Learn how to complete the “Qi’s Kindness” quest in Stardew Valley!

One of the most simple quests in Stardew Valley is called the Qi’s Kindness quest. It’s a task given by Mr. Qi where you must give villagers their beloved items 50 times. But is there a way to finish the job as quickly and effectively as possible?
In Stardew Valley, every NPC you meet has a distinct taste in gifts. To complete this quest, you must give away some of your treasured items to make the NPCs happy. Remembering all the villagers’ favorite gifts isn’t always easy, but don’t worry. This guide will teach which beloved items are the easiest to obtain so you can finish the quest in no time!
Quest Prerequisites
Before you can encounter the quest, you must unlock Mr. Qi’s Walnut Room, located on the western side of Ginger Island. It can be accessed after you collect 100 Golden Walnuts found all over the island.
If you haven’t been to Ginger Island, you can check out this guide on how to get there.
You will be given seven days to complete this quest, but the actual time limit depends on what day of the week you accept it. For example, if you encounter this quest on a Friday, you have until Sunday to fulfill it.
Completing the ‘Qi’s Kindness’ Quest
“Give 50 loved gifts in one week. One gift can be given to each villager per day (a total of two gifts per week, per villager), and there are a total of 34 giftable villagers. Therefore, this quest can be completed in at least two days by gifting all 34 villagers on the first day, then 16 villagers the next day for a total of 50 gifts.”
Getting the quest done requires you to seek every villager and give them the objects they desire. Despite having different personalities, the NPCs all have something in common. Some items are universally loved, liked, or disliked by the villagers in town.
Universally Loved Items
If you have many of these universally loved items stored in your chest, fulfilling this quest would be a breeze. Since you are limited to gifting 34 villagers items once per day, you can repeat your actions the day after.
Rabbit’s Foot: An animal product loved by every villager, save for Penny. You can obtain them by raising rabbits in a Deluxe Coop. It is arguably the easiest universally loved item to acquire, as the others are much rarer.
Prismatic Shards: An elusive and precious gem everyone except for Haley loves. You can obtain them by destroying stones, breaking Omni Geodes, opening treasure chests in the Skull Cavern, killing monsters, and from the Statue of True Perfection.
Magic Rock Candy: A consumable item you can get from Haunted Skulls after defeating them. With the Desert Trader, you can exchange 3 Prismatic Shards for a Magic Rock Candy.
Pearl: It is known to be a prize you can acquire after solving the puzzle in the Mermaid Boat at the Night Market Festival. Other ways to obtain Pearl are opening up Artifact Troves, fishing while in the Submarine at the Night Market Festival, and filling up 10 Crabs in a Fish Pond (Willy will give you a Pearl upon discovering this.)
Golden Pumpkin: A decorative item you can obtain at the Spirit’s Eve Festival in Fall 27 after completing the Haunted Maze. The Golden Pumpkin can also sometimes drop when cracking open an Artifact Trove.
Loved Items
The valuable items above are the gifts you must stock up on if your goal is to befriend all the villagers in town. Otherwise, you can also give them the items they prefer.
If you’re like most players and you’ve saved up items for crafting or cooking, you can refer to the table below to recall all the NPCs’ favorites.
The following items are the ones we think are the most attainable, which means not every available gift is listed below. They are sorted based on which season they spawn and how you obtain them.
Parsnip | Pam | Planting Parsnip Seeds in Spring |
Strawberry | Demetrius Maru | Planting Strawberry Seeds in Spring |
Cauliflower | Maru | Planting Cauliflower Seeds in Spring |
Hot pepper | Lewis Shane | Planting Pepper Seeds in Summer |
Melon | Penny | Planting Melon Seeds in Summer |
Pumpkin | Abigail Krobus Willy | Planting Pumpkin Seeds in Fall |
Yam | Linus | Planting Yam Seeds in Fall |
Beet | Evelyn | Planting Beet Seeds in Fall |
Tulip | Evelyn | Planting Tulip Bulb in Spring |
Summer Spangle | Caroline | Planting Spangle Seeds in Summer |
Poppy | Penny | Planting Poppy Seeds in Summer |
Sunflower | Hayley | Planting Sunflower Seeds in Summer and Fall |
Fairy Rose | Evelyn Jas | Planting Fairy Seeds in Fall |
Daffodil | Sandy | Foraging in Spring |
Wild Horseradish | Krobus | Foraging in Spring |
Leek | George | Foraging in Spring |
Sweet Pea | Sandy | Foraging in Summer |
