Learn everything that you need to know about Gym Leader Ryme in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!

In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the player is the only one with the power to make decisions. Among the options are disbanding the evil Team Star, learning about the new Titan Pokemon, catching every Pokemon to fill out the Pokedex, and defeating every Pokemon Gym to become the Champion and the very best like no one ever was. The player can still complete many tasks in the post-game even after all that is done. One of them is to have a rematch at every Pokemon Gym!
This guide will teach you about your rematch with Ryme, Montenevera’s Gym Leader! Consider this your spoiler alert for the game’s main story ending!
The Beginning of the Post Game
After completing “The Way Home,” the game’s final main quest, and the credits roll, the player will be returned to their dorm room and summoned to Director Clavell’s office. Exit the dorm room, then select “Director’s Office” from the menu.
Director Clavell will address Penny, Nemona, Arven, and the player, claiming he is not angry. However, he would like to discuss their success in stopping the time machine, which prevented the ancient/future Pokemon from destroying the Paldea region’s ecosystem. Director Clavell also mentions his willingness to overlook that they were coerced into entering a prohibited area. Director Clavell will then give the player a Master Ball.
After a few brief exchanges, Nemona eventually suggests holding a Pokemon battle at the academy to commemorate the player becoming a Champion. Then, Top Champion Geeta will enter the room and say that the Pokemon League is delighted to assist with the organization of this contest before recommending that both faculty and students compete for the title of strongest trainer at the academy because everyone has the potential to be the best.
When the player responds to the prompt with “I’d be delighted to help!” Top Champion Geeta will request that the player inspect all of the Pokemon Gyms in the Paldea region on her behalf so that they can continue to be a source of strength and inspiration for anyone aspiring to the Champion Rank.
She will say that the player can do this by approaching each Pokemon Gym Leader as a Champion and challenging them to a battle. Top Champion Geeta will then refuse to participate unless the player assists her with her work. Next, Top Champion Geeta and Penny will depart to complete some tasks.
Soon after, the player will be able to challenge the Pokemon Gym Leaders of the Paldea region to a rematch!
Montenevera Gym: Rematch!
Gym Leader Ryme can be found inside the Montenevera Gym located in the southeastern part of the city of Montenevera (northwest of Glaseado Mountain or far east of Casseroya Lake), which is found in the northern part of the Paldea region. The player can simply fly to the city’s Pokemon Center as, at this point in the game, the player has been there before, which allows the player to fly to the area.
Upon entering the Montenevera Gym Building, approach Gym Leader Ryme near the receptionist, and Gym Leader Ryme will ask what brings the player back to Montenevera. Select “I’m here for the Gym inspection!” on the prompt, which Gym Leader Ryme will question why Top Champio Geeta sent the player instead of coming here herself and get slightly offended. Gym Leader Ryme will apologize for the sudden outburst and say she thought she would like to see the player anyway, so it was great timing.
Next, Gym Leader Ryme will ask if the player is ready to show her how strong the player has become after all the adventures, so select “Yes” on the prompt, and the player will be brought to the battle court near the Pokemon Gym building.
Ryme, the MC of RIP: Rematch!
On the battle court, Gym Leader Ryme will say that time will pass fast once the player gets to Gym Leader Ryme’s age, then proceeds to bust out some rhymes. Then, a battle against Gym Leader Ryme will commence!
Like when the player first faced Gym Leader Ryme, this rematch will be a Double Battle where both Trainers will send out two Pokemon at a time. Gym Leader Ryme will use five Ghost-type Pokemon: a Level 65 Mimikyu, a Level 65 Banette, a Level 65 Houndstone, a Level 65 Spiritomb, and a Level 66 Toxtricity (Low Key Form) that has a Ghost Tera-Type.
With that in mind, it is important to note that Mimikyu is a Ghost and Fairy-type Pokemon. Hence, it is weak (super effective) to Ghost and Steel-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Bug-type moves, and immunity (no effect) to Dragon-type, Fighting-type, and Normal-type moves.
Gym Leader Ryme’s Mimikyu will use the following moves:
- Shadow Sneak is a physical ghost-type move with 40 power 100 accuracy and an increased speed priority of 1, allowing it to move faster than most.
- Slash is a physical Normal-type move with 70 Power and 100 Accuracy with a 1-stage increased Critical Hit ratio.
- Light Screen is a Psychic-type status move that will reduce the damage received by the Pokemon using the move’s side of the battle from Special Attacks by 50% in Single Battles and 33% in Double Battles. The effect of this move will last for five turns.
- Play Rough is a physical Fairy-type move with 90 Power and 90 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 10% chance of lowering the Attack stat of the opposing Pokemon by one stage.
Aside from its moves, Gym Leader Ryme’s Mimikyu has the Disguise Ability that protects the Pokemon with the ability from one damaging attack move once per battle. However, it does not protect the Pokemon from entry hazards or weather damage. The Pokemon with the ability will lose only 12.5% of its max HP once the Disguise breaks.
Banette is a Ghost-type Pokemon, so it is weak (super effective) to Dark-type and Ghost-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Bug-type and Poison-type moves, and immunity (no effect) to Fighting-type and Normal-type moves.
Gym Leader Ryme’s Banette will use the following moves:
- Icy Wind is a special Ice-type move with 55 Power and 95 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, will also lower the Speed stat of the opposing Pokemon by one stage.
- Sucker Punch is a physical Dark-type move with 70 Power and 100 Accuracy that will only hit and deal damage if the opposing Pokemon is about to use a damaging move. Otherwise, the move will fail.
- Shadow Sneak is a physical ghost-type move with 40 power 100 accuracy and an increased speed priority of 1, allowing it to move faster than most.
