 2020 Battle Pass Rare / No / NoNot marketableObtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 133
Ice Cold Baller (Lich)Lich performs an exhibition using his orb. May 7, 2019 / The International 2019 Battle Pass Rare / Yes / Yes 0.40 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 367 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Keep an Ear Out (Drow Ranger)Drow Ranger cups her ear as if listening.May 31, 2013 / The International 2013 Interactive Compendium Rare / Yes / Yes 0.78 US$Initially, the Compendium Taunt Pack was given to players who bought The International 2013 Interactive Compendium Bundle, this taunt is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Mag Power (Magnus)Magnus jumps and raising his polearm.May 1, 2015 / Manual of Fearsome Moves Rare / Yes / Yes0.19 US$Part of the Manual of Fearsome Moves which was handed out to players who purchased The International Compendium 2015
Not Just Your Average Bear (Ursa)Ursa rides a unicycle and clashes a pair of cymbals. If Dipper the Destroyer is equipped, he also plays the cymbals. May 7, 2019 / The International 2019 Battle Pass Rare / Yes / Yes 0.80 US$Obtainable first by reaching a level 563l in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Order Up!
Phoenix tosses a raw egg to the ground and the shell breaks then the yolk sizzle like the floor is a heated pan. May 8, 2018 / The International 2018 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes 0.18 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Orderly Chaos
(Chaos Knight)
Chaos Knight’s horse showhops and a vertical fence pop below. May 7, 2019 / The International 2019 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.26 US$Obtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 277
Pleasant Distraction (Winter Wyvern)Winter Wyvern blows circular cloud.May 04, 2017 / The International 2017 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes 0.18 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Quick Draw! (Sniper)Sniper performs a gun spin. May 1, 2015 / Manual of Fearsome MovesRare / Yes / Yes0.37 US$Part of the Manual of Fearsome Moves which was handed out to players who purchased The International Compendium 2015
Raging Bull (Spirit Breaker)Spirit Breaker bucks around in place. January 6, 2017 / Winter 2017 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes1.69 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 28 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Rolling Stone! (Tiny)Tiny rolls into a ball.May 7, 2019 / The International 2019 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes 0.24 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 144 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Sawed-Off Shotgun (Morphling)Morphling turns into a shotgun.May 25, 2020 / The International 2020 Battle PassRare / Not yet / Not yetNot yet marketableObtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 172
See Me Now (Riki)Riki dances around throwing his daggers in the end and catches them. Note: Does not break invisibility. May 8, 2018 / The International 2018 Battle Pass Rare / Yes / Yes0.20 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Selemene Leap!
Luna’s mount, Nova, leaps while Luna spins her glaive. May 5, 2015 / Manual of Fearsome MovesRare / Yes /Yes0.27 US$Replaced The Cat Dancer four days after it was awarded (forms part of the Manual of Fearsome Moves) to those who bought The International Compendium 2015.
Shaman Dance (Shadow Shaman) Shadow Shaman dances around with his wands, sparking them in the process. May 7, 2019 / The International2019 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.29 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 172 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Some Light Horseplay (Keeper of the Light) A stick protudes out of the ground and passes through Keeper of the Light’s horse as if they are part of a carousel. May 25, 2020 / The International 2020 Battle PassRare / Not yet / Not yetNot yet marketableObtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 172
Soured Relationship (Bane)Bane cheers on with a cheese wheel prop.May 25, 2020 / The International 2020 Battle PassRare / Not yet / Not yet Not yet marketable Obtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 88
Spider Shuffle (Broodmother)Broodmother spins in place.May 9, 2013 / Treasure of the Malignant AmanitaRare / Yes / Yes0.48 US$Part of the Treasure of the Malignant Amantia, a treasure which is unique since there is no seal or key needed to open the treasure
Techies Squint and Lauch (Techies)Spleen gets launched in the air. The color effects changes from the default purple into a fiery yellow when the Swine of the Sunken Galley (Explosive Burst) is equipped.September 4, 2014 / The International Compendium 2014Rare / Yes / Yes0.06 US$Forms part of The International Compendium 2014
The Magic Ends Here
Anti-Mage makes a subtle kill gesture on his neck using his blade.May 31, 2013 / The International 2013 Interactive CompendiumRare / Yes / Yes0.19 US$Obtained from the Compendium Taunt Pack, a reward for those who bought The International 2013 Interactive Compendium Bundle
Timeless Classic
(Faceless Void)
