One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Shai Utoh Shrine or the Halt the Tilt. This shrine may seem confusing, but this shrine is fairly easy to complete. This shrine requires Link to traverse through the shrine by going through several seesaw platforms. This guide will teach you how to complete the Shai Utoh Shrine, get the chest, and claim the Spirit Orb.

Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link can get 120 Spirit Orbs. You get to decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or more Stamina.
The Shai Utoh Shrine can be found inside a cave behind Lakeside Stable, just southeast of Faron Tower (or southwest of Mount Floria or west of Tuft Mountain).
Upon arriving at Lakeside Stable, head to the cliff behind it, and there you will see a breakable rock wall. Destroy the breakable rock wall using Link’s Remote Bomb Rune abilities to access the Shai Utoh Shrine.
The Shai Utoh Shrine is one of eight shrines in the Faron Tower region.
Halt the Tilt
Upon entering the Shai Utoh Shrine, you will see a seesaw platform in front of Link. Behind it is a tall platform. On this tall platform is another seesaw platform but in a horizontal position, and just ahead high up another platform is the monk and the altar.
To complete the Shai Utoh Shrine, this is what Link must do:
- First, press the up directional button, select the Stasis Rune ability, press the L button to aim, aim at the seesaw platform, and press A to activate it on the seesaw platform.
- While the Stasis Rune ability is activated on the seesaw platform, use it as a ramp and quickly run up the seesaw platform to get to the next higher platform before the timer for the Stasis Rune runs out. Activating the Stasis Rune ability on the seesaw platform is necessary because if you will not, the other side of the seesaw will go down, and Link will not be able to go up on the next platform.
- Next, please wait for the timer of the Stasis Rune ability to run out until you can use it again. Once you can activate the Stasis Rune again, activate it on the next seesaw platform (make sure the left side is down and the right side is up).
- Again, while the Stasis Rune ability is activated on the seesaw platform, use it as a ramp and quickly run up the seesaw platform to get to the next higher platform before the timer for the Stasis Rune runs out.
- There is a chest on this platform. Open the chest to obtain a Traveler’s Sword.
- Next, wait for the timer of the Stasis Rune ability to run out until you can use it again. In the meantime, press the up directional button, select the Magnesis Rune ability, press the L button to aim, aim at the chest you just opened, press A to activate it, and bring it across the gap to the next platform under the altar. Then, drop down on the previous seesaw platform so that the opposite side is now up.
- Once you can activate the Stasis Rune again, activate it on the seesaw platform again (this time, the left side of the seesaw platform should be up, and the right side should be down). Again, use the seesaw platform as a ramp while the Stasis Rune ability is activated on it and quickly run up to get to the next platform before the timer for the Stasis Rune runs out.
- After that, continue on the path until you reach another seesaw platform. Above this seesaw platform is a high platform with a chest. Ensure that the side of the seesaw platform closest to the chest is up and the side closest to the altar is down. Next, pick up the chest from earlier using the Magnesis Rune ability.
- Using the guide of where the chest will land after letting go of the Magnesis Rune ability, aim it on the raised side of the seesaw platform (the side closest to the next chest) and raise the chest as high as possible. Then, while carrying it, let Link stand on the downed side of the seesaw platform (the side closest to the platform).
- Next, drop the chest, and the weight of the chest will launch Link high up in the air. At the peak of the “jump,” immediately press the X button to use Link’s paraglider and glide towards the chest. Open the chest to obtain an Ancient Core.
- After that, drop down from the platform, use the Magnesis Rune ability again to pick up the chest you dropped earlier, and place it on the now-down side of the seesaw platform (the side farthest from the altar). The chest will weigh that side of the seesaw platform down so Link can go up like it is a ramp without using the Stasis Rune ability.
- You will see another seesaw platform at the top of the weigh-down seesaw platform, but this one is balanced. Activate the Stasis Rune ability on this balanced seesaw platform and cross it before the timer of the Stasis Rune runs out. Activating the Stasis Rune ability on the balanced seesaw is necessary because if you will not, Link will fall back to the ground again as soon as he steps on it.
- Finally, go to the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
The Shai Utoh Shrine or the Halt the Tilt is one of eight shrines in the Faron Tower region. The other shrines are the Muwo Jeem Shrine or A Modest Test of Strength, the Qukah Nata Shrine or Qukah Nata’s Blessing, the Shoda Sah Shrine or the Impeccable Timing, the Tawa Jinn Shrine or Tawa Jinn’s Blessing, the Yah Rin Shrine or A Weighty Decision, the Kah Yah Shrine or the Quick Thinking, and the Korgu Chideh Shrine or Korgu Chideh’s Blessing.