This month will see the release of Resident Evil 4 Remake, and a lot of fans are excited for the franchise to finally come full circle by bringing all the past stories into the modern era of games.

Thanks to ElAnalistaDeBits (via GamingBolt), we have a new look at the gameplay for the remake, and we have a side-by-side comparison with the original RE 4 that came out in 2005. Check it:
As you can see, the remake adds a lot more textures to the setting, and several tweaks have been added to some stages to help bring the game to modern standards. What’s also great is, players are now allowed a lot more freedom with certain game elements; while the original may be limiting, the remake does allow you to interact with more things and have different ways to take out enemies.
With RE 4 being the title to influence the modern RE games, this remake would have brought all the classic Resident Evil titles to the new-gen. Hopefully from that point the franchise can just move forward, but I’m always open for something on the lines of a prequel down the line.
Here’s the official description:
Survival is just the beginning.
Six years have passed since the biological disaster in Raccoon City.
Agent Leon S. Kennedy, one of the survivors of the incident, has been sent to rescue the president’s kidnapped daughter.
He tracks her to a secluded European village, where there is something terribly wrong with the locals.
And the curtain rises on this story of daring rescue and grueling horror where life and death, terror and catharsis intersect.
The Resident Evil 4 remake is set to release on March 24 for PlayStation 4|5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.