Learn everything you need to know about Larry from the Elite Four in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is an open-world game in which the player assumes the role of a transferee at a large Paldea region school.
The player is the only one who may select what to do in the game: dismantle the evil Team Star, complete the Pokedex and catch them all, discover the exciting new Titan Pokemon, or defeat all of the Pokemon Gyms, become champion, and become the best like no one ever was!
Near the end of the Victory Road questline, the player will attempt to become Champion by entering the Pokemon League.
The player will battle and defeat the Elite Four and the Top Champion, Geeta. This tutorial will show you how to defeat Larry, the Elite Four’s third member in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!
Larry and the other Elite Four members are in the Pokemon League, located northwest of Mesagoza (or southwest of the Great Crater of Paldea).
To get to the Pokemon League, go to Mesagoza in the southern part of the Great Crater of Paldea, then head northwest from the Mesagoza (West) Pokemon Center, up the stairs next to the sandwich shop, enter the cave with a gate, and once the game loads back up, follow the path that leads northwest until it ends at the Pokemon League building and a Pokemon Center.
Before facing Larry and the other Elite, Four members in the Pokemon League, the player must first defeat all eight Pokemon Gyms in the Paldea Region and win their Gym Badges.
After defeating all of the Pokemon Gyms, proceed to the Pokemon League. As you approach the Pokemon League building’s door, a cutscene will play in which Champion Geeta stands near the entrance and informs the player that the Pokemon League, the final test required to become a Champion, will be held there.
Approach the Pokemon League Staff in front of the entrance when you are ready, and they will ask whether you are prepared to take the Pokemon League’s Champion Assessment.
Answer ‘Yes’ on the prompt; the Pokemon League Staff will check to see if you have gathered all eight Gym Badges from the Pokemon Gym Leaders throughout the Paldea region.
The Pokemon League Staff will admit you inside the building if you have.
Before meeting Elite Four, Rika will ask the player questions to answer to progress further correctly.
After answering the questions correctly, select the Pokemon you want to use against all of the Elite Four, load up on healing items, and then continue to the door directly behind Rika, where the player will now fight the Elite Four, beginning with Rika. Then, the player must defeat Rika and Poppy before facing Larry.
After defeating Rika and Poppy, Poppy calls the next trainer, who is revealed to be Larry, the Medali Gym’s Gym Leader. Make sure to heal your Pokemon before facing Larry in battle in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet.
When the player is ready, approach Larry, select ‘Yes’ on the prompt when asked if the player is ready to confront Larry of the Elite Four, and the battle will begin!
Make sure to heal your Pokemon before facing Larry in battle. Larry, Make sure to heal your Pokemon before facing Larry in battle.
The third member of the Elite Four will use five Flying type Pokemon as part of the Elite Four, despite utilizing Normal type Pokemon at the Medali Gym: a Level 59 Tropius, a Level 59 Staraptor, a Level 59 Oricorio (Pom-Pom Style), a Level 59 Altaria, and a Level 60 Flamigo.

Tropius is a Flying and Grass-type Pokemon. Hence, it has a weakness to Fire-type, Flying-type, Poison-type, Rock-type, and especially Ice-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Fighting-type, Water-type, and especially Grass-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Ground-type moves (no effect).
Larry’s Tropius will use the following moves:
- Air Slash, a Flying-type special move with 75 Power and 95 Accuracy that, in addition to dealing damage, has a 30% chance of making the opposing Pokemon flinch.
- Dragon Pulse is a special Dragon-type move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy.
- Solar Beam is a special Grass-type move with 120 Power and 100 Accuracy in which the Pokemon performing the move charges on one turn and attacks on the next (the charge and the attack will be on the same turn if Sunny Day is active).
- Sunny Day is a Fire-type status move that activates Sunshine for five turns.
Staraptor is a Flying and Normal type Pokemon, so it has a weakness to Electric-type, Ice-type, and Rock-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Bug-type and Grass-type moves, and an immunity to Ghost-type and Ground-type moves (no effect).
Larry’s Staraptor will use the following moves:
- Thief, which is a physical Dark type move with 60 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, steals the enemy Pokemon’s Held Item for the rest of the battle if the Pokemon utilizing the move is not holding anything.
