Once Human: How To Use Biomass Generators



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. In her free time, she streams video games with friends and creates PC game content, including clips and videos, on YouTube.

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Learn how to use Biomass Generators in Once Human with these easy steps, and discover the best Deviant and Memetics to maximize its output.

Once Human: How To Use Biomass Generators

Power facilities, like Biomass Generators, are crucial resources in Once Human. Without power, most structures in your base will be non-operational, rendering water pumps, furnaces, and other electric-powered facilities unusable.

Biomass Generators are commonly used by players who have built their bases far from water sources or stardust-polluted areas. While solar generators are an option, Biomass Gens provide higher output with minimal maintenance required to keep them operational. Below is a full guide on how to use Biomass Generators.

How to Build a Biomass Generator

Once Human Biomass Generator

Generators in Once Human are locked in Memetics (Default: O) at the Logistics tab. Biomass can be found in Tier 4 under Power Upgrade I, and it requires 7 Meme Points and 2,000 Energy Links.

With the inclusion of Meme Points as rewards in Season Goals, unlocking the Biomass Gen has become easier. However, it still requires crafting materials that are typically found in mid-to-high level areas.

MaterialsObtained From
25 Aluminum IngotFurnace (Aluminum Ore + Acid)
10 Copper IngotFurnace (Copper Ore)
5 Special PartDisassemble Scraps (Red Stone / Blackfell)
5 Waste PlasticDisassemble Scraps (Red Stone / Blackfell)
15 Electronic PartsDisassemble Scraps (Red Stone / Blackfell)
3 FuseSupply Workbench
(Copper Ingot + Glass + Metal Scraps)

How to Use a Biomass Generator

Once Human How to use Biomass Generator

Once you’ve collected all the materials you need, build (Default: B) the Biomass Gen in your base and connect the wires to a fuse, pylon, or any electrical facility in your base.

Unlike other generators in Once Human, Biomass requires organic resources to function. Fortunately, they are easy to farm.

Once Human Seaweed Value

You can fuel the Biomass Generator with logs or plant produce, but doing so would waste valuable resources. Notably, charcoal is no longer considered a fuel for Biomass. Instead, Seaweed serves as a more efficient and sustainable alternative, with 30 fuel values per item, while logs only give 20.

How to Get Seaweed

Once Human Farm Seaweed

In Once Human, Seaweed is often overlooked as a resource, but its value truly stands out as an efficient fuel for Biomass Generators. There’s an abundance of it, and it is easy to farm.

  • To get Seaweed, you’ll only need a pickaxe or a drill.
  • Head to a shoreline and find a Seaweed Rock that is covered with moss and Press F to mine.
  • You only need 80-85 Seaweed to Max out a Biomass Generator.

Best Deviant for Generator

The best Deviant to maximize your generator output in Once Human is the Electric Eel. Once placed in an Isolated Securement Unit, it will automatically activate and increase the power limit of Generators according to the Electric Eel energy level.

How to Get Electric Eel

Meyer’s Market Docks in Broken Delta (5730, -6642) is one of the common fishing spots, but due to its high fish population, the chances of getting Electric Eel drop.

The best spot to get Electric Eel is in Red Sands (7215, 104), West of Blackheart’s Bay Teleportation Tower. There’s an isolated dock by the shoreline.

To capture Electric Eels in Once Human, you’ll need a Fishing Rod (Crafted in the Supply Workshop) and Minced Meat bait (Available for Purchase from the NPC on the docks). Fishing at the Red Sands docks with Minced Meat enhances your chances of catching the Electric Eel Deviant.

Memetic Specializations for Generators

Memetics for Generator

Memetic Specialization provides a special node to unlock specialization that increases the performance of a selected specialization type. Here are the best Memetic Specializations for Biomass Generators:

Biomass Generator: Sustained Output
Facility Boost: Biomass Generator
Effect: Increase Biomass Generator’s power output by 5w, and fuel by 150%.
Generator: Electrical Expert
Facility Boost: Generator
Effect: Maximum Number of Generators +1, and +2w Power Output.

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