One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Akh Va’quot Shrine or the Windmills. This Shrine requires Link to let all the windmills in the shrine constantly spin and turn blue to access the shrine’s altar. This shrine may seem confusing and intimidating, but this shrine is fairly easy to complete, and in this guide, you will learn how to complete the Akh Va’quot Shrine, obtain the chests inside, and claim the Spirit Orb.

Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link can get 120 Spirit Orbs. You can decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or Stamina.
The Akh Va’quot Shrine can be found on top of a cliff on the same island as the Rito Village, which is in the middle of Lake Totori southwest of the Hebra Mountains in the northwestern part of Hyrule (the shrine can be found west of the Rito Stable or north of the Tabantha Frontier and the Tabantha Tower). The Akh Va’quot Shrine is one of six shrines in the Tabantha Tower region.
Upon descending on the Akh Va’quot Shrine, you will see a bunch of windmills and six fans on top of platforms with switches on the side that, if hit, will rotate the platform. To complete this shrine, this is what Link must do:
- Before trying to solve the puzzle of the shrine, head towards the southeastern part of the shrine, and you will see an entryway inside a windmill and a closed gate with a chest inside. In the distance, on the right side of the gate and the windmill, is a platform with a switch on top and a fan underneath. Below the platform is a pool of water. Shoot an arrow on the switch in the distance to rotate the platform vertically so that the fan is on top and is blowing a constant gust of wind on the windmill near Link. The spinning windmill will then cause the gate to open. Open the chest to obtain an Ancient Core.
- Next, while facing the pool, you will see two openings on the wall on the right side with chests inside. Press the up directional button, select the Cryonis Rune ability, press the L button to aim, aim at the water near the nearest opening with the chest, and press the A button to activate the Cryonis Rune ability on the water and create an ice block. Jump off the ledge and quickly press the X button to use the Paraglider, then glide towards the newly-created ice block. Go to the first opening with the chest, then open the chest to obtain a Sapphire.
- Then, press the L button to aim the Cryonis Rune ability again, aim at the water near the next opening with the chest, and press the A button to activate the Cryonis Rune ability on the water and create another ice block. Glide towards the newly-created ice block, go to the next opening with the chest, then open the chest to obtain a Feathered Spear.
- After that, glide back to the previous ice block, glide towards the ladder back to the main platform, head back to the main room of the shrine, go to the southwesternmost fan, hit the fan and platform’s switch once using any of Link’s weapons. This will result in all the windmills on the leftmost column being spun by the fan just pointing at them.
- Next, head to the next fan on the top left of the previous fan and hit the fan and the platform’s switch once, so the fan is blowing air on the left side.
- Then, head to the next fan on the top left of the previous fan and hit the fan and the platform’s switch once, so the fan is also blowing air on the left side.
- Afterward, head to the next fan on the top right of the previous fan and hit the fan and the platform’s switch once, so the fan is blowing air on the south side.
- Next, head to the fan on the northwestern part of the room and hit the fan and the platform’s switch three times so that the fan is blowing air on the right side and spin all the windows on the top row.
- Then, head to the fan on the southwestern part of the room and hit the fan and the platform’s switch three times so that the fan is blowing air on the right side and spin all the windows on the bottom row.
- After that, all of the windmills of the shrine will be spinning, resulting in the gate to the altar being opened. Go near the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
As mentioned above, the Akh Va’quot Shrine or the Windmills is one of six shrines in the Tabantha Tower region. The other shrines are the Kah Okeo Shrine or the Wind Guide, the Sha Warvo Shrine or the Path of Hidden Winds, the Tena Ko’sah Shrine or the Path of Hidden Winds, the Bareeda Naag Shrine or the Cannon, and the Voo Lota Shrine or The Winding Route.