Learn everything you need to know about Dondozo and Tatsugiri, the False Dragon Titan in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is an open-world game in which the player takes on the role of a transferee at a large school in the Paldea Region. In the game, the player is the only one who may decide what to do: defeat all of the Pokemon Gyms, become the champion, and become the very best like no one ever was, battle the sinister Team Star, complete the Pokedex and catch them all, or track down the mysterious new Titan Pokemon!
Here, we will discuss how to defeat the Titan Pokemon that are a part of the Arven-given “Path of Legends” quest line. Specifically, we will discuss how to beat Dondozo and Tatsugiri, the False Dragon Titan!
The Dondozo and Tatsugiri, the False Dragon Titan, can be found in the eastern part of Casseroya Lake (or north of West Province Area Two or southwest of North Province Area Three).
The False Dragon Titan can be reached by following the path that leads northwest of Medali, dropping down the Casseroya Lake, and swimming towards the rightmost island in the middle of the lake. At the island’s southernmost end, the player will find a beached-up orange Tatsugiri that will say “Taitaaan!”. Interact with this Tatsugiri; a Dondozo will emerge from the water and devour the Tatsugiri, and a battle with the False Dragon Titan will commence!
As the player is required to use Koraidon or Miraidon to swim to the island in the middle of Casseroya Lake, it is required that the player’s Koraidon or Miraidon has learned the ability to swim which can be done by defeating Bombirdier the Open Sky Titan in the northwest of West Province (Area One)
Dondozo and Tatsugiri, the False Dragon Titan
As the player would have to battle against Dondozo and Tatsugiri, the False Dragon Titan, it is worth noting that Dondozo is a Water-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Grass type and Electric-type moves (super effective) and a resistance to Fire-type, Ice-type, Steel-type, and Water-type moves (not very effective).
Additionally, Tatsugiri is a Water and Dragon-type Pokemon. It is weak (super effective) to Dragon-type and Fairy-type moves and resistant (not very effective) to Steel-type, especially, Fire-type and Water-type moves.
Dondozo will use the following moves: Aqua Tail, which is a physical Water-type move with 90 Power and 90 Accuracy; body Slam, which is a physical Normal-type move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 30% chance to paralyze the opposing Pokemon, Order Up, which is a physical Dragon-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also raises a specific stat by one stage which depends on the form of Tatsugiri that is in the Dondozo’s mouth (Attack stat if the Tatsugiri is Curly Form, Defense stat if Droopy Form, and Speed stat if Stretchy Form), and Water Pulse, which is a special Water-type move with 60 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, has a 20% chance of confusing the opposing Pokemon.
Tatsugiri will use the following moves: Dragon Pulse, which is a special Dragon-type move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy; Icy Wind, which is a special Ice-type move with 55 Power and 95 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also lowers the opposing Pokemon’s Speed stat by one stage, Muddy Water, which is a special Water-type move with 90 Power and 85 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 30% chance of lowering the opposing Pokemon’s Accuracy by once stage, and Taunt, which is a Dark type status move with 100 Accuracy that restricts the opposing Pokemon into only using moves that deal damage for three turns.
Aside from its moves, Dondozo has an Ability called Oblivious, which makes the Pokemon with the ability immune from being infatuated, intimidated, or taunted.
It is recommended that the player use a Pokemon with Grass-type and Electric-type moves that are Level 55 and above against Dondozo and a Pokemon with Fairy-type moves that are Level 55 and above against Tatsugiri. Fairy-type Pokemon would be great against both Dondozo and Tatsugiri as Fairy-type Pokemon are immune to Dragon-type moves, which both Dondozo and Tatsugiri have.
Fortunately for one of the starter Pokemon, Sprigatito/Meowscarada, as it is a Grass-type Pokemon, its main Grass-type moves are super effective against Dondozo. It can learn Play Rough, a Psychic-type move, when it reaches Level 36 and learn Disarming Voice, which is also a Psychic-type move, via TM.
Unfortunately, as for Fuecoco and Quaxly, as they are Fire-type and Water-type Pokemon, their main type moves will have less effectiveness against Dondozo and Tatsugiri as they are resistant to these types of moves. Unless these Pokemon have moves that effectively damage Dondozo and Tatsugiri, using them against the False Dragon Titans is not recommended.
