Sims 4: All Death Cheats



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. In her free time, she streams video games with friends and creates PC game content, including clips and videos, on YouTube.

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Here’s a list of all the death cheats available in Sims 4 to help you cause, prevent, or even escape death in the game.

Sims 4: All Death Cheats

Disclaimer: This article is meant for entertainment purposes within the context of The Sims 4, a life simulation game by Electronic Arts. Please remember that this content should only be seen as part of virtual gameplay and not be taken seriously in any real-world context.

The Sims 4 offers plenty of cheats to help players maximize their Sims’ skills, refill their motives, provide infinite money, and even alter their relationships. However, it also includes cheat commands that can bring death to your favorite Sim or escape the wrath of the Grim Reaper.

List of All Death Cheats

Sims 4 Ghost

In recent years, the Sims 4 developers have removed various death cheats, including those that caused electrocution, extreme exhaustion, starvation, and more. They explained that these cheats were originally intended for testing purposes, and with no further use for them, they decided to remove them. This change has disappointed many players.

At the time of writing, here are all the death cheats in the game and their effect when used:

Death CheatEffect
death.toggle true or death.toggle falseEnable or Disable Death in your current game.
traits.equip_trait ghost_motherplantSim turns into a ghost that causes nearby Sims to gain Angry Moodlet.
traits.equip_trait ghost_angerSim turns into a ghost that cause nearby Sims to gain Angry Moodlet.
traits.equip_trait ghost_beetleSim turns into a ghost that gets their energy from possessing other Sims.
traits.equip_trait ghost_murphybedSim turns into a ghost that get their energy from possessing other Sims.
traits.equip_trait ghost_fliesSim turns into a ghost that can possess items until they break.
traits.equip_trait ghost_cowplantSim turns into a ghost that can kill plants when it gets angry.
traits.equip_trait ghost_drownSim turns into a ghost that is afraid of water. Leaves traces of water.
traits.equip_trait ghost_electrocutionSet the cause of death to be killed by a wild rabbit
traits.equip_trait ghost_embarrassmentSet the cause of death to extreme embarrassment.
traits.equip_trait ghost_climbingrouteSet the cause of death to falling.
traits.equip_trait ghost_fireSim turns into a ghost that can set objects on fire.
traits.equip_trait ghost_frozenSim turns into a ghost that can cool hot Sims or freeze them to death.
traits.equip_trait ghost_hungerSim turns into a gluttonous ghost. Hunger decays faster, and can eat even if they’re full.
traits.equip_trait ghost_animalobjects_killerchikenSet the cause of death to killed by chicken.
traits.equip_trait ghost_animalobjects_killerrabbitSet the cause of death to be struck by lightning.
traits.equip_trait ghost_laughterSim turns into a ghost, which increases the Playful Moodlet of nearby Sims.
traits.equip_trait ghost_lightningSet the cause of death to struck by lightning.
traits.equip_trait ghost_oldageSim turns into a ghost that takes a nap most of the time.
traits.equip_trait ghost_elderexhaustionSet the cause of death to extreme exhaustion.
traits.equip_trait ghost_overheatSim turns into a ghost that can warm up cold Sims or overheat them to death.
traits.equip_trait ghost_poisonSim turns into a ghost that can make nearby Sims pass out by burping.
traits.equip_trait ghost_pufferfishSims’ cause of death is by eating Pufferfish.
traits.equip_trait ghost_rodent_diseaseSim turns into a ghost that looks like a giant rodent.
traits.equip_trait ghost_witchoverloadA spellcaster Sim turns into a ghost and keeps their abilities.
traits.equip_trait ghost_steamSim turns into a ghost that will sabotage saunas.
traits.equip_trait ghost_vampire_sunA vampire Sim turns into a ghost and will have a floating sun in their chest.
traits.equip_trait ghost_vendingmachineSims’ cause of death is being crushed by a Vending Machine.

How to Remove Ghost Trait

You can bring your Sims back to life by removing the Ghost Trait with the command line traits.remove_trait ghost_X , with the X replaced by the cause of death. For example, if your vampire sim died from sunlight, type traits.remove_trait ghost_vampire_sun.

How to Enter Death Cheats

Money Cheat Sims 4

To use death cheats in the game, you must open the in-game console to enter a command that will enable you to use cheats:

  • For PC Users: Control + Shift + C
  • For Xbox and PlayStation Users: L1 + L2 + R1 + R2
  • Type in the console: testingcheats on

Once enabled, you can type in all the cheats you want to apply to your game.


EA’s removal of the cheat that could led to certain death for your Sims disappointed many players. However, the ghost trait allows you to turn your Sims into ghosts whenever you want. Luckily, a Mod has been created that enables you to debug your Sim’s death.

READ MORE: Sims 4 Cheats: What they Are, Types, and How to Enable them Easily

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