To curb dirty nonsensical driving behavior in online lobbies, Assetto Corsa Competizione has implemented a Safety Rating that helps filter lobbies of the dirty drivers from the clean ones.

The Track Medal credentials also ensure players are at least familiar with the various tracks in the simulator before they head into online lobbies.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is a competitive GT3 racing simulator that almost perfectly captures the sights, sounds, and feel of real-life GT3 racing. Assetto Corsa Competizione’s online play features exciting race lobbies filled with skilled sim racers worldwide.
To keep online races clean and orderly for everyone, Assetto Corsa Competizione implemented a Safety Rating that dictates which lobbies racers are eligible to join in.
Safety Rating for Safer Racing
Every sim racer wants a clean online lobby with bumper-to-bumper dogfights and good sportsmanship in the perfect world.
Unfortunately, a few outliers will always make it inside these lobbies and can potentially ruin the race for everyone trying their best to race as cleanly as possible.
Not everyone can keep a cool and calm demeanor under the extreme pressures that competitive sim racing puts sim racers on. Sometimes, when players snap, they do it in the most embarrassing manner possible: blatantly crashing into other players.

The Safety Rating algorithm is simple; the simulator accounts for how often you crash into other players (or AI) and around the track. The system takes away or adds points to your Safety Rating as necessary.
Safety Rating is something that online lobbies implement to filter out “unsafe” drivers from online lobbies. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a very high Safety Rating to be eligible to race in most if not all online lobbies in Assetto Corsa Competizione.
Fastest Method to Increase Safety Rating Fast
Assetto Corsa’s Safety Rating is something that will take a few hours of grinding to get up to a passable number. (80 SA is good enough)
Fortunately, the method we are about to show you will be straightforward.
- Fire up Assetto Corsa Competizione:

2. Go to Single Player:

3. Change Game Mode to “Quick Race”:

It will be up to you to decide how many AI opponents you want. The most important thing is that you set up the “Opponent Skill” to a number that will allow you to follow the car in front of you closely.
This is why it is so important to set up the Opponent Skill level to a pace that you can consistently race in lap after lap.
Safety Rating improves for every clean lap you complete while racing in close quarters with another car. So keep lapping until you have farmed enough Safety Rating points.

One more thing to consider is the track where you will be farming your Safety Rating points.
Your favorite track, where you have done hundreds of laps in, might be the best option. However, you will have to consider the corners present within your favorite track and whether it is conducive for close-quarters racing lap after lap.

An excellent alternative track would be Germany’s Nurburgring: a wide race track with wide corners and visible braking points.
How to Gain Track Medals Fast

Grinding all the Track Medals in Assetto Corsa Competizione is also a good way of making sure that you’ll be able to join just about any online lobby in ACC.
Gaining Track Medals is simple: All you need to do is to complete four perfect laps around the various tracks available in Assetto Corsa Competizione. Easy right?
It does not even have to be blazing fast PR-breaking lap times. A simple perfect lap with a good pace is enough to earn Track Medals in Assetto Corsa Competizione.
Safety First
The Assetto Corsa Competizione Safety Rating and Track Medals credential is a great way to ensure that players adhere to basic racing etiquette inside online lobbies.
While you might argue that Safety Ratings and Track Medals do not say a lot about how a particular player will behave inside lobbies (since they are fairly easy to acquire), SA and Track Medals make sure that sim racers are at the very least invested enough to take the time and grind these credentials.
A quick and easy way to filter out those rammers. Do you not think?