The Sims 4 world can be a little expensive for your hardworking Sims. Here are all the money cheats you need to enhance your gameplay experience.

In The Sims 4, your Sim will go through the cycle of life by grinding away in their career path to earn money. This money, called Simoleons, can be used to purchase your dream house, clothes, and furniture. Alternatively, you can start your own business to make enough Simeolons to survive until your death.
However, life in the Sims 4 world tends to be costly. Whether you’re building a starter home, paying for University, or raising kids, you’ll need money to do almost everything and live a normal life. Fortunately, there’s a way to skip all the troublesome money grinds and jump straight to riches, allowing you to purchase all the items available in the Build Mode.
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List of Money Cheats in Sims 4
Before jumping on a shopping spree in The Sims 4, you need to do a quick preparation to get the cheats working. First, toggle the command line on (or off) by pressing Control + Shift + C on your keyboard. For Xbox and PlayStation users, you can activate the console by pressing all four shoulder buttons simultaneously.

Once the command line is up, type testingcheats on. This command ensures all the cheats you input will work. Once you press Enter, a prompt will say ‘Cheats are enabled’ to confirm that it worked.
1. Use Kaching/Rosebud Cheat
Using the command line, type kaching or rosebud, and it will instantly give your Sim household $1000 Simoleons. It’s not much, but this cheat is ideal for players who want a little extra cash without going overboard and ruining the game’s immersion.
2. Use Motherlode
Motherlode has been around and used in every Sims version. In Sims 4, type motherlode in the command line to instantly receive $50,000 Simoleons. You can stack more money by pressing the up arrow after entering the first motherlode cheat and re-entering it.
3. Use Money X
The motherlode should be enough to cover your Simoleon cheat needs. However, using the new Money X is much more convenient and ideal for managing your Simoleon balance. Enter Money X in the command line (Replace X with the desired amount) to get the money added to your household funds. This cheat can be used to increase or decrease your Simoleon.

For example, entering Money 1,000,000 in the command line will reflect $1,000,000 in your household funds. If you type Money 1000 afterwards, it will set the household funds to $1000 Simoleans instead.
The motherlode money cheat has been around for years and is commonly used by Sims players to increase funds and ease the difficulty of grinding in the game. However, Money X is easier and faster to input, allowing you to set a specific amount of Simoleans without repeatedly entering the same money cheat command.