Learn how to beat the Montenevera Gym in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!

In the new open-world video game Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the player enrolls as a transfer student at a large school in the Paldea Region. The player, and only the player, has the freedom to pursue any goal in the game: whether to find the new Titan Pokemon, defeat every Pokemon Gym, become the champion, and the very best like no one ever was, to defeat the mysterious Team Star, or simply to complete the Pokedex and catch them all!
In this article, we will discuss beating Pokemon Gyms, which are a part of the “Victory Road” quest line in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, specifically the Ghost-type gym in Montenevera City!
Montenevera Gym
The Montenevera Gym can be found in the southeastern part of Montenevera City, which can be found in the northern part of the Paldea region (or northwest of Glaseado Mountain or far east of Casseroya Lake).
Montenevera can be reached by following the main path northeast of Medali, following the path on the right upon reaching a junction, following the next path on the right that leads up Glaseado Mountain upon reaching another junction, reaching the Glaseado Mountain Pokemon Center, head to the path on the northeast, head to the east to go around the cliffs, continue heading up the mountain by taking the path on the right at the end of the path, then, at the end of this path, the player will reach Montenevera!
Montenevera Gym Test in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Before the player can start battling against the Gym Leader of a Pokemon Gym, there is a new mechanic in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet where the player must complete a Gym Test to prove that the player can take on the Gym Leader. Every Pokemon Gym has its Gym Test, and the Gym Test in the Montenevera Gym is to be the opening act to warm up the audience for the main event!
To start the Montenevera Gym Test, let the player head inside the Montenevera Gym and talk to the receptionist just before the entrance. Then, the receptionist will tell the player that the player must first complete the Gym Test to face the Gym Leader, Ryme, which means being the opening act before the main event. The receptionist will then explain that all the players must get up on stage and show the audience some fierce Pokemon battle to get the crowd excited before the Gym Leader’s concert starts.
After that, head outside of the gym building, to the southwest of the gym building, and there, the player will find a large stage set up with MC Sledge near the middle. Talk to MC Sledge, and he will explain to the player that they want the player to do some Double Battles, where the player will have to use two Pokemon simultaneously to get the audience pumped up. Then, MC Sledge will continue and say that once the audience is all pumped up and ready to go, it will be the cue for the Gym Leader to enter the stage.
Then, MC Sledge will ask the player if they are ready. Select ‘Yep! I’m ready!’ on the prompt (or ‘not yet’ if you need to heal your Pokemon first, then just talk to MC Sledge again), and the player will head up the stage to start the Gym Test. The player must win three Double Battles to pass the Gym Test.
Double Battle 1
For the first Double Battle, the player will battle against a young trainer named Tas. Tas will only use two Pokemon: a Level 40 Greavard and a Level 40 Shuppet. With that in mind, it is important to note that Greavard and Shuppet are both Ghost-type Pokemon, meaning they are weak (super effective) to Dark-type and Ghost-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Bug-type and Poison-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Fighting-type and Normal-type moves.
After defeating Tas, the lights beside the stage will light up, and the audience’s cheering will get louder.
Double Battle 2
The player will battle against a musician and trainer named Lani for the second Double Battle. Lani will only use two Pokemon, a Level 40 Misdreavus and a Level 40 Haunter. With that in mind, it is worth mentioning that Misdreavus is also a Ghost-type Pokemon that is weak (super effective) to Dark-type and Ghost-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Bug-type and Poison-type moves, and immune (no effect)to Fighting type and Normal-type moves.
Haunter is a Ghost, and Poison-type Pokemon that is weak (super effective) to Dark-type, Ghost-type, Ground-type, and Psychic-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Fairy-type, Grass-type, and especially Bug-type and Poison-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Fighting-type and Normal-type moves.
After defeating Lani, the actual stage will light up, and the audience will become more excited.
Double Battle 3
For the third and last Double Battle, the player will battle against MC Sledge himself. MC Sledge will also use two Pokemon: A level 40 Drifblim and a Level 40 Sableye.
