Hardware errors can be caused by a lot of things. Neglect, overuse, or even physical damage can result in your Nintendo Switch refusing to turn on. If this happens, don’t panic. Well, at least not yet. There are a few solutions you can try before you consider your console as completely broken.

In this article, we’ll show you what to do when your Nintendo Switch isn’t turning on.
The Hard-Reset Fix
A usual reason why the Switch refuses to turn on is due to inactivity. Not using the device for an extended period may cause the system to lock. Fortunately, this can be easily addressed by a simple solution.
One of the first pieces of advice, even by the Nintendo website, is to do a hard-reset. This forces the console to shut down, and restart. To do a hard-reset, you’ll have to hold the POWER button for at least 12 seconds. This will forcibly shutdown any processes that may be running even when the screen is blank. Afterwards, press the POWER button once to turn it on.
If doing this does turn on the console, your Switch may display one of these screens:
- If the Entrance Screen is displayed:
If you see the Entrance Screen, that is, a big HOME button along with indicator icons, then congratulations. Your console is fine, and the fix worked. If you see that the console isn’t fully charged, you should charge it now. Make sure that all System Updates are current to avoid potential errors. - If a Battery Charge Indicator is displayed:
If a battery icon is displayed on the upper left corner of the console, then your Switch is out of battery and must be charged. Plug it for at least 15-30 minutes before you use it. Of course, a full charge is preferred. Once it’s done charging, press the POWER button.
Once the console has started up, make sure that the System Updates are all up-to-date. - If the screen remains blank and no Battery Indicator is displayed:
Try another hard-reset. Hold the POWER button for at least 12 seconds, then press it once. If this fails, the console may be fully discharged. Try and use another wall socket to plug the adapter in. If this still fails, try to use another Switch adapter.
Resetting the Power Adapter
Another reason that has been known to cause issues with the Switch is that it’s Power Adapter isn’t properly charging. This may not be an issue with the console itself, but if no power is getting to the Switch, then no amount of resetting will fix it.
Physically check the adapter for any damages. Look at the USB plug to see if it has become loose or has any visible defects. Check the cable and the housing to see for any signs of deterioration. These signs may mean that your adapter is broken and may need replacing.
If your adapter has been constantly plugged, even when not charging your Switch, then the adapter itself may need a reset. Unplug it from both your Switch and wall socket then let it rest from about 30 seconds to a minute. Once this is done, try to charge your Switch again.
It also bears mentioning, that if you’re not using the official Nintendo Power adapter, then that may be the cause of the problem. The Switch has a non-standard power protocol. This means that, even if other third-party chargers may seem to work, it’s not guaranteed to charge efficiently. If you’re using a third-party charger and your Switch isn’t turning on, get an official adapter.
When All Else Fails
If no amount of hard-resetting or changing adapters helps, then it may be time to consult customer support. Nintendo offers both call and email-based support, and has step by step procedures on how to send hardware in for repairs. Of course, these procedures may vary depending on the country that you’re in. Check your local Nintendo Customer Support for the appropriate details.
Nintendo offers warranties in case of hidden or factory defects, and if your product is still within the warranty period, you may get the repairs for free. This doesn’t always apply though, and Nintendo doesn’t offer warranties to physical damage. The console itself has a limited warranty period of 12 months, and peripherals like the adapter have a limited warranty period of three months. Be prepared to spend though, just in case.
Also remember that having your Switch repaired by third-party repair shops is unadvisable. This will void your warranty, and Nintendo may refuse even paid service if they find out that your console has been previously repaired at a third-party shop.
Simple Solutions
Having one of your devices refuse to work is a frustrating experience. Most of the time, however, there are simple solutions to take care of the problem. Not every error is a cause for panic, and not every malfunction is complicated. We’ve presented some of the more obvious but often overlooked solutions that have worked for other Switch owners. Maybe the answer to your dilemma is among them.
Do you have other ideas on what to do when the Nintendo Switch doesn’t turn on? Have you tried other solutions that haven’t been given above? Head to the comments section below and share your thoughts with the community.