How to Get a Tailed Beast in Shindo Life



Kenneth Mitchell

Writer and Storywriter

Shindo Life has designed many game mechanics around the incredibly successful Naruto manga and its other media spinoffs. If you want to get stronger in the game, you can use the power of mythical tailed beast spirits, just like many of the manga characters do.

How to Get a Tailed Beast in Shindo Life

However, getting a tailed beast in Shindo Life isn’t exactly easy. You need proper timing to find most of them and even more combat prowess to defeat them and obtain the necessary scrolls. We’re here to help out, but the journey itself is for you to undertake.

Where to Find Tailed Beasts in Shindo Life?

There are ten tailed beasts scattered throughout the game code of Shindo Life. Each has a unique moveset and strategies to beat but also appears in a different location and time. Here’s a neat list of tailed beast appearances in Eastern Standard Time (EST):

  • Su Spirit has a one in ten chance of appearing in the Dunes Village at 3:30 a.m. and p.m.
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  • Mao Spirit has a one in ten chance of appearing in the Nimbus Village at 3:10 a.m. and p.m.
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  • Isu Spirit has a one in ten chance of appearing in the Haze Village at 9:30 a.m. and p.m.
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  • Sun Spirit has a one in ten chance of appearing in the Obelisk Village at 11:30 a.m. and p.m.
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  • Ku Spirit has a one in ten chance of appearing in the Obelisk Village at 12:10 a.m. and p.m.
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  • Sei Spirit has a one in ten chance of appearing in the Haze Village at 10:10 a.m. and p.m.
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  • Chu Spirit has a one in ten chance of appearing in the Dunes Village at 7:10 a.m. and p.m.
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  • Gai Spirit has a one in ten chance of appearing in the Nimbus Village at 8:25 a.m. and p.m.
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  • Kor Spirit has a one in ten chance of appearing in the Ember Village at 6:10 a.m. and p.m.
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  • Tyn Spirit is a wave 20 boss in the War game mode.
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Each tailed beast that appears at a specific time and location has only a chance of appearing and a short despawn timer. That means that one in ten servers you hop to will contain the beast in the indicated location at the precise time. Not attacking the best within ten or so minutes makes it despawn. However, once you attack it, you have 25 minutes to kill it. Each beast killed this way drops a tailed beast scroll on the ground for three people.

The Tyn Spirit is a departure from the norm. It’s the only tailed beast accessed through the advanced War mode and appears as a boss. However, defeating the Tyn Spirit will only give one spirit scroll roughly every 30 times it’s killed. This means that this tailed beast might require significant grinding to obtain the spirit for you and your friends.

How to Find a Tailed Beast Fast?

If you have a decent number of private servers invites on hand, perhaps from joining a community communications server, you can switch between servers when a particular tailed beast should spawn. A game notification will instruct all players on the server to the presence of a tailed beast, so you won’t miss it when it generates.

With enough server invites and time to go through them, you should find a server with a beast to kill. This process and the fighting are much quicker if you have a few friends to share the burden.

Public servers are generally not recommended for finding and fighting tailed beasts. Due to their higher player population, there’s a chance you’ll be competing with a bunch of players for scrolls that can only serve three people. Private, smaller servers have better odds of being relatively empty when you server hop, allowing you to keep all the spoils to yourself.

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Fighting a Tailed Beast

All tailed beasts are Level 3000 and have 4 million health points. They are not meant to be taken down quickly and should only be approached by high-level players. We recommend fighting it in a group.

Additionally, all tailed beasts share a roar and spirit bomb attacks, which deal area-of-effect damage, allowing them to kill groups of opponents if you happen to clump together and get hit. All beasts also have a special attack or a few of them, typically area-of-effect, making them a true menace to fight.

A few high-level players will need to strategize on how to beat the beast in time, especially if they have access to mighty area-of-effect powers due to the beasts’ large sizes.

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Other Ways to Find a Tailed Beast Scroll

While tailed beasts are the best way to find a tailed beast spirit scroll, they are not the only ones. Many high-level players have gone through a few or more tailed beasts and have spare scrolls. If you’re in a larger community, game veterans might be willing to share their hard-earned scrolls with you if you ask nicely.

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Become a Beast in Shindo Life

Tailed beast skills are one of the most powerful abilities in all of Shindo Life. All it takes to find a tailed beast is some resourcefulness and proper timing. Fighting one, however, is usually up to teams of highly leveled players.

What is the first tailed beast you found in Shindo Life? Let us know in the comment section below.


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