Learn everything you need to know to complete the Operation Starfall Questline in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is an open-world game in which the player assumes the role of a transferee in a large Paldea Region school.
The player is the only one who may decide what to do in the game: defeat all of the Pokemon Gyms, become the champion, and become the best like no one ever was, battle the nefarious Team Star, simply complete the Pokedex and catch them all, or track down the mysterious new Titan Pokemon!
Here, we will discuss how to complete the “Operation Starfall” questline. Specifically, we will discuss how to beat Cassiopeia! A few game plot points will be revealed, so this is your spoiler alert!
Operation Starfall Questline Location
After defeating the fifth and last Team Star Crew Base, Cassiopeia will call the player and say that now that all the five squad bosses have been defeated, Cassiopeia will say that it will not be long until the former squad bosses leave Team Star.
They should be back to attending classes at the academy. Clive will then appear, and Cassiopeia will tell the player and Clive that Operation Starfall is now in its final stages, and there is only one thing left to do: defeat Team Star’s big boss.
Select any of the responses on the prompt and will reveal the identity of Team Star’s big boss, which is Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia will apologize and say she did not mean to keep it from Clive and the player for so long.
Cassiopeia will then explain that Cassiopeia was the one that formed Team Star and the former squad bosses were Cassiopeia’s closest friends.
Cassiopeia will continue to say that Team Star will not do any good to anyone if they continue to go on like this, so Cassiopeia is using the code they made together to disband Team Star.
So, Cassiopeia will ask Clive and the player to meet at the schoolyard after dark.
Afterward, head to the Naranja or Uva Academy (depending on the player’s version of the game) in the northern part of Mesagoza, in the southern part of the Great Crater of Paldea.
The player should be there at night. The player can fly directly to the academy, as the player has been there before, by selecting it on the player’s map.
Director Clavell
Upon arriving at the academy at night, the player will find Clive standing before the entrance. Approach Clive, and a cutscene will play where Clive finally reveals that he is Director Clavell in disguise (even though it was obvious from the start).
Select any of the responses on the prompt, and Director Clavell will respond depending on whether the player is surprised or says they already knew.
Then, Director Clavell will also reveal that Cassiopeia, the big boss of Team Star, has been him all along.
Select any of the responses from the prompt, and Director Clavell will then say that now that the player knows about the big boss of Team Star’s secret identity, all that is left to do is to face him in one showdown. After that, a battle against Director Clavell will commence!
Director Clavell will use six Pokemon in the battle: a Level 60 Oranguru, a Level 60 Polteageist, and a Level 60 Abomasnow.
With that in mind, it is important to mention that Oranguru is a Normal and Psychic-type Pokemon, which means it is weak (super effective) to Bug-type and Dark-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Psychic-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Ghost-type moves.
Polteageist is a Ghost-type Pokemon which means it has a weakness to Dark-type and Ghost-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Bug-type and Poison-type moves (not very effective), and an immunity to Fighting-type and Normal-type moves (no effect).
Abomasnow is a Grass and Ice-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to the Bug-type, Fighting type, Flying-type, Poison-type, Rock-type, Steel-type, and especially Fire-type moves (super effective), and resistance to Electric-type, Grass-type, Ground-type, and Water-type moves (not very effective).
As Director Clavell’s Pokemon range from Level 60 to Level 61, it is recommended that the player’s Pokemon be Level 62 and above to beat Director Clavell and his Pokemon easily.
Also, Director Clavell will use the final evolution of the starter Pokemon that completely counters or is super effective against the player’s chosen starter Pokemon, so make sure to bring a Pokemon that can counter that.
As mentioned, Director Clavell’s other three Pokemon depend on which starter Pokemon the player chose:
If the player chose Fuecoco as a starter Pokemon, Director Clavell’s other three Pokemon are a Level 60 Houndoom, a Level 60 Amoonguss, and a Level 61 Quaquaval.
With that in mind, it is important to mention that Houndoom is a Dark and Fire-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Fighting-type, Ground-type, Rock-type, and Water-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Dark-type, Fire-type, Ghost-type, Grass-type, Ice-type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Psychic-type moves (no effect).
Amoonguss is a Grass and Poison-type Pokemon. It has a weakness to Fire-type, Flying-type, Ice-type, and Psychic-type (super effective) and resistance to Electric-type, Fairy-type, Fighting-type, Water-type, and especially Grass-type (not very effective).
Quaquaval is a Water and Fighting type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Electric-type, Fairy-type, Flying-type, Grass-type, and Psychic-type moves (super effective) and resistance to the Bug-type, Dark-type, Fire-type, Ice-type, Rock-type, Steel-type, and Water-type moves (not very effective).
