One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Sheem Dagoze Shrine or the Moving in Parallel Shrine. This shrine requires Link to get two glowing orbs to roll down to their respective glowing orb sockets using only pressure plates that change the direction of where the glowing orbs are rolling on. However, before you can access the Sheem Dagoze Shrine, Link must first complete The Two Rings Shrine Quest. The shrine and shrine quest may seem a little confusing, but this guide will teach you how to complete The Two Rings Shrine Quest, complete the Sheem Dagoze shrine, get the chest, and claim the Spirit Orb.

Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link can get 120 Spirit Orbs. You get to decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or more Stamina.
The Sheem Dagoze Shrine will emerge near the edge of a cliff that can be found on the west of Jeddo Bridge, northeast of Satori Mountain (or southeast of Hyrule Ridge or south of the Ridgeland Tower and West Hyrule Plains). The Sheem Dagoze Shrine is one of seven shrines in the Ridgeland Tower region.
The Two Rings
Before trying out this shrine quest, make sure that Link has enough bows and arrows on hand, as these would be needed to complete The Two Rings Shrine Quest.
To start The Two Rings Shrine Quest, head to the northeast of Jeddo Bridge, east of where the Sheem Dagoze Shrine will appear, and at the top of a rock formation, you will find the Rito bard named Kass. Talk to Kass, and he will tell Link that he did not hear him approach as he was lost in song. This song was written by his late teacher, who passed away several years ago, and this song was the last song he taught Kass. He will tell you about an ancient verse about the area:
“When a single arrow threads two rings,
The shrine will rise like birds on rings.”
The ancient verse means Link must shoot an arrow, and the arrow must go through two of the holes of what Kass calls oddly shaped rocks around the area. Although there are many oddly-shaped rocks around the area, several pairs of oddly-shaped rocks are in position to complete the shrine quest. Choose an oddly shaped rock with another oddly shaped rock facing it in the distance. With a few adjustments on aim, Link would be able to shoot an arrow and make it pass through two oddly shaped rocks. It is important to note it may take several tries to get the arrows through the two oddly shaped rocks, so, as mentioned above, make sure Link has a lot of arrows on hand.
It is worth mentioning that the Ancient Bow can help as the Ancient Bow shoots Arrows in a straight line for a long distance before the Arrows start to go down because of gravity.
After successfully shooting an arrow through two oddly shaped rocks, the Sheem Dagoze Shrine will emerge from the ground, and The Two Rings Shrine Quest will be completed!
Moving in Parallel
Upon entering the Sheem Dagoze Shrine, you will see that the altar and the monk are just on the right side of Link, but the gate to enter it is closed. In the distance are ramps and platforms for the two glowing orbs on top to roll on and two glowing orb sockets on the left and right on the bottom. There are two ways to complete this shrine: just ahead of Link are two pressure plates. The left pressure plate rotates the platforms on the left side clockwise, while the right pressure plate rotates counterclockwise.
Moving in Parallel
This method requires that the following steps be done with the right timing:
- First, let Link stand on the pressure plate on the right to move the platforms on the right counterclockwise so that the first glowing orb on top will start to roll down.
- After that, quickly run and press the pressure plate on the left to move the left platforms clockwise. This way, the second glowing orb begins to roll down, and the first glowing orb continues to roll down the path without falling off the ledge.
- Next, wait for the first glowing orb to pass through the last platform and on the ramp towards the glowing orb socket. Then quickly run and press the pressure plate on the right to rotate the last platform counterclockwise so the second glowing orb will roll on it and towards its glowing orb socket.
One at a Time
If the timing of the previous steps is difficult for you, you can try putting the glowing orbs in their sockets one at a time:
- First, have Link stand on the left pressure plate to rotate the platforms on the left clockwise so the left glowing orb will begin to roll. Continue to stand on the pressure plate until the glowing orb reaches its glowing orb socket.
- Next, have Link stand on the right pressure plate to rotate the platforms counterclockwise so the right glowing orb will begin to roll.
- After that, quickly run and press the left pressure plate to rotate the left platforms clockwise, so the last glowing orb continues to roll down the path and not fall off the ledge.
- Then, quickly run and press the right pressure plate again to rotate that last platform counterclockwise so the last glowing orb will roll on it and towards its glowing orb socket.
After putting the glowing orbs in their glowing orb sockets either simultaneously or one at a time, the gate to the altar will be opened! However, before proceeding to the altar and claiming your Spirit Orb, there is a chest in this shrine you can obtain. To reach the chest, this is what Link must do:
- Right under the last platform (where the path of the glowing orbs separate), you will find a thin platform with the Sheikah logo on it. Jump and glide towards it.
- After landing, you will find a chest on the left side and another pressure plate on the right side. Open the chest to obtain a Great Thunderblade.
- Next, have Link stand on the pressure plate, and the platform with the Sheikah logo will start to move. Wait for it to come back, then stand on it to get back on the platform with the altar.
Finally, go to the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
The Sheem Dagoze Shrine, or the Moving on Parallel Shrine, is one of seven shrines in the Ridgeland Tower region. The other shrines are the Toh Yahsa Shrine or the Buried Secrets Shrine, the Zalta Wa Shrine or the Two Orbs to Guide You Shrine, the Shae Loya Shrine or the Aim for the Moment Shrine, the Maag No’rah Shrine or Maag No’rah’s Blessing Shrine, the Mijah Rokee Shrine or the A Modest Test of Strength Shrine, and Mogg Latan Shrine or the Synced Swing Shrine.