These Pokemon that can be found early game can also be good against Dondozo and Tatsugiri the False Dragon Titan: Hoppip (Grass-type), Bounsweet (Grass-type), Skiddo (Grass-type), Toedscool (Grass and Ground-type), Capsakid (Grass-type), Pawmi (Electric-type), Shinx (Electric-type), Flaaffy (Electric-type), Wattrel (Electric and Flying-type), Azurill (Normal and Fairy-type), Marill (Water and Fairy-type), Igglybuff (Normal and Fairy-type), Fidough (Fairy-type), Mimikyu (Ghost and Fairy-type), and Tinkatink (Fairy and Steel-type).
Unfortunately, as with all the other Titan Pokemon in the game, the player cannot catch Tatsugiri, the False Dragon Titan, while battling it, and the only option is to defeat it. However, you can find a Tatsugiri in the area when it is back to its regular form.
In this form, the player will now be able to catch it. After catching it, Tatsugiri will have a special mark and the title “Former Titan,” which means that it is the actual False Dragon Titan but has reverted to its regular form. The player would have to interact with it using the A button to battle it instead of throwing one of your Pokemon at it like other Pokemon.
If the player accidentally defeats the Tatsugiri in this form, the Former Titan Pokemon will only appear in the area again after a few days in the game.
Battle 1
As mentioned above, upon interacting with the beached-up Tatsugiri, a Dondozo will come out of the water and put the Tatsugiri inside its mouth. After that, a battle against the Dondozo will start!
As mentioned above, Dondozo is a Water-type Pokemon, which is weak (super effective) to Grass-type and Electric-type and resistant (not very effective) to Fire-type, Ice-type, Steel-type, and Water-type. Dondozo will use the following moves: Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Order Up, and Water Pulse.
After almost defeating it, Dondozo will halt the battle, head back under the water, and swim to a different location in the area.
Battle 2
After that, follow the Dondozo to the northern edge of the middle island of Casseroya Lake, where the player will find the Tatsugiri again in shallow waters. Approach the Tatsugiri, and a cutscene will play where the huge Dondozo will appear and strike the nearby cliff wall to create an opening into which the Tatsugiri will enter.
Arven will then arrive and wonder if it is a dragon or a fish. Arven will then be surprised, and another battle against Dondozo, which now has an aura surrounding it, will start! Then, the Tatsugiri will return, and the Dondozo will again devour it.
In this next battle, Dondozo the False Dragon Titan’s HP will be full again, but this time, Arven and his Pokemon, Greedent, will help the player out.
Battle 3
After completely defeating Dondozo, Arven celebrates and is about to go inside the opening that was opened by the Dondozo earlier, like he usually does when defeating Titan Pokemon. Still, the Tatsugiri from earlier, the real False Dragon Pokemon with an aura surrounding it, will appear again and start a battle against Arven and the player.
As mentioned above, Tatsugiri is a Water and Dragon-type Pokemon, meaning it is weak (super effective) to Dragon-type and Fairy-type moves and resistant (not very effective) to Steel-type and, especially, Fire-type and Water-type moves, and Tatsugiri will use the following moves: Dragon Pulse, Icy Wind, Muddy Water, and Taunt.
After fully defeating Dondozo and Tatsugiri the False Dragon Titan, it will go back to its regular form, and a cutscene will play where the player and Arven will now really enter the opening at the side of the cliff to check for some Spicy Herba Mystica, which Arven will find inside. Arven will then thank the player and explain that Spicy Herba Mystica boosts the metabolism and circulation and helps flush out all the toxins.
After that, Arven will set up a picnic and make sandwiches with the Spicy Herba Mystica for himself and the player. To thank the player, Arven will also give the player a Dragon Titan Badge, which he made using a replica of Gym Badges, for defeating the False Dragon Titan.
While they are having a picnic, the player’s Koraidon or Miraidon (depending on which version the player is playing) will take an interest in the sandwich made with the Spicy Herba Mystica. Confirm on the prompt to give the player’s sandwich to Koraidon or Miraidon, and the player’s Koraidon or Miraidon will suddenly glow and can now climb up vertical surfaces!
After defeating Dondozo and Tatsugiri, the False Dragon Titan, the player is one step closer to realizing the true potential of Koraidon and Miraidon and completing the ‘Path of Legends’ quest line!