Have you been to dungeon quests games, with many mobs to kill and bosses to eliminate? Do you enjoy discovering new things? Are quests something you enjoy doing? Then, our Treasure Quest cheats will be perfect for you. We’ve gathered all of the game’s current freebies to help you with your dungeon-crawling exploits. Our list includes the latest gifts, including weapons, potions, backpack slots, and gold. Treasure Quests, unlike most Roblox game codes, have a limited time limit, so you’ll need to act quickly if you want to get them.

Treasure Quest is one of Roblox quest-type games where you can loot the treasure that’s being guarded by evil monsters. You must fight your way through the monsters and reach the treasure room. But watch out! There’s a boss that guards the treasure room. Defeat him and claim the treasure.
Treasure Quest codes, on the other hand, can be extremely beneficial, providing you with a free potion that boosts your XP or luck, a stronger weapon, or even additional backpack space. When you’re out hunting for loot and killing creatures, it all helps.
All Roblox: Treasure Quest Codes for Potions, Boost, XP, Luck, Weapon, and Backpack (Tested October 2022)
Below is the list of active and updated codes you can use to redeem reward potions, boost, XP, luck, weapon, and backpack! We highly advise you to use the codes as soon as they are released because they will only last until their expiration. But no worries at all! We assure you that the codes here on our site are constantly updated by our monitoring team so that you won’t miss the rewards! Also, please input the codes EXACTLY how it was listed below to avoid errors. You can also copy and paste the codes from our list to ensure they function.
Roblox: Treasure Quest Working/ Active Codes
REWRITE1 | 10 Backpack Slot |
REWRITE2 | XP Potion |
REWRITE3 | XP Potion |
KNIGHTMARE | 1 XP Potion |
POISONPRISON | 1 Luck Potion |
THANKSFOR250M_1 | 250 million effect |
THANKSFOR250M_2 | 1 Luck Potion |
HAPPYNEWYEARS2021 | Use this code |
CHRISTMASMIRACLE2020 | 1 Luck Potion |
HYPERFROST | 1 Luck Potion |
BOSSFIGHT | 1 Luck Potion |
ABYSS | 1 Luck Potion |
ZOMBIE | 1 XP Potion |
FRANKENSTEIN | 1 Luck Potion |
GHOUL | 1 XP Potion |
HAUNTED | 1 Luck Potion |
SPOOKY | 1 Luck Potion |
palm trees | 1 XP Potion |
coconut | 1 XP Potion |
dominusgrind | 1 Luck Potion |
federationgrind | 1 Luck Effect |
summerpart2 | 1 gold Potion |
sunshine | 1 XP Potion |
shellgrind | 1 XP Potion |
pearlhunt | 1 random Potion |
summertime | 1 XP Potion |
brightbeachisback | 1 Luck Potion |
shoprevamp | 1 Luck Potion |
hugeupdatesoon | 10 Bank Slots |
ONEYEAR | 1 One & Done |
THANKSFORPLAYING | 5 Inventory Slots |
PROTECTOR | 1 Luck Potion |
FIERYFORTRESS | 1 Luck Potion |
UPDATE22 | 1 XP Potion |
BIGBOOST | 1 Luck Potion |
SCROLLSHYPE | 1 Luck Potion |
UPDATE21 | 1 XP Potion |
SPRINGTIME | 10 Bank slots |
BIGBOOST | 1 Luck Potion |
DREGGONSBREATH | 4 free quest skips |
EGGHUNT2020 | 1 XP Potion |
UPDATE20 | 1 XP Potion |
EASTER2020 | +1 Level |
ranoutofideas | 1 Effect Potion |
hi | 1 XP Potion |
update19 | 1 XP Potion |
omgrobots | 1 Luck Potion |
coralrevamp | 1 Luck Potion |
questskips2 | 4 free quest skips |
UPDATE18 | 1 XP Potion |
FREECOSMETIC | 1 White Mecha |
millionmembers | 1 Ravager |
