In Red Dead Redemption 2, you might struggle to make sense of the game at first, including the satchel. You use the satchel for storage, but it quickly runs out of space. Therefore, you’ll have to upgrade it to carry more items.

Accessing your inventory is essential, as you must loot to survive in RDR2. We’ll also cover some upgrades that could prove helpful for keeping your items close at hand. Keep reading, and you’ll bring out the best of your satchel in no time.
How to Open Your Satchel
You have a satchel at the start of the game. Initially, your storage space is limited, and you must choose what to loot. Moreover, the number of items you can carry depends on whether you purchased the upgrades for its category.
For console players, follow these steps to open the satchel:
- Make sure you’re not standing near your horse.
- Press and hold the right button on your controller’s D-pad.
- You’ll gain access to your satchel immediately.
PC players can open their inventory using this method:
- Stand away from your horse.
- Press the “B” key on your keyboard.
- Your inventory will be available immediately.
Getting Satchel Upgrades
You might struggle to loot as you wish when you’re in the game’s earlier stages. However, there are ways to expand your bag. You must return to camp and talk to Mr. Pearson, who can create the necessary upgrades.
Every upgrade requires you to bring three types of “perfect” animal pelts and unlock Mr. Pearson’s tools for your camp.
Once you get the necessary materials, talk to Mr. Pearson. He’ll give you the upgrade after.
Here are all the various upgrades and their requirements for crafting:
Ingredients Satchel
This upgrade lets you carry more tonics with you.
- Unlock Leather Working Tools
- Upgrade the Medicine Wagon twice
- One Perfect Deer Pelt
- One Perfect Buck Pelt
- One Perfect Elk Pelt
Kit Satchel
Bring more Kits with you on the road.
- Unlock Leather Working Tools
- Donate three Valuables
- One Perfect Deer Pelt
- One Perfect Panther Pelt
- One Perfect Elk Pelt
Ingredients Satchel
With this upgrade, you can carry more Ingredients.
- Unlock Leather Working Tools
- Donate five animal carcasses.
- One Perfect Deer Pelt
- One Perfect Badger Pelt
- One Perfect Squirrel Pelt
Provisions Satchel
Your Provisions-carrying capacity increases with this upgrade.
- Unlock Leather Working Tools
- Upgrade the Provisions Wagon twice
- One Perfect Deer Pelt
- One Perfect Raccoon Pelt
- One Perfect Bison Pelt
Valuables Satchel
With the Valuables Satchel upgrade, you can carry more of them.
- Unlock Leather Working Tools
- Donate $50
- One Perfect Deer Pelt
- One Perfect Beaver Pelt
- One Perfect Raccoon Pelt
Materials Satchel
You can loot more edible Ingredients after getting this upgrade.
- Unlock Leather Working Tools
- Craft three recipes at the Scout Fire
- One Perfect Deer Pelt
- One Perfect Iguana Skin
- One Perfect Boar Pelt
Legend of the East Satchel
This satchel is the final upgrade, and you can carry even more of all item types after crafting it.
- Unlock Leather Working Tools
- Craft the other satchel upgrades.
- One Perfect Deer Pelt
- One Perfect Wolf Skin
- One Perfect Cougar Pelt
The More Loot, the Merrier
Your satchel is your best friend in RDR2, especially when you see something worth looting. Other than knowing how to open it, it would help to craft the various upgrades. It might take some time, but the greatly expanded capacity is worth it.
Have you upgraded your satchel yet? What was the best loot you’ve found? Let us know in the comments section below.