Review: Indigo 7: Quest For Love – PS5, PS4



Megan Smith

Writer and Storywriter

Indigo 7: Quest for Love is an incredible puzzle game that explodes with both humour and colour, but is there more to this coming of age puzzler?

Review: Indigo 7: Quest For Love - PS5, PS4

Like the village idiot, I stumbled into Indigo 7: Quest for Love wondering “how hard can it be?” It’s just about matching hexagons together, similar in nature to Tetris. What can be so hard about hexagons? I quickly figured out that this was more than just trying to match colours. It didn’t matter how much I enjoyed playing, I was never going to master the game.

Game Information
Release Date: July 8th, 2021
Developer: Dolores Entertainment
Publisher: Dolores Entertainment
Availability: PSN (Digital)

Indigo 7 has multiplayer support as well as a single-player Adventure Mode. This is the story mode of the game which has been split into five acts, with a variety of challenges that make up the mind-boggling puzzles that you must solve.

I was surprised by how good the story was, considering this is a puzzle game. You follow the life of Nathan and his three band members. Like any high-school coming-of-age story, Nathan, the lead singer of the band, has been having girl problems. His friends have the great idea that they should go on holiday together, so they do, and they get into all kinds of crazy situations.

Indigo 7 quest for love screenshot 3

The story which plays out like a 90’s cartoon strip and it’s filled with plenty of funny moments, like warding off Death. Yes, the mythical Death. I couldn’t help chuckling at some of the moments that should have had me shaking my head from the cringe but it was embarrassingly funny.

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When I wasn’t admiring the incredible art style, I was failing miserably at the actual game. I don’t know if my brain is slow but I struggled from the start. This was mostly due to the opponent challenges. I had failed it countless times during my playthrough, but the first time I had no idea what I was even doing wrong. Turns out, I was stupid and didn’t realise how important combos were. After losing five times due to not having enough points to beat the other band members, I returned to the tutorial to see how to actually play the game. After learning about how to stack combos, I finally thrashed the other band members and could move on to the next level. Where, as you can guess, I struggled again.

A personal favourite challenge of mine was where you must own all the hexagons before the timer runs out. You only have a certain amount of moves per hexagon colour which means you have to be careful with each move you make, as well as keeping an eye on the time. I’m not saying I was any good at this either, I lost many times on this one too. I believe by not having an opponent you can take your time.

Indigo 7 quest for love screenshot 2

Sometimes the game did break and I was unable to move my analogue stick to select anything but this was simply fixed by turning off and on the game. Luckily, it never happened mid-puzzle but only when you’re about to start.

If you don’t care for the story there is also the normal single-player mode where you can challenge yourself to different objectives. However, I believe the game is truly a treat when you play with friends in local multiplayer. Computers are far too smart so having a flesh and blood person to play against means you have triple the chance to beat them, and you’ve had the experience so you’ve got no excuse when you lose.

The only thing I wished was improved in Indigo 7 would be how to select colours. With each Act the game becomes harder as more hexagon colours are added, I wish there was a way to just press square or circle to mean which colour you want to use instead of scrolling through all the colours at the bottom. This is because I tended to select the wrong colour and then lose a move which completely messed up my chance of winning. When you start getting more colours to pick from it also takes longer to pick the colour you need, and the computer player is not about to wait for you.

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By playing with up to three friends you can also make the most of the two party game modes. These are Party Time, where you must act carefully but also keep up to speed in the fast-paced mode. Then there is also Party Colour, here you must beat all the boards but be careful that you don’t run out of colours.

Indigo 7 quest for love screenshot

Even with the stress of losing, over and over again, my time with Indigo 7: Quest for Love was an enjoyable one. The story and characters were incredible and the art style really helped bring the comic strips to life, it’s a shame the comics weren’t voiced as I’d have loved to hear the interactions between the characters. The game modes themselves were also fun to play even if they had me squeezing my controller in rage.

Indigo 7: Quest for Love PS5, PS4 Review
  • 7/10
    Overall - Very Good - 7/10


Get ready to be zapped back to the 90s with Indigo 7: Quest for Love. This colourful hexagon puzzle game has an incredible art style and a genuinely funny coming-of-age story filled with great characters to meet and new ‘foes’ to defeat. Don’t just enjoy this alone as the multiplayer can be played with up to three friends as you compete against each other in a variety of fast-paced puzzle modes.

Review Disclaimer: This review was carried out using a copy of the game provided by the publisher. For more information, please read our Review Policy.

Primary version tested: PS4. Reviewed using PS4.

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