It’s been a bit of a bumpy ride for Prince of Persia Remake this past year. First announced in September 2020, the game was supposed to come out in January 2021, and then March 2021. Obviously, the game didn’t hit either of those windows. Now, thanks to a new statement from Ubisoft, we have a much better idea of when we’ll see this title launch. Sadly, it’s still going to be a while longer.

In a Tweet pushed out today, Ubisoft made it clear that Prince of Persia Remake would not be at the company’s E3 show, Ubisoft Forward. Then came the whopper.
As you can see, the team behind the remake states that they are “making great progress” for it “to release next year.” That could put the delayed release date well past a year the title was originally supposed to come out, which kind of makes you wonder: why did Ubisoft announce a date in the first place?
COVID-19 has obviously played a part in pushing games around the calendar and making the development process a bit more unpredictable. One could also argue that companies are a bit more afraid to rush things now. If Cyberpunk 2077 (and its poor sales in 2021) has taught us anything, it’s that all the hype around a particular title won’t carry it if the proverbial poo really hits the fan. Perhaps Ubisoft looked at that situation and decided Prince could use more time in the oven.
At any rate, there’ll still be loads of games at E3, including a whole show’s worth from Ubisoft. Just keep in mind for the Forward event that Prince of Persia Remake won’t be there, and that we likely won’t be hearing more about it for at least a few more months.