Silent Hill 2 Remake: Gallows Puzzle Solution



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. In her free time, she streams video games with friends and creates PC game content, including clips and videos, on YouTube.

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Learn how to solve the Gallows Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake and obtain the executioner lever scale. This guide will walk you through the steps.

Silent Hill 2 Remake: Gallows Puzzle Solution

The Gallows Puzzle is undoubtedly one of the most challenging puzzles in Silent Hill 2 Remake. Fortunately, if you have guessed the puzzle incorrectly, you can try multiple times after avoiding enemies and returning to the Gallows.

To solve the Gallows Puzzle, you must first complete the scale puzzle to obtain the Executioner Lever. Then, match two verses from each of the six poems to find the correct noose. Below is a full guide for solving the Gallows Puzzle on Light, Standard, and Hard difficulties in Silent Hill 2 Remake.

How to Get the Execution Lever

Silent Hill 2 Execution Lever

To get the Execution Lever in Silent Hill 2 Remake, you must balance the scale using the weights. The solution for the Execution Lever Puzzle is:

  • Place the Lightest, Light, and Heavy Weight on the Left Scale.
  • Place the remaining weights on the Right Scale.

Once the scale becomes balanced, the Execution Lever will fall off from the statue.

How to Solve the Gallows Puzzle

Silent Hill 2 Gallows Puzzle Solution

Once the Execution Lever is attached, it will reveal the Gallows Puzzle along with six poems, each missing a second verse. Your main objective is to find the matching second verse for each poem.

Keep in mind that the correct solution will vary depending on the puzzle difficulty level selected in your Silent Hill 2 Remake playthrough.

Light Difficulty Solution

Poem: Hallowed was the place, this one set ablaze.
Solution: T’was the home of evil, it had to be razed.
Poem: This one took from others, T’was a sinful deed.
Solution: Stealing not to eat, but to feed his own greed.
Poem: This one, he did kidnap, his beloved daughter.
Solution: In a fit of anger, bloody end he brought her.
Poem: This one broke the lock, to steal, I’ll tell you plain.
Solution: One more place to plunder, one more wrongful gain.
Poem: This one dared to take his own mother’s life.
Solution: Did it just for pleasure not over a strife.
Poem: This one clenched his fist, and his pulled no punch.
Solution: Turned against his bully, turned his brain to mulch.

Standard Difficulty Solution

Poem: For your grace I do not plead, for the flames I did set free…
Solution: Though the young ones’ deaths… OR I watched them burn…
Poem: I took the child you are quite right…
Solution: Forgive me, child, for I have failed… OR My only daughter, joy of days…
Poem: The wealth of others I did take…
Solution: What were those reasons… OR The reason, if I have to say…
Poem: Once the sun has ceased its reign…
Solution: So my guild is plain to see… OR I departed with great haste…
Poem: Mommy dearest, mommy sweet…
Solution: You broke my legs… OR You were, oh, so kind to me…
Poem: I waited long, I bid my time…
Solution: In truth, he was less man… OR In truth, I did not hesitate…

Hard Difficulty Solution

Poem: Under veil of nightfall, in the ink of dusk…
Solution: Death of the blameless… OR A contorted chill dances…
Poem: In twilight’s grasp, a thief emerges…
Solution: With hand atremble, he seizes… OR His avarice driving every cunning…
Poem: In shroud of twilight, a tale doth unfold…
Solution: Amidst the moon’s glow… OR A tragic fruition, a mother’s…
Poem: In clandestine steps, darkness as his guide…
Solution: Amidst the moon’s glow… OR Beneath moonlit guise…
Poem: With her senses falling, she looks, mouth agape…
Solution: Twas the twisted fate that forced… OR Desperation’s grip suffocates her…
Poem: In shadows cast, the hunter lies in wait…
Solution: As the spark of life from her… OR The victim’s eyes wide with…

Tip: You’ll know you’ve selected the correct second verse when you can no longer move the iron plate.

Select the Right Noose

After you have solved the poem verse puzzle, it’s time to complete the Gallows Puzzle by choosing the right noose based on the poem you did earlier. The goal is to pull the rope that represents the guiltiest or most justified.

This changes between playthroughs. You can check which one you got by reading the poem above the Gallows Puzzle.

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