- Phantom Force is a physical ghost-type move with 90 power and 100 accuracy that will make the Pokemon using the move semi-invulnerable on the first turn and then attack on the second. This move will also penetrate the effects of Protect.
Houndstone is also a Ghost-type Pokemon, so it is weak (super effective) to Dark-type and Ghost-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Bug-type and Poison-type moves, and immunity (no effect) to Fighting-type and Normal-type moves.
Gym Leader Ryme’s Houndstone will use the following moves:
- Play Rough is a physical Fairy-type move with 90 Power and 90 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 10% chance of lowering the Attack stat of the opposing Pokemon by one stage.
- Crunch is a physical Dark-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 20% chance of lowering the Defense stat of the opposing Pokemon by one stage.
- Phantom Force is a physical Ghost-type move with 90 Power and 100 Accuracy that will make the Pokemon using the move semi-invulnerable on the first turn and then attacks on the second turn. This move will also penetrate the effects of Protect.
- Ice Fang is a physical Ice-type move with 65 Power and 95 Accuracy. Aside from dealing damage, it also has a 10% chance of freezing the opposing Pokemon or causing the opposing Pokemon to flinch.
Spiritomb is a Ghost and Dark-type Pokemon, which means it is weak (super effective) to Fairy-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Poison-type moves, and immunity (no effect) to Fighting-type, Normal-type and Psychic-type moves.
Gym Leader Ryme’s Spiritomb will use the following moves:
- Protect is a Normal-type status move that will protect the Pokemon using the move from attacks, but there is a chance that the move will fail if it is used consecutively. The following moves will penetrate Protect: Shadow Force, Phantom Force, Play Nice, Psych Up, Transform, Doom Desire, Feint, Acupressure, No Guard, Perish Song, and Future Sight.
- Sucker Punch is a physical Dark-type move with 70 Power and 100 Accuracy that will only hit and deal damage if the opposing Pokemon is about to use a damaging move. Otherwise, the move will fail.
- Curse is a Ghost-type status move that, if used by a Ghost-type Pokemon, the Pokemon who used the move will lose half of its maximum HP to deal damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to a quarter of its maximum HP at the end of each turn. If used by a Pokemon that is not a Ghost type, however, the move will increase the Attack and Defense stat while decreasing the Speed stat of the Pokemon using the move by one stage.
- Will-O-Wisp is a Fire-type status move with 85 Accuracy that will inflict Burn on the opposing Pokemon.
Aside from that, Gym Leader Ryme’s Spiritomb has an Ability called Pressure that will cause the opposing Pokemon’s move to consume 2 PP instead of just one if the move hits the Pokemon with the Ability.
Toxtricity is an Electric and Poison-type Pokemon, but as Gym Leader Ryme will Terastallize her Toxtricity, it will become a Ghost-type because of its Tera-Type, which means it is now weak (super effective) to Dark-type and Ghost-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Bug-type and Poison-type moves, and immunity (no effect) to Fighting type and Normal-type moves.
Gym Leader Ryme’s Toxicity will use the following moves:
- Overdrive is a special Electric-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy.
- Hex is a special Ghost-type move with 65 Power and 100 Accuracy and will deal double damage to 130 if the opposing Pokemon has a status condition.
- Boomburst is a special Normal-type move with 140 Power and 100 Accuracy.
- Sludge Bomb is a special Poison-type move with 90 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 30% chance of inflicting Poison on the opposing Pokemon.
As Gym Leader Ryme’s Pokemon are Level 65 and 66, it is recommended that the player use Pokemon that are Level 67 and above with Dark-type, Fairy-type, and Steel-type moves as Dark-type moves will deal super effective damage to Gym Leader Ryme’s Banette, Houndstone, and Terastallized Toxtricity; Fairy type moves will deal super effective damage to Gym Leader Ryme’s Spiritomb; and Steel type moves will deals super effective damage to Gym Leader Ryme’s Mimikyu.
It is also recommended that the player use Dark-type Pokemon as they can resist Ghost-type and Dark-type moves, which Gym Leader Ryme’s Pokemon may use.
An example of a great Dark-type Pokemon to use against Gym Leader Ryme’s Pokemon is Kingambit because it can resist; some even completely will not affect many of Gym Leader Ryme’s moves.
The only moves to watch out for are Spiritomb’s Will-O-Wisp, which is a Fire-type move that Kingambit is weak to, Mimikyu and Houndstone’s Play Rough, which is a Fairy-type move that will deal the normal amount of damage to Kingambit, and Toxtricity’s Overdrive, which is an Electric-type move that will also deal the normal amount of damage to Kingambit.
Not only that, but Kingambit can also learn a lot of different Dark-type and Steel-type moves, which will deal super effective damage to almost all of Gym Leader Ryme’s Pokemon.
Another recommended Pokemon type is Normal-type, as they are completely immune to Ghost-type moves, which Gym Leader Ryme’s mostly are.
An example of a good Normal-type Pokemon to use against Gym Leader Ryme is Farigiraf as, again, it is immune to Ghost-type moves, and it can learn some Dark-type, Fairy-type, Steel-type, and even Ghost-type moves, which will deal super effective damage to Gym Leader Ryme’s Pokemon. However, some downsides of using Farigiraf are that it is weak to Dark-type moves and will be damaged normally by many different types.
After winning the battle, Gym Leader Ryme will say that the player caught her off guard and will apologize for calling the player a rookie as she just wanted to prove the strength of Ghost-type Pokemon to Top Champion Geeta, but she got carried away. Then, Gym Leader Ryme will say that the player is the real deal and that she has the player’s back.
The player can proceed to challenge other Gym Leaders in rematches and other post-game quests after defeating Gym Leader Ryme in the rematch!