With that in mind, it is worth noting that Drifblim is a Ghost and Flying-type Pokemon that is weak (super effective) to Dark-type, Electric-type, Ghost-type, Ice-type, and Rock-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Grass-type, Poison-type, and especially Bug-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Fighting-type, Ground-type, and Normal-type moves.
Sableye is a Dark and Ghost-type Pokemon that is weak (super effective) to Fairy-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Poison-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Fighting-type, Normal-type, and Psychic-type moves.
After defeating MC Sledge, the center of the stage will light up to reveal that the stage is a battle court, and the audience’s excitement will reach a fever pitch. MC Sledge will then announce that the player has passed the Gym Test!
Montenevera Gym Leader Ryme in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
After completing the Gym Test, Ryme will enter the stage/battle court and talk to the hyped-up crowd. Then, MC Sledge will tell the player to give them a minute and tell the gym staff that the player passed. Head back inside the Montenevera Gym building and talk to the receptionist again.
The receptionist will congratulate the player and say that the player now has the right to challenge the Gym Leader, Ryme, the MC of RIP. The receptionist will then ask the player if you are ready to challenge Gym Leader Ryme. Select ‘Yes’ on the prompt (or ‘No’ if you want to heal up your Pokemon first) to start the battle!
Next, a cutscene will play where Gym Leader Ryme is having a rap battle against someone and beating them. The player will then get up on stage and select ‘I’m here for a Gym battle!’ on the prompt, and after a few more dialogues, the battle against Gym Leader Ryme will commence!
The battle against Gym Leader Ryme will also be a Double Battle, and, as previously mentioned, the Montenevera Gym is a Ghost-type Gym, meaning that Gym Leader Ryme will mostly use Ghost-type Pokemon.
Because Gym Leader Ryme’s Pokemon are Level 41 and 42, It is recommended that the player’s Pokemon be at least Level 43 to defeat Gym Leader Ryme a little bit easier.
Gym Leader Ryme will use four Pokemon: a Level 41 Mimikyu, a Level 41 Banette, a Level 41 Houndstone, and a Level 42 Toxtricity (Low Key Form) that has a Ghost Tera type. Gym Leader Ryme will use these Pokemon in this order and terastallize Toxtricity, changing it from an Electric and Poison-type to a pure Ghost type.
With that in mind, it is worth mentioning that Mimikyu is a Ghost and Fairy-type Pokemon, meaning it is weak (super effective) to Ghost and Steel-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Bug-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Dragon-type, Fighting-type, and Normal-type moves. Ryme’s Mimikyu has the Ability called Disguise, which protects the Pokemon who has the ability from one damaging attack move once per battle.
Ryme’s Mimikyu may use the following moves: Slash, Shadow Sneak, and Light Screen. However, it does not protect the Pokemon from entry hazards or weather damage. The Pokemon with the ability will lose 12.5% of its max HP once the Disguise breaks.
Banette is also a Ghost-type Pokemon, which is weak (super effective) to Dark-type and Ghost-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Bug-type and Poison-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Fighting-type and Normal-type moves. Ryme’s Banette may use the following moves: Icy Wind, Sucker Punch, and Shadow Sneak.
Houndstone is also a Ghost-type Pokemon, which is weak (super effective) to Dark-type and Ghost-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Bug-type and Poison-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Fighting-type and Normal-type moves. Ryme’s Houndstone may use the following moves: Crunch, Play Rough, and Phantom Force.
Toxtricity, because of its Tera type and as Gym Leader Ryme will terastallize it, will become a Ghost type meaning it is weak (super effective) to Dark-type and Ghost-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Bug-type and Poison-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Fighting type and Normal-type moves. Ryme’s Toxtricity may use the following moves: Hex, Discharge, and Hyper Voice.
After defeating Gym Leader Ryme, the player will receive the Ghost-type Gym Badge and TM114, a move called Shadow Ball. Aside from dealing damage, Shadow Ball is a special Ghost-type move with a 20% chance to lower the opposing Pokemon’s Sp. Defense stat by one stage. Shadow Ball has 80 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 15 PP.
Now that the player has defeated Gym Leader Ryme and completed the Montenevera Gym in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, the player is one step closer to completing the ‘Victory Road’ quest line and becoming the Champion in the Paldea Region!