If the player chose Sprigatito as a starter Pokemon, Director Clavell’s other three Pokemon are a Level 60 Gyarados, a Level 60 Amoonguss, and a Level 61 Skeledirge.
With that in mind, it is important to mention that Gyarados is a Water and Flying type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Rock-type and especially Electric-type moves (super effective), a resistance to the Bug-type, Fighting-type, Fire-type, Steel-type, and Water-type moves (not very effective), and an immunity to Ground-type moves (no effect).
Again, Amoonguss is a Grass and Poison type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Fire-type, Flying-type, Ice-type, and Psychic-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Electric-type, Fairy type, Fighting-type, Water-type, and especially Grass-type moves (not very effective).
Skeledirge is a Fire and Ghost-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Dark-type, Ground-type, Ghost-type, Rock-type, and Water-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Fairy-type, Fire-type, Grass-type, Ice-type, Poison-type, Steel type, and especially Bug-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Fighting-type and Normal-type moves (no effect).
If the player chose Quaxly as a starter Pokemon, Director Clavell’s other three Pokemon are a Level 60 Houndoom, a Level 60 Gyarados, and a Level 61 Meowscarada.
With that in mind, it is important to mention that, again, Houndoom is a Dark and Fire-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Fighting-type, Ground-type, Rock type, and Water-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Dark-type, Fire-type, Ghost-type, Grass-type, Ice-type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective), and an immunity to Psychic-type moves (no effect).
As mentioned above, Gyarados is a Water and Flying-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Rock-type and especially Electric-type moves (super effective), a resistance to the Bug-type, Fighting type, Fire-type, Steel-type, and Water-type moves (not very effective), and an immunity to Ground-type moves (no effect).
Meowscarada is a Grass and Dark-type Pokemon, which means that it has a weakness to Fairy type, Fire type, Fighting-type, Flying-type, Ice-type, Poison-type, and especially Bug-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Dark type, Electric-type, Ghost-type, Grass-type, Ground-type, and Water-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Psychic-type moves (no effect).
After defeating Director Clavell, he says the player has grown splendidly throughout the Treasure Hunt. He will apologize as he will reveal that he is not the real Cassiopeia, and the real identity of Cassiopeia is still unknown.
Still, he thinks he can guess who Cassiopeia is, which is why Director Clavell was trying to spare the player from facing the real Cassiopeia in battle. He does not think that any ordinary student can win against them.
So, Director Clavell challenged the player to a battle to test the player’s skill. However, now that the player has defeated Director Clavell, he thinks he has the chance to save Cassiopeia. Then, Director Clavell will ask the player to take on the big boss of Team Star, Cassiopeia, and win. Select any responses from the prompt, and Director Clavell will thank the player.
After that, Tyme will appear and scold Director Clavell for participating in an illicit Pokemon battle on school grounds. Director Clavell will try to explain, but Tyme does not want to hear it, and she will leave while saying that she will report this to the chairwoman of the school board, so Director Clavell will follow her while begging her not to do it.
Next, enter the academy through the huge door, head towards the doors on either the room’s left or right side, and select the Schoolyard on the prompt. There, a cutscene will play where Penny will arrive.
Penny’s Fight During the Operation Starfall Questline
Penny will then reveal herself to be the real Cassiopeia. Penny will then explain that the idea of Operation Starfall suddenly came to her when she saw the player beat the Team Star grunts outside the school earlier in the game.
Then, as she can get a hold of as much LP as she wants, she decides to use it to tempt the player into helping her out, and she keeps an eye on the player posing as a member of the supply unit.
Penny will continue that she wanted the player to defeat the Team Star bosses on her behalf and then defeat her to end Team Star.
However, she will say that a part of her still wants Team Star to live on, so she will not just let the player win and not put up a fight.
Penny will then ask if the player is ready, so select ‘I’m ready’ on the prompt. Director Clavell will enter the scene in his Clive costume and ask Penny if she is Cassiopeia. Penny will confirm and tell Clive that she has a task for him to record what happens next so she can send it to Team Star, as they need to see the battle’s outcome. Clive will accept that task, and a battle against Penny, the real Cassiopeia, the big boss of Team Star, will commence!
Penny will use six Pokemon, which are all evolutions of Eevee: a Level 62 Umbreon, a Level 62 Vaporeon, a Level 62 Jolteon, a Level 62 Flareon, a Level 62 Leafeon, and a Level 63 Sylveon.
As Penny’s Pokemon range from Level 62 to Level 63, it is recommended that the player’s Pokemon be Level 64 and above to beat Penny and her Pokemon comfortably.
With all that in mind, it is important to mention that Umbreon is a Dark-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to the Bug-type, Fairy-type, and Fighting-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Ghost-type and Dark-type moves (not very effective), and an immunity to Psychic-type moves (no effect).