cavesrevamp | 1 Luck Potion |
sewersrevamp | 1 Effect Potion |
junglerevamp | 1 XP Potion |
icecold | 1 XP Potion |
newmonstershype | 1 XP Potion |
questskips | 4 free Quest Skips |
update16 | 1 XP Potion |
BANKSLOTS | 25 backpack slots |
NEWLOBBYHYPE | 1 Luck Potion |
winterishere | 1 XP Potion |
peppermints | 1 XP Potion |
naughty | 1 Luck Potion |
nice | 1 Luck Potion |
update15 | 1 XP Potion |
ilovexmas | 5 backpack slots |
10storage | 10 backpack slots |
evenmorexp | 1 XP Potion |
update14 | 1 Luck Potion |
autumn | 1 XP Potion |
sinistereerie | 1 Damage Potion |
freestorage | 1 backpack slot |
luckfordays | 1 Luck Potion |
experienceboost2 | 1 XP Potion |
experienceboost | 1 XP Potion |
bestcostume | 1 Health Potion |
spookyseason | 1 Luck Potion |
pumpkincarving | 1 XP Potion |
LIVEOPS | 1 XP Potion |
i<3candycorn | 25 candy corn |
blizmid | Avalanche |
update12 | 1 XP Potion |
halloweenupdate | 1 Luck Potion |
Roblox: Treasure Quest Old/ Expired Codes
We created a tracker of the old and expired codes from Roblox: Treasure Quest, so if players want to see what codes have been deactivated, they can do so by checking the list below. If you could use these codes before deactivating, no worries about the rewards! All claimed rewards will not be lost even when the code has expired.
PROLOBBY | XP Potion |
anothaone | Reward |
surpriseee | Reward |
GHOULPLASM | 10 Backpack Slots |
SHOPUPDATE | Speed Potion |
VACATION | Unique Potion |
SUMMERTIME2021 | XP Potion |
TQ2YEARS | Two & Through |
300MILLIONVISITS | 10 Backpack Slots |
SUPERSUNNY | Luck Potion |
MINESHAFT | Hat Chest |
UPDATEHYPE | Color Chest |
LUCKYLUCKYLUCKY | luck potion |
HAPPYEASTER2021 | XP potion |
REWRITE3 | Luck Potion |
REWRITE2 | XP Potion |
REWRITE1 | 10 Backpack slots |
THANKSFOR250M_1 | 250 Million Effect |
THANKSFOR250M_2 | Luck Potion |
POISONPRISON | Luck Potion |
BOSSFIGHT | Luck Potion |
SPOOKY | Luck Potion |
HAUNTED | Luck Potion |
FRANKENSTEIN | Luck Potion |
ABYSS | Luck Potion |
DOMINUSGRIND | Luck Potion |
samurai | Luck Potion |
2hourluck | Luck Potion |
area51 | Luck Potion |
plzgivemythical | Luck Potion |
summerishere | Luck Potion |
luckluckluck | Luck Potion |
ultimaterarity | Luck Potion |
mythicalplz | Luck Potion |
imfeelinglucky | Luck Potion |
halloweenupdate | Luck Potion |
NEWLOBBYHYPE | Luck Potion |
brightbeachisback | Luck Potion |
shoprevamp | Luck Potion |
PROTECTOR | Luck Potion |
SCROLLSHYPE | Luck Potion |
BIGBOOST | Luck Potion |
omgrobots | Luck Potion |
coralrevamp | Luck Potion |
sewersrevamp | Luck Potion |
naughty | Luck Potion |
nice | Luck Potion |
update14 | Luck Potion |
luckfordays | Luck Potion |
spookyseason | Luck Potion |
HYPERFROST | Luck Potion |
COCONUT | XP Potion |
GHOUL | XP Potion |
ZOMBIE | XP Potion |
XPPOTION | XP Potion |
update10 | XP Potion |
update11 | XP Potion |
2hourexp | XP Potion |
ufo | XP Potion |
update9 | XP Potion |
newdungeonhype | XP Potion |
ilovexp | XP Potion |
shellgrind | XP Potion |
summertime | XP Potion |
UPDATE22 | XP Potion |
UPDATE21 | XP Potion |
EGGHUNT2020 | XP Potion |
UPDATE20 | XP Potion |
hi | XP Potion |
update19 | XP Potion |
UPDATE18 | XP Potion |
junglerevamp | XP Potion |
icecold | XP Potion |
update16 | XP Potion |
winterishere | XP Potion |
