Is The Last of Us Remake Coming to PC?



Bayani Miguel Acebedo

Writer and Storywriter

Bayani is a freelance pop-culture newswriter that's been covering the news cycle since 2017. He writes mostly about TV and movies, but he also covers the biggest game news and makes sure to keep you up-to-date on the hottest titles. Though he does specialize on topics like Star Wars and Comic Book films, he also keeps up to date on none superhero properties like the latest movies and most buzzed about tv shows. He also has a podcast called Feed the Geeks which you can check out on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. He also draws original webcomics from time to time.

Rumors are going around about a remake for The Last of Us, and though we haven’t had any official update, word is going around that the remake of Part I could be coming to PC.

Is The Last of Us Remake Coming to PC?

This rumor comes from The Snitch, who merely posted:

While the message is pretty simple, a lot of fans are already speculating that it’s hinting on the remake for The Last of Us. The way the date is written is pretty similar to the aesthetic of TLOU, plus the way the games are titled. Besides that, there are emojis of a controller and a PC. We know that the game has been a PlayStation exclusive for years, but with games like Horizon and Death Stranding coming to PC, it’s very possible that The Last of Us, which is one of the biggest PS titles, could be coming to PC finally.

Admittedly, this is all just speculation on fans’ part, but it does make sense when it comes to Sony’s recent trend when it comes to their exclusives. I  mean, you could only keep God of War on PS for so long before you can give PC players a chance to check it out.

Abandoned cities reclaimed by nature. A population decimated by a modern plague. Survivors are killing each other for food, weapons whatever they can get their hands on. Joel, a brutal survivor, and Ellie, a brave young teenage girl who is wise beyond her years, must work together if they hope to survive their journey across the US.

The Last of Us remake hasn’t been officially announced, but rumors suggest it could come out early 2022.

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