Faceless Void performs a Criss Cross.January 26, 2017 / Winter 2017 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.94 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 14 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Totem Roller (Earthshaker)Earthshaker rolls his totem while being upside down using only his hands. May 25, 2020 / The International 2020 Battle PassRare / Not yet / Not yet Not yet marketableObtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 222
Troll’s Groove
(Troll Warlord)
Troll Warlord breakdances. May 1, 2015 / Manual of Fearsome MovesRare / Yes / Yes 0.19 US$Part of the Manual of Fearsome Moves which was handed out to players who purchased The International Compendium 2015
Victory Jig (Nature’s Prophet)Nature’s Prophet performs an Irish Jig. May 9, 2013 / Treasure of the Malignant AmanitaRare / Yes / Yes 0.13 US$Part of the Treasure of the Malignant Amantia, a treasure which is unique since there is no seal or key needed to open the treasure
We Have Liftoff
Squee spins around Spleen, grabbing him by the hand, and then let’s go. Spleen then lands on the cart. With the Swine of the Sunken Galley is equipped, Spoon stays on the ground does not get climb back immediately on Squee until the end of the taunt. May 4, 2017 / The International 2017 Battle PassRare / Yes / Yes0.10 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 14 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Xylobones (Clinkz)Clinkz dances and produces dust. His Skeleton Archers also dance when they are not attacking. May 4, 2017Rare / Yes / Yes0.14 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
You Earned It (Templar Assassin)Templar Assasin jumps, twirls mid-air, then claps. May 25, 2020 / The International 2020 Battle Pass Rare / Not yet / Not yet Not yet marketableObtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 58
Backstroke! (Tidehunter)Tidehunter swims in a style of a backstroke.May 1, 2015 / Manual of Fearsome MovesMythical / Yes / Yes0.61 US$Part of the Manual of Fearsome Moves which was handed out to players who purchased The International Compendium 2015
Bristle Breakdown (Bristleback)Bristleback jump kicks. June 24, 2021 / Nemestice Battle PassMythical / No / NoNot marketableObtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 18
Chain Break Dance (Lifestealer)Lifestealer performs floorwork. May 4, 2017 / The International 2017 Battle Pass Mythical / Yes / Yes 1.09 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
(Skywrath Mage)
Skywrath Mage does a chicken impression in the style of Gob in Arrested Development. May 1, 2015 / Manual of Fearsome MovesMythical / Yes / Yes0.27 US$Part of the Manual of Fearsome Moves which was handed out to players who purchased The International Compendium 2015
Get Burned (Lina)Lina takes a bow while her hand’s flame intensifies.May 31, 2013 / The International 2013 Interactive CompendiumMythical / Yes / Yes1.09 US$Obtained from the Compendium Taunt Pack, a reward for those who bought The International 2013 Interactive Compendium Bundle
Got That Spark, Warden! (Arc Warden)Arc Warden performs a vaudeville with a top hat and a cane. June 24, 2021 / Nemestice 2021 Battle Pass Mythical / No / NoNot marketableObtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 3
Heavenly Jump! (Zeus)Zeus jump like Nintendo’s Mario including a gold coin appearing on top of his head. May 1, 2015 / Manual of Fearsome MovesMythical / Yes / Yes0.30 US$Part of the Manual of Fearsome Moves which was handed out to players who purchased The International Compendium 2015
In the Spirit of Peace
(Storm Spirit)
Storm Spirt yoga sits (Padsamana)or Storm Spirit floats in the air posing like Genie in Aladdin.May 4, 2017 / The International 2017 Battle PassMythical / Yes / Yes0.23 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Making Friends (Crystal Maiden)Crystal Maiden summons a snowman.May 4, 2017 / The International 2017 Battle Pass Mythical / Yes / Yes 1.04 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Pop the Question (Io)A question mark appears on Io. June 24, 2021 / Nemestice 2021 Battle Pass Mythical / No / No Not marketable Obtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 54
Shake Your Money Maker (Pudge)Pudge shakes his rear. May 31, 2013 / The International 2013 Interactive Compendium Mythical / Yes / Yes 0.88 US$Obtained from the Compendium Taunt Pack, a reward for those who bought The International 2013 Interactive Compendium Bundle
Sharp Blade (Juggernaut)Juggernaut throws his sword and catches it and then slashes it around. May 31, 2013 / The International 2013 Interactive Compendium Mythical / Yes / Yes 1.34 US$Obtained from the Compendium Taunt Pack, a reward for those who bought The International 2013 Interactive Compendium Bundle
Shredding the Lute Invisible (Nature’s Prophet)Nature’s Prophet shredding the guitar with his staff. May 9, 2013 / Treasure of the Malignant Amanita Mythical / Yes / Yes 0.13 US$Part of the Treasure of the Malignant Amantia, a treasure which is unique since there is no seal or key needed to open the treasure
Skip to the Good Stuff! (Pudge)Pudge skips about. When the Feast of Abscession Arcana is equipped, more visual effects appear when this taunt is used. April 3, 2018 / Feast of Abscession BundleMythical / Yes / Yes3.30 US$Part of the Feast of Abscession Bundle.
