Roblox: Area 47 Codes (Tested October 2022)




Writer and Storywriter

Have you played the SCP games that you saw on YouTube? Roblox made yet another game with the same concept! Roblox: Area 47 is a roleplaying game where you can choose either to be in:

Roblox: Area 47 Codes (Tested October 2022)
Roles Tasks
Area 47 aEnsures the well-being of all foundation Staff and Class-D personnel by performing checkups.
Area 47 b
Test subjects of the Foundation. They always want to escape.
Area 47 cResponsible for the safety of personnel and escorting ScD tests.
Area 47 dResponsible for the safety and security of the elite members of the Foundation.
Area 47 eGroup of insurgents that want to take back what the foundation stool from them.
Area 47 fTasked with learning more about the SCPs located in the facility and deeming them safe or dangerous.
Area 47 gResponsible for putting documents inside the vault and keeping things smoothly running.
Area 47 hEnsures the structural safety of the facility and its bits and pieces.
Area 47 mResponsible for filtering out the imposters. Keep an eye out.
Area 47 i 1Responsible for the site’s defense from CI, and the containment and safeguarding of SCPs.
Area 47 j 1 Responsible for the security of Foundation secrets.
Area 47 nFoundation Personnel is a member that doesn’t belong to a department.

Area 47 lResponsible for safeguarding the secret files in the foundation vault.
Area 47 k 1Ensures that all members of the Foundation are performing their duties ethically and humanely.

Every role has a different task for you to follow. The more you play the game, the more credits you earn. And you can use this money to finance weapons and access cards for every sector. 

The Roblox experience Area 47 was created by the Special Containment Procedures Foundation. The game begins with the players in an underground facility containing various strange items. In this RPG, you can play as a scientist, a member of a security team, or a member of the Anti-foundation Chaos Insurgency. And if you’re new to this game, we prepared something for your advantage. We have all of the active Roblox: Area 47 codes for you to apply to obtain some free in-game credits and improve your invasion experience!

All Roblox: Area 47 Codes for Credits (Tested October 2022)

We collected and compiled the list of active and updated codes that you can use to redeem reward credits! We advise you to use the codes as soon as they are released because they will only last for a short period of time. We always update our list on this page as soon as they’re available, so keep us on your bookmark by typing CTRL + D on your keyboard or using the Add to Bookmark button on your phone’s keyboard and check back often! We assure you that the codes here on our site are constantly updated by our monitoring team so that you won’t miss the rewards! Also, please input the codes EXACTLY how it was listed below to avoid errors. You can also copy and paste the codes from our list to make sure it functions.

Roblox: Area 47 Working/ Active Codes

85KLIKES1000 Credits
40M1000 Credits
LUCA50 Credits

Roblox: Area 47 Old/ Expired Codes

We also tracked the old and expired codes from Roblox: Area 47, so if players want to see what codes have been deactivated, they can do so by checking it on our list below. If you were able to use these codes before they were halted, then, don’t worry about the rewards! All claimed freebies will not be lost even when the code has expired.

80KLIKES800 Credits
NICECODE 500 Credits
75KLIKES 750 Credits
NEOSTANT50 Credits
RELEASE 500 Credits

For more updates about the game, you can follow the game’s developer, Area 47: SCP Roleplay, on their social media account or @CreepySins & @PlayArea47 on Twitter. You may also interact with other players on the game’s official Discord server. We also update our list on this page as soon as they’re available, so keep us on your bookmark by typing CTRL + D on your keyboard or using the Add to Bookmark button on your phone’s keyboard and check back often!

Those are all the codes for Roblox: Area 47 currently available. Please let us know if you spot expired or missing codes so we can update our list as soon as possible! You can share your suggestions and ideas with us in the comment section. Don’t forget to give us a thumbs-up, happy reading, and enjoy the game!


How do I Redeem Freebies using the Codes in Roblox: Area 47?

We made a guide just for you and new players who don’t know how to redeem the codes listed above. All you need to do is to follow the provided steps below and enjoy the rewards.

  1. Open Roblox: Area 47 through your device.
    1Area 47
  2. Click or press “Play.”
    2Area 47
  3. Choose a Role.
    3Area 47
  4. Click or press the Shop located at the top-right corner of the screen.
    4Area 47
  5. Copy the code above, then paste it into the text box.
    5Area 47
  6. Click or press the “Check Code” to enjoy rewards.
    5Area 47 1

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