Learn how to defeat Orthworm, The Lurking Steel Titan, in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is an open-world game where the player is a transferee in a huge school in the Paldea Region. In the game, the player and the player only gets to decide whatever they want to do: whether to defeat all the Pokemon Gyms, become the champion, and become the very best like no one ever was, to defeat the nefarious Team Star, to complete the Pokedex and catch them all simply, or to track down the mysterious new Titan Pokemon!
Here, we will talk about defeating the Titan Pokemon, which is part of the ‘Path of Legends’ quest line given by Arven. This guide will discuss defeating Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan!
The Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan, can be found in the East Province (Area Three), which is the desert area in the northeastern part of The Great Crater of Paldea and can be reached by following the path north of Levincia until directly south of the East Province (Area Three) Watchtower (or can be found northeast of Zapapico or northwest of Levincia).
Orthworm, The Lurking Steel Titan
As the player would have to battle against Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan, it is worth noting that Orthworm is a Steel-type Pokemon, meaning it is weak (super effective) to Fighting-type, Fire-type, and Ground-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to the Bug-type, Dragon-type, Fairy-type, Flying-type, Grass type, Ice-type, Normal-type, Psychic-type, Rock-type, and Steel-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Poison-type moves.
Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan, will use the following moves: Headbutt, which is a physical Normal-type move with 70 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 30% chance of causing the opposing Pokemon to flinch; Iron Tail, which is a physical Steel-type move with 100 Power and 75 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 30% chance of lowering the opposing Pokemon’s Defense stat by one stage, Wrap, which is a physical Normal-type move with 15 Power and 90 Accuracy that traps the opposing Pokemon and deals damage that is equal to 1/8th of the opposing Pokemon’s maximum HP for each turn, and Sandstorm, which is a Rock-type status move that activates a sandstorm for five turns.
Aside from its moves, Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan has an Ability called Earth Eater, which will make Ground-type moves no longer have an effect on Orthworm (which means that instead of being super effective, it will have no effect) and, instead of taking damage, it will heal 1/4 of its maximum HP when it is attacked with a Ground type move.
It is recommended that the player use a Pokemon with Fire type and Fighting-type moves that is Level 28 and above against Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan. If the player chose Fuecoco as a starter Pokemon, then the player would have no problem using it to battle Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan as Fuecoco is a Fire-type Pokemon whose moves are super effective against Steel-type Pokemon like Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan. Additionally, the player’s Fuecoco would have already evolved to Crocalor at Level 16, meaning it has better stats.
Read: How To Get Legendaries in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
These Pokemon that can be found early game can also be good against Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan: Fletchinder (Fire and Flying-type), Makuhita (Fighting-type), Hariyama (Fighting-type), Mankey (Fighting-type), Primeape (Fighting-type), Litleo (Fire and Normal-type), Charcadet (Fire-type), Armarouge (Fire and Psychic-type), and Ceruledge (Fire and Ghost-type).
Unfortunately, the player will not be able to catch Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan while battling it, and the only option is to defeat it. However, after that, when it is back to its regular form, you can find an Orthworm in the area, which the player would have to interact with using the A button to battle instead of throwing one of your Pokemon at it like other Pokemon.
In this form, the player will now be able to catch it. After catching it, Orthworm will have a special mark and the title “Former Titan,” which means that it is the actual Lurking Steel Titan but has reverted to its regular form. It is worth noting that if the player accidentally defeats the Orthworm in this form, the Former Titan Pokemon will no longer appear in the area.
Battle 1
Upon approaching the Lurking Steel Titan in the middle of a crater, it will burrow itself underground and move to a different location but still inside it. Approach it, and it will move again to a different location in the crater. Approach Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan, and a cutscene will play where Orthworm will finally notice the player, show its arms, and start the battle with the player.
After almost defeating it, Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan will halt the battle, strike the wall behind it to create a tunnel, and go through it. Follow it inside the tunnel and out the other side to start another battle.
Battle 2
Upon approaching Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan on the other side of the tunnel will again head underground and move even deeper into the crater. Approach it, and it will move to a different location in the crater. Approach it again, and it will still head underground and move to a different location in the crater.
Approach it one last time, and a cutscene will play where the Orthworm will head to the cliff side, hit it hard to break it, pick up a Herba Mystica from the newly broken side of the cliff, and eat it. Arven will then arrive and wonder if Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan will become even feistier after eating the herbs. The Orthworm will face the player and Arven with an aura surrounding it and start another battle.
In this next battle, Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan’s HP will be full again, but this time, Arven and his Pokemon, Toedscool, will help the player out.
After fully defeating Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan, it will revert to its regular form, and a cutscene will play where the player and Arven will enter the opening at the side of the cliff that the Orthworm created to check for some Salty Herba Mystica, which Arven will find inside.
Arven will then thank the player and explain that Salty Herba Mystica is good for aching hands and feet, neuropathy, and numbness. After that, Arven will set up a picnic and make sandwiches with the Salty Herba Mystica for himself and the player. To thank the player, Arven will also give the player a Steel Titan Badge, which he made using a replica of Gym Badges, for defeating the Lurking Steel Titan.
While having a picnic, the player’s Koraidon or Miraidon (depending on which version the player is playing) will take an interest in the sandwich made with the Salty Herba Mystica. Confirm on the prompt to give the player’s sandwich to Koraidon or Miraidon, and the player’s Koraidon or Miraidon will suddenly glow and will now be able to jump higher!
Now that the player has defeated Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan, the player is one step closer to fulfilling the player’s Koraidon and Miraidon’s true potential and completing the ‘Path of Legends’ quest line!