- Facade is a physical Normal-type move with 70 power and 100 accuracy that doubles in power if the opposing Pokemon is Paralyzed, Burned, Poisoned, or Toxic Poisoned.
- Close Combat is a physical Fighting-type move with 120 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, lowers the Pokemon using the move’s Defense and Special Defense stats by one stage.
- Brave Bird, which is a physical Flying-type move with 120 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, causes recoil damage equal to one-third of the damage dealt.
Aside from its moves, Larry’s Staraptor can have an Ability called Intimidate, which lowers the opposing Pokemon’s Attack stat by one stage when the Pokemon with the Ability enters the battle.
Oricorio (Pom-Pom Style) is a Flying and Electric-type Pokemon. Hence, it has a weakness to Ice-type and Rock-type moves (super effective), a resistance to the Bug-type, Fighting-type, Flying-type, Grass-type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective), and an immunity to Ground-type moves (no effect).
Larry’s Oricorio (Pom-Pom Style) will use the following moves:
- Icy Wind is a special Ice-type move with 55 Power and 95 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also lowers the Speed stat of the opposing Pokemon by one stage.
- Air Slash is a special Flying type move with 75 Power and 95 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 30% chance of causing the opposing Pokemon to flinch.
- Teeter Dance is a Normal type status move with 100 Accuracy that confuses all of the Pokemon on the battlefield.
Aside from its moves, Larry’s Oricorio (Pom-Pom Style) has a Dancer ability. When the enemy Pokemon uses a dance move, the Pokemon with the ability will immediately copy the move afterward.
Altaria is a Flying and Dragon-type Pokemon. Hence, it has a weakness to Dragon-type, Fairy-type, Rock type, and especially Ice-type moves (super effective), a resistance to the Bug-type, Fighting type, Fire type, Water-type, and especially Grass-type moves (not very effective), and an immunity to Ground-type moves (no effect).
Larry’s Altaria will use the following moves:
- Dragon Pulse is a special Dragon-type move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy.
- Flamethrower is a special fire-type move with 90 power and 100 accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, has a 10% chance of burning the opposing Pokemon.
- Ice Beam is a special Ice type move with 90 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to doing damage, has a 10% chance of freezing the opposing Pokemon.
- Moonblast is a Fairy-type special move with 95 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, has a 30% chance of decreasing the opposing Pokemon’s Special Attack by one stage.
Flamigo is a Flying and Fairy type Pokemon. Still, Larry will terastallize his Flamigo, which will change it into a pure Flying-type because of its Tera type, so it will also have a weakness to Electric-type, Ice type, and Rock-type moves (super effective), a resistance to the Bug-type, Fighting-type, and Grass-type moves (not very effective), and an immunity to Ground-type moves (no effect).
Larry’s Flamigo will use the following moves:
- Throat Chop is a physical Dark-type move with 80 power and 100 accuracy that prevents opposing Pokemon from utilizing Sound-based moves for two turns.
- Liquidation is a physical Water-type move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, has a 20% chance of lowering the opposing Pokemon’s Defense stat by one stage.
- Brave Bird is a physical Flying-type move with 120 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to delivering damage, does recoil damage equal to one-third of the damage dealt.
- Close Combat is a physical Fighting-type move with 120 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, lowers the Pokemon using the move’s Defense and Special Defense stats by one stage.
Because Larry’s Pokemon range from Level 59 to 60 in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, it is recommended that the player use Pokemon that are Level 61 and higher.
It is advised that the player’s Pokemon have Rock-type and Ice-type moves to comfortably defeat Larry and his Pokemon, as almost all of Larry’s Pokemon are weak against these moves.
Of the two types, it would be better to use ice-type moves as they deal with four times the damage to Larry’s Tropius and Altaria.
However, Larry’s Staraptor and Flamigo will counter these moves with Fighting-type moves, effectively damaging Rock-type and Ice-type Pokemon.
Because of that, Pokemon like Gyarados and Tinkaton can be great to use against Larry’s Pokemon as, even though they have different types, they can still use Ice and/or Rock-type moves to deal super effective damage to Larry’s Pokemon, and Gyarados is resistant to Fighting-type moves while Tinkaton is only damaged normally.
After defeating Larry and all of his Pokemon in Scarlet/Violet, the player is one step closer to completing the Pokemon League and becoming a Champion in the Paldea Region!