Things keep getting better and better for VALORANT.

VALORANT is only getting more popular as the months go by. With Riot Games releasing updates and balance changes left and right, we expect to see some of these leaked new content for VALORANT very soon.
Some of the most eye-catching VALORANT leaks we have so far include Agent Emotes, UI updates, and the new Reaver 2.0 Skin Bundle. We will take you through some of the leaks and information on each of these in this guide.
Agent Emotes
There are few ways to rub victory on your opponents’ faces in VALORANT right now.
Sure, there are suggestive actions such as the infamous ‘t-bag,’ and you can constantly spam your graffiti after one-upping your enemy in a 1v1 duel.
Still, players are limited to in-game body language and graffiti sprays to display their bad manners in-game.
All that is about to change for VALORANT – assuming the leaks on a new Emote feature are true.
Community leaker, ValorLeaks, Tweeted a 4-second video showing a new model animation for Jett, which could very well mean that VALORANT’s Agents will get their very own Fortnite-like Emotes in-game very soon.
As ValorLeaks have described it, the Emotes will likely be third-person only where the player cannot move while the Emote is active – similar to Fortnite emotes.
The leak is not surprising, considering Riot Games also features emotes in their other hugely popular game, League of Legends.
However, a quick scroll through the Tweet replies will show a divided VALORANT Twitter community expressing their concern on the possibility of third-person view exploits being used through these Emotes (much like what some gamers have experienced with Destiny.)
Still, there is not much more information about the leak as of this time, and it remains to be seen if Riot Games implements this feature in VALORANT. We will have to wait for Riot Games to officially announce this feature in the coming weeks.
UI Changes
The recently concluded VALORANT PBE featured balance changes for Chamber, Neon, and Jett. Chamber would get the brunt of Riot Games’ nerf hammer, suffering worse ability stats for all his abilities across the board.
With all eyes on VALORANT’s meta-defining Agents, fans might have missed one key feature mentioned in the PBE Patch Notes – the upcoming game engine update that will see the VALORANT game engine updated to Unreal Engine v4.26.
The new game engine is probably why VALORANT fans are also getting a revamped UI, as evidenced by this brand new leaked Agent UI screen for VALORANT.
The new Agent menu features a more dynamic look, especially when comparing it to the stale and boring old static Agent menu in-game.
The previous low-resolution character models have been tossed out in favor of the Official VALORANT Agent designs featured on the VALORANT website.
VALORANT Fans can expect to see the same design language and animations for various other menus in the game, giving VALORANT menus a fresher and more up-to-date look.
Reaver 2.0
The Reaver bundle of weapon skins is arguably one of the most popular skins in VALORANT. The Reaver Vandal is especially loved for its distinct firing sound, distinct bullet tracers, and energizing kill-streak sound.
The popularity of the original Reaver bundle is overwhelming, which is probably why Reaver 2.0 is reportedly in the works and will feature a few more weapon skins to round off the Reaver bundle in-game. New weapons are likely to include:
- Reaver Phantom
- Reaver Spectre
- Reaver Odin
- Reaver Ghost
- Reaver Karambit
Variants (color options) for these new Reaver skins will reportedly be similar to the original Reaver skins, so expect to see a Violet, White, and Red Reaver option soon.
Content Galore
VALORANT fans are in for a treat, as Riot Games has an exciting list of new features they plan on adding to VALORANT in the coming weeks or months.
The rumored Agent Emotes, UI Changes, and the new Reaver 2.0 skin bundle are just three of numerous content Riot Games has lined up for their ultra-popular FPS game. Fans will have to wait and see where Riot Games takes VALORANT from here.
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