Penny’s Umbreon has an Ability called Synchronize, which will make the opposing Pokemon receive the status condition that the Umbreon receives.
Vaporeon is a Water-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Electric-type and Grass-type moves (super effective) and a resistance to Fire-type, Ice-type, Steel-type, and Water-type moves (not very effective).
Penny’s Vaporeon has an Ability called Water Absorb, which restores its HP by up to 25% of its max HP instead of receiving damage when the Vaporeon is hit with Water-type moves.
Jolteon is an Electric-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Ground-type moves (super effective) and a resistance to Electric-type, Flying-type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective).
Penny’s Jolteon has an Ability called Volt Absorb, which restores its HP by up to 25% of its max HP instead of receiving damage when the Vaporeon is hit with Electric-type moves.
Flareon is a Fire-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Ground-type, Rock-type, and Water-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Bug-type, Fairy-type, Fire-type, Grass-type, Ice-type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective).
Penny’s Flareon has an Ability called Flash Fire, which increases the damage from Fire-type moves by 50% and becomes immune to Fire-type attacks if the Flareon is hit with a Fire-type move.
Leafeon is a Grass-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to the Bug-type, Fire-type, Flying-type, Ice-type, and Poison-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Electric-type, Grass-type, Ground-type, and Water-type moves (not very effective).
Sylveon is a Fairy-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Poison-type and Steel-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Bug-type, Dark-type, and Fighting-type moves (not very effective), and an immunity to Dragon-type moves (no effect). Penny will also terastallize Sylveon, which will boost its Fairy-type moves.
After defeating Penny, a flashback cutscene will play where Penny convinces the Team Star squad bosses to break up the team through the phone. After that, Penny will thank Clive and the player, but Clive will ask Penny why she needed Operation Starfall if she was the big boss of Team Star, to which Penny will reply that she tried to tell the squad bosses to stop.
However, they still would not quit, and their code states that no team member has the right to order anyone around. As she knew that Team Star honored the code, she said she had no choice but to use their code to disband Team Star. Then, Clive will ask Penny what her friends in the team mean to her, to which she will reply that they are her greatest treasure.
After that, Clive will reveal his real identity to Penny and explain that he needed a way to talk to Team Star on equal terms, hence the disguise. Then, every team Star squad boss will enter the scene and meet in person.
Director Clavell will apologize to Penny and the other Team Star squad bosses as he thinks he has disappointed them because he failed to handle their situation.
He will say that all he has experienced in the academy is an environment free from bullying, and now he knows it was because of Team Star.
Finally, he will say that the academy’s previous order that Team Star should disband and all who disobey is now revoked, and Team Star can now continue to exist if they wish. Penny and the Team Star squad bosses will then be very happy.
Director Clavell will continue to say that Team Star will be punished for all the other violations by engaging in community service and managing the Star Training Centers, which are facilities for cultivating Pokemon Trainers’ talents in collaboration with the Pokemon League.
After a few more bits of dialogue, Director Clavell will ask the player to stop by his office, and the player will then be in their dorm room in the academy. Head outside the player’s dorm room, select the ‘Director’s Office’ on the prompt, approach Director Clavell just ahead, and a cutscene will play where Director Clavell will thank the player for resolving the situation with Team Star.
Penny will then enter the room and tell Director Clavell her decision to work on the Star Training Centers with the rest of Team Star. Penny, however, will say that she thinks she has to be punished more for obtaining the LP she gave to the player illegally, to which Director Clavell will say that he has to consult with Geeta, the Pokemon League chairwoman. Then, Director Clavell will ask the player to give them some privacy.
Then, the player will be back in their dorm room. Head out of the player’s dorm room, select the ‘Entrance Hall’ from the prompt, and head out of the academy through the main door. Penny will then call the player, select any of the responses from the prompt, and ask the player to meet her in front of the school stairs where they first met.
Go forward, head down the stairs, and talk to Penny at the bottom. Then, a cutscene will play where Penny will tell the player that the academy is letting her off easy as the Pokemon League said that they would waive Penny’s debt in exchange for doing some volunteer engineering and asked her to work with them once she graduates.
Then, Penny will thank the player and give the player TM169 or Draco Meteor, a special Dragon-type move with 130 Power, 90 Accuracy, and 5 PP that, aside from dealing damage, also lowers the Sp. The attack stat of the Pokemon uses the move in two stages.
Penny will then say that she wants to repay her debt to the player, so she will ask the player to let her know if she can do anything to help with machines and hacking.
After that, Penny will leave, and the “Starfall Street” questline is complete! The player must complete the “Path of Legends” questline and the “Victory Road” questline to head to Area Zero in the Great Crater of Paldea!