Crocus | Sandy | Foraging in Winter |
Purple Mushroom | Wizard | Foraging in the Mines and in the Farm cave, Chopping Mushroom Trees |
Cactus Fruit | Linus Pam Sam | Foraging in the Oasis, Planting Cactus Seeds |
Coconut | Hayley Linus | Foraging in the Oasis, Shaking Palm Trees on Ginger Island |
Grape | Vincent | Foraging in Summer, Planting Grape Seeds in Fall |
Orange | Gus | Harvesting from Orange Trees in Summer |
Mango | Leo | Harvesting from Mango Trees in Summer |
Peach | Robin | Harvesting from Peach Trees in Summer |
Pomegranate | Elliott | Harvesting from PomegranateTrees in Fall |
Amethyst | Abigail Clint Dwarf Emily | Foraging in the Mines |
Aquamarine | Clint Dwarf Emily | Foraging in the Mines |
Topaz | Clint Dwarf Emily | Foraging in the Mines |
Emerald | Clint Dwarf Emily Penny | Foraging in the Mines |
Diamond | Evelyn Gus Jodi Krobus Marnie Maru Penny Willy | Foraging in the Mines |
Frozen Tear | Sebastian | Foraging in the Mines |
Solar Essence | Wizard | Killing monsters in the Mines |
Battery Pack | Maru | Placing Lightning Rods or Solar Panels on your Farm |
Radioactive Bar | Maru | Refining Radioactive Ores in a Furnace |
Duck Feather | Elliott Leo | Raising Ducks |
Wool | Emily | Raising Sheep or Rabbits |
Truffle | Leah | Letting out Pigs from Barns |
Void Egg | Krobus Sebastian | Raising Void Chickens |
Goat Cheese | Leah Robin | Putting Goat Cheese in a Cheese Press |
Pickles | Harvey | Putting any Vegetable in a Preserves Jar |
Truffle Oil | Harvey | Putting Truffle in an Oil Maker |
Beer | Pam Shane | Putting Wheat in a Keg |
Mead | Pam Willy | Putting Honey in a Keg |
Pale Ale | Pam | Putting Hops in a Keg |
Wine | Harvey Leah | Putting any Fruit in a Keg |
Coffee | Harvey | Putting Coffee Beans in a Keg |
Green Tea | Caroline Lewis | Putting Tea Leaves in a Keg |
Void Mayonnaise | Krobus | Putting Wheat in a Keg |
Snail | Vincent | Leaving Crab Pots on the shore of a body of water |
Sea Cucumber | Willy | Fishing in the ocean at the Beach during Fall or Winter |
Catfish | Willy | Fishing in the River |
Salad | Leah | Purchasing them in the Saloon, Cooking (1X Leek, 1X Dandelion, and 1X Vinegar) |
Spaghetti | Robin | Purchasing them in the Saloon, Cooking (1X Wheat and 1X Tomato) |
Ice Cream | Demetrius | Purchasing them in the Saloon, Cooking (1X Milk and 1X Sugar) |
Pizza | Sam Shane | Purchasing them in the Saloon, Cooking (1X Wheat, 1X Tomato, and 1X Cheese) |
Piña Colada | Pam | Purchasing them in the Beach Resort at Ginger Island |
Roasted Hazelnuts | Kent | Cooking (3X Hazelnuts) |
Fiddlehead Risotto | Clint Kent | Cooking (1X Oil, 1X Fiddlehead Fern, and 1X Garlic) |
Sashimi | Sebastian | Cooking (1X any Fish) |
Glazed Yams | Lewis | Cooking (1X Yam and 1X Sugar) |
Poi | Leo | Cooking (4X Taro Root) |
Ginger Ale | Vincent | Cooking (3X Ginger and 1X Sugar) |
Cheese Cauliflower | Maru | Cooking (1X Cauliflower and 1X Cheese) |
Pepper Poppers | Maru Shane | Cooking (1X Hot Pepper and 1X Cheese) |
Poppyseed Muffin | Penny Leah | Cooking (1X Poppy, 1X Wheat Flour, and 1X Sugar) |
Pancake | Jodi | Cooking (1X Wheat Flour and 1X Egg) |
Maple Bar | Sam | Cooking (1X Maple Syrup, 1X Wheat Flour and 1X Sugar) |
Pink Cake | Vincent Jas Hayley Marnie | Cooking (1X Melon, 1X Wheat Flour, 1X Sugar, and 1X Egg) |
Eggplant Parmesan | Jodi | Cooking (1X Eggplant and 1X Tomato) |
Roots Platter | Penny | Cooking (1X Cave Carrot and 1X Winter Root) |
Red Plate | Penny | Cooking (1X Red Cabbage and 1X Radish) |
Pumpkin Soup | Sebastian | Cooking (1X Pumpkin and 1X Milk) |
Fried Calamari | Pierre | Cooking (1X Squid, 1X Wheat, and 1X Oil) |
Farmer’s Lunch | Marnie | Cooking (1X Parsnip and 1X Cheese) |
Vegetable Medley | Leah Jodi Lewis | Cooking (1X Tomato and 1X Beet) |
Autumn’s Bounty | Lewis | Cooking (1X Yam and 1X Pumpkin) |
Complete Breakfast | Alex | Cooking (1X Fried Egg, 1X Hasbrowns, 1X Milk, and 1X Pancakes) |
Quest Rewards
Completing the quest will result in you getting 40 Qi Gems. You can exchange these Gems in the Walnut Room for items like the Key to the Town, which lets you enter all the NPC’s houses and buildings in Pelican Town whenever you like.
Like most Qi quests, this one can be encountered again even after completing it. If you fail to finish it the first time, you can always try to gather all the items above and store them in a chest. By doing that, you can do some gift-giving and finish the job as early as two days.
And that is all you need to do to complete the Qi’s Kindness quest. More fun and challenging quests are waiting to be fulfilled in Stardew Valley, so take on more quests to earn more valuable rewards!