peppermints | XP Potion |
update15 | XP Potion |
evenmorexp | XP Potion |
autumn | XP Potion |
experienceboost2 | XP Potion |
experienceboost | XP Potion |
pumpkincarving | XP Potion |
update12 | XP Potion |
SUNSHINE | XP Potion |
localization | Random Effect |
blackbelt | Random Effect |
givemelevels | Random Effect |
happy4thofjuly | Random Effect |
update7 | Random Effect |
reepotion | Random Effect |
endlessmode | Random Effect |
i<3effects | Random Effect |
randomeffect | Random Effect |
anothereffect | Random Effect |
hypehype | Random Effect |
pearlhunt | Random Effect |
ranoutofideas | Random Effect |
king | Lightshow Effect |
cavesrevamp | Effect Potion |
newmonstershype | Random Reward |
bossanubis | 500 Gold |
newdungeon | 500 Gold |
desertcactus | 500 Gold |
officialrelease | 500 Gold |
update1 | 500 Gold |
treasure | 500 Gold |
freecoins | 500 Gold |
ilovesales | Gold Potion |
beefy | Health Potion |
bestcostume | Health Potion |
purehealth | Damage Potion |
trueninja | Damage Potion |
puredamage | Damage Potion |
stronk | Damage Potion |
sinistereerie | Damage Potion |
ilovegold | Gold Potion |
goldrush | Gold Potion |
candyquest | Gold Potion |
yummycandy | Gold Potion |
SUMMERPART2 | Gold Potion |
update8 | 5 Backpack Slots |
i<3storage | 5 Backpack Slots |
extrastorage | 1 Backpack Slot |
10storage | 10 Backpack Slots |
ilovexmas | 5 Backpack Slots |
BANKSLOTS | 25 Bank Slots |
hugeupdatesoon | 10 Bank Slots |
SPRINGTIME | 10 Bank Slots |
THANKSFORPLAYING | 5 Backpack Slots |
newabilities | 1 Backpack Slot |
freepotion2 | Random Potion |
randompotion | Random Potion |
anotherpotion | Random Potion |
alien | Random Potion |
i<3levels | +1 Level |
updatesoon | +1 Level |
update2 | +1 Level |
sugarquest | +1 Level |
levelup | +1 Level |
freelevel | +1 Level |
EASTER2020 | +1 Level |
FREECOSMETIC | White Mecha Cosmetic |
DREGGONSBREATH | 4 Quest Skips |
questskips2 | 4 Quest Skips |
questskips | 4 Quest Skips |
ONEYEAR | XP Potion |
millionmembers | XP Potion |
LIVEOPS | XP Potion |
i<3candycorn | 25 candy corn |
You can follow the game’s developer, Nosniy Games, on their social media account for more updates about the game. You may acquire news and updates and interact with other players on the game’s official Discord server. We also update our list on this age as soon as they are available, so keep us on your bookmark by typing CTRL + D on your keyboard or using the Add to Bookmark button on your phone’s keyboard and check back often!
Those are all the codes for Roblox: Treasure Quest that is currently available. You can share your suggestions and ideas with us in the comment section. Please let us know if you spot codes that have been expired or missing so we can update our list as soon as possible! Do not forget to give us a thumbs-up, happy reading, and enjoy the game!
How do I Redeem Freebies using the Codes in Roblox: Treasure Quest?
For those who are new to playing Roblox or those who do not know how to input codes yet, you can follow these easy steps to redeem code rewards in Roblox: Treasure Quest:
- Open the game through the Roblox browser.
- Press the Twitter Logo located on the right side of the games screen.
- Copy the code above then paste it into the textbox.
- Press the Check button to enjoy the rewards.