So in this brief guide, I will give you the best strategies to defeat either humans or walkers. Both require different strategies and team setup.

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How to Beat Walkers Easily
Against walkers, the key is to stack critical rate. Anytime you “crit” a walker, that is an automatic headshot and death of a walker. So it doesn’t matter how much health the walker has, he/she will die in 1 shot. There are many ways you can do this. I will list all the things you can do to improve that.
1 – Equip weapons that give bonus critical rate. Most 3 star weapons give +15% to +20% critical rate.
2 – Bring characters that does critical damage to 1 enemy.
That means head shot to walkers. Here is a list of 2★, 3★ and 4★ characters that does just that:
- Georges(Alert) – 2★
- Timothy(Alert) – 3★
- Amy(Alert) – 4★
- Mac(Tough) – 2★
You can also bring characters that deal 200-300% damage to one enemy, but they are not as effective as crit if your characters are low level. At tough maps where the walker has plenty of health, your low level characters won’t do that much damage.
3 – Use a critical rate leader.
Glenn 3★(Strong) gives +8% crit. Holly 3★(Strong) gives +12% crit. Michonne 3★(Fast) gives +16% crit to melee characters. Rick 5★(Alert) gives 24% crit to alert teammates. Andrea 3★(Tough) gives +12 crit to all teammates. With these leaders, you should be able to get about 30-40% crit easily without using the items like “Sharpshooter” or “Nitric Oxide”.
4 – Decide between using an all melee team or all ranged team.
This way you can also customize the items you bring against walkers. I personally like to use ranged(Tough and Alert). The big reason is because you suffer no wall/barricade penalties that limits melee character’s damage output. However, ranged characters can’t take hits from walkers, but you will be fine if you have enough crit. You can also start using bloody t-shirt if things go bad.
5 – Join a faction that has either Rick 5★, Michonne 3★, Glenn 3★, Andrea 3★ to stack critical bonuses. Use them in special missions where you really need high crit rate to get a 3★ or 4★ character. You can also leave and join factions easily, so find one really good faction and stay with them.
6 – Items to bring VS Walkers
Here are the items that will be useful against them:
- Bloody T-shirts – This is the last ditch attempt to save your characters from getting 1 shotted by strong walkers. You get 3 turns where you don’t get hit. Use it wisely on members that will get hit on the next turn. You can make these in the workshop after level 4? I think. Always bring these against walkers.
- Grenades – Deals 6o0 damage to 1 side of the screen. Use it in very tough situations where you know you need it to pass the stage. You can get these from the daily missions. It only appears 1 or 2 times a week as a daily mission reward. Use it sparingly on tough walker maps.
- Sharpshooter – Gives 20% crit to ranged members for 2 turns. This is what you need for very tough walker stages. However, you need level 11 workshop to research this and it costs 21,500 material to make one. A very costly item indeed.
- Nitric Oxide – Similar to sharpshooter but for melee characters.
- Sedative Bottle – Reduces a line of enemies attack damage by 50%. Useful against walkers to prevent one character from getting one shotted. I think bloody t-shirts is a better option.
- Berserk Bottle – Decrease defense by 50% to a line of enemies. Use this if your team has good offensive characters.
- Dumdum Bullets – Increases ranged attackers damage by 50%. Use this if you have a decent damaging ranged team.
- Grindstone – Increases melee attackers damage by 50%. Use this if you run an all melee team.
How to Beat Humans
Now humans are a little tricky. You cannot “headshot” them and you are also guaranteed to take damage after your first turn. Bringing “crit” type characters won’t help as much. Certain items are also vital in human fights.
Team Setup
Try to use the type advantage as often as you can. Most of them maps usually will have 2 types or more, so you will need a diverse group of all types to do well. You will definitely want single or AoE healers and preferably someone that can deal huge AoE damage or single burst damage.
Tyreese Skybound edition 3★ is a decent one to have as an AoE healer. I prefer Dr. Stevens 3★ as he gives 60% to all members.
For AoE attacks, I love Holly 3★, Axel 3★ and Sandy 3★. Sandy is very good and can hit 3 enemies for 220% damage. Very OP. If you have her, I suggest leveling her and also try to improve her adrenaline rush so you can use it very often. She is by far the best all round character for both humans and walkers.
For big single target damage, I like tough characters Shane 4★ and Hershel 4★. Both deal tonnes of damage and is almost a sure 1 shot against alert humans. They are harder to get, but it will be worth it. For 3★ big single target hitters, I like Andrea 3★(350% damage to 1 enemy), Mitchel Jr. 3★(250% + Stun), Michonne 3★(350%), Brock 2★(250% + stun), Carter 2★(250% + -50% Atk) and Carol 2★(350%).
For leaders, use any leader that provides Atk% or Def% boost. It helps a lot when combined with items which I will talk about it below. You can also check out the mega character list here.
Useful equipment against humans are those that increase your adrenaline rush when you are either attacked or when you are attacking. +X% attack is also great. Crit is not as effective as attack%.
If you are fighting humans that inflict statuses, then you need to bring Energy Burst or Energy Bar. Keep in mind bloody shirts only work on zombies. Don’t use it against humans and you will feel like a fool. 🙂
Bring any of these items based on the challenges you get.
- Sedative Bottle – Reduces a line of enemies attack damage by 50%. This will always be useful against humans. You will also take damage no matter what. Use them on rows with 2 enemies. You will then want to attack and kill off the lone ones quickly.
- Knockout Gas – This causes impair to an enemy. This will greatly reduce the damage that one enemy does. Use them on humans that has offensive adrenaline rushes.
- Grenades – Deals 6o0 damage to 1 side of the screen. Similar to walkers, use it in very tough situations where you know you need it to pass the stage.
- Replenish – Recovers 100 health. All round good healing item. High Replenish won’t be gotten till much later in the game.
- Energy Burst – Great to get rid of attack/defense penalty and bleeding.
- Stamina Booster – Gives ranged members +50% defense. Great to use alongside sedative.
- Muscle Booster – Gives melee members +50% defense. Great to use alongside sedative.
Always be sure to use your items in the first 2-3 rounds of combat. Don’t be stingy with your items because the last thing you want is a character dead in the first or second round. That will really hamper your damage.
That concludes the guide. Let me know if I missed anything!