Step Lively (Kunkka)Kunkka jigs like a sailor and waving around his sword. May 7, 2017 / The International 2017Mythical / Yes / Yes 0.36 US$Obtainable first by reaching a certain level in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Gold Dip (Bounty Hunter)Bounty Hunter dives into a gold coin pool. June 24, 2021 / Nemestice 2021 Battle PassMythical / No / No Not marketable Obtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 100
Time and Space Jam (Oracle)Oracle dribbles his orb and dunks it on his backpiece.June 24, 2021 / Nemestice 2021 Battle Pass Mythical / No / No Not marketable Obtained by leveling The Battle Pass to level 70
Foolish Gallantry (Pangolier)Pangolier spins all over the place. October 31, 2017 /
Emblems of the Dueling Fates Bundle
Immortal / Yes / Yes 3.11 US$Part of the Emblems of the Dueling Fates Bundle
Make It Rain (Nature’s Prophet)Nature’s Prophet dances around while coins fall from the sky. May 16, 2016 / The International 2016 Battle PassImmortal / Yes / Yes0.29 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 95 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Ogre Hop (Alchemist)The ogre dances around awkwardly while Razzil Darkbrew raises his concoctions. May 16, 2016 / The International 2016 Battle Pass Immortal / Yes / Yes 0.09 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 14 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
Party On? Party Off!
Leshrac disco dances below a glitter ball.May 16, 2016 / The International 2016 Battle Pass Immortal / Yes / Yes 2.04 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 275 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
RazorFlip! (Slark)Slark jumps and throws his dagger.May 16, 2016 / The International 2016 Battle Pass Immortal / Yes / Yes 0.26 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 7 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
The Cat Dancer (Luna)Nova shuffles only with its rear legs.June 24, 2021 / The International 10 Battle PassImmortal / No/ NoNot marketableOriginally released on May 15, 2015, as part of the Manual of Fearsome Moves but got replaced by Selemene Leap! and now rereleased as part of The International 10 Battle Pass and is obtained once the Battle Pass reaches level 835
The Master Juggles (Invoker)Invoker juggles his orbs.May 16, 2016 / The International 2016 Battle Pass Immortal / Yes / Yes 0.51 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 110 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
The Royal Raspberry (Vengeful Spirit)Vengeful Spirit does the chicken dance as Lindsay does in Arrested Development.May 16, 2016 / The International 2016 Battle Pass Immortal / Yes / Yes 0.18 US$Comes with The International 2016 Battle Pass
Thorns and All (Dark Willow)Dark Willow spins around smelling flowers throws them up and Jex snatches them up.October 31, 2017 /
Emblems of the Dueling Fates Bundle
Immortal / Yes / Yes 1.45 US$Part of the Emblems of the Dueling Fates Bundle
To Hell and Back! (Lion)Lion dances with the motion of walking and pulling his arms towards him.May 16, 2016 / The International 2016 Battle Pass Immortal / Yes / Yes 0.61 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 38 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace
You Prefer Arrows (Windranger)Windranger jumps and spins and hearts float around. May 16, 2016 / The International 2016 Battle Pass Immortal / Yes / Yes 5.44 US$Obtainable first by reaching level 295 in the Battle Pass, but is now available on the Steam Marketplace

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