Molly lineups for post-plant defense.

Some recent nerfs to KAYO’S flash mechanics have made the high-tech Initiator less effective in seeking out duels and engagements by himself. This is because Riot Games want KAYO mains to play around their team by providing flashes from the backlines and mollies for post-plant defense.
Nevertheless, KAYO’s utility is some of the most versatile in the game, featuring a powerful flash grenade, a crippling EMP knife, and of course, his powerful molly ability in FRAG/ment.
Speaking of mollies, KAYO’s molly ability has one of the shortest durations in the game, but it deals a ton of damage in short bursts and should still be very useful for post-plant situations on most maps in VALORANT.
With this in mind, we have compiled all the best KAYO molly lineups for post-plant on Pearl, that you can use to help with Spike defense on post-plant.
KAYO FRAG/ment Molly

FRAG/ment is KAYO’s molly ability. Like most molly utilities in VALORANT, FRAG/ment deals powerful damage over time over a large area. This can be very good for clearing out cubbies or for driving away enemy players from contested grounds around maps.
Unfortunately, unlike Viper’s Snake Bite or Brimstone’s Incendiary, KAYO’s FRAG/ment only lasts 4 seconds, making it less ideal for delaying the Spike defuse on post-plant. It does, however, make up for the low duration with high tick damage that should deter enemy players from standing in its radius.
- Equip Time: 0.7 seconds
- Unequip Time: 0.6 seconds
- Windup: 0.5 seconds
- Radii: 1 meter (inner) 4 meters (outer)
- Damage: 25-60 per tick (inner radius deals more damage)
- Ticks/Tick Rate: 1 every 1 second
- Duration: 4 seconds
Best KAYO Molly lineups on Pearl A-site
Pearl A-Default Post-plant Molly
You can expect to see the majority of Spike plants on A-Default. Pearl’s A-Default is a great pre-plant and post-plant spot that allows Attackers to defend from multiple spots outside the bomb site.
If you’re playing KAYO from A-Main on post-plant, this molly lineup should punish defenders who think they can stick the Spike defuse.
- Stand in this corner at A-Main:

2. Place the tip of KAYO’s knife icon on the right side of this dome light:

3. Throw KAYO’s Molly:

When done properly, KAYO’s molly should land at A-Default:

Pearl A-Default Post-plant Molly Lineup from A-Link
You won’t always be playing from Pearl’s A-Main on post-plant. Other times, you’ll have to defend the Spike from somewhere else entirely, like A-Link, for example. It is essential to have lineups for the same spot, so you don’t get caught without a post-plant molly to help with post-plant defense.
- Stand in this corner in A-Link:

2. Place the lower right tip of KAYO’s knife icon along this corner on the roof:

3. Throw KAYO’s molly:

When done properly, KAYO’s molly should land at A-Default:

Pearl A-Camp Post-plant Molly
A-Camp is another great spot to plant the Spike in A-site. You and your teammates can easily defend the Spike post-plant from A-Main or A-Link if you plant the Spike in this spot.
- Stand in this corner at A-Link:

2. Place KAYO’s knife icon along the left side of this window:

3. Throw KAYO’s molly:

When done properly, KAYO’s molly should land at A-Camp:

Pearl A-Default Post-plant Molly from A-Secret
Since the majority of Spike plants end up in A-Default, here’s another post-plant molly lineup to help defend the Spike from defusers.
- Align yourself with the middle of this pillar in A-Secret:

2. Place the upper right corner of KAYO’s ultimate icon on this corner:

3. Throw KAYO’s molly:

When done properly, KAYO’s molly should land at A-Default:

Best KAYO Molly Lineups on Pearl B-site
B-Default KAYO Molly from B-Ramp
B-Default is tactically the most effective Spike plant spot on B-site. Planting in B-Default will allow you to defend the Spike back from B-Ramps.
From B-Ramps, you can also line up most post-plant mollies such as Viper’s Snake Bite, Brimstone’s Incendiary, and of course, KAYO’s FRAG/ment.
- Stand in this corner at B-Ramp:

2. Place the right tip of the molly and flash HUD line on the tip of the fish’s nose:

3. JUMPTHROW KAYO’s molly:

When done properly, KAYO’s molly should land at B-Default:

B-Default KAYO Molly from B-Link
If you end up having to play post-plant from B-Link, here’s a quick KAYO molly lineup to help defend the Spike post-plant.
- Stand in this corner at B-Link:

2. Place the tip of KAYO’s knife icon on the bottom left tip of this signboard:

3. Throw KAYO’s molly:

When done properly, KAYO’s molly should land at B-Default:

B-Default KAYO Molly from Defender Records
Sometimes, you might even find yourself defending from Defender Records. In this case, use this B-Default KAYO molly lineup to help delay the Spike defuse at B-Default.
- Align yourself with the right side of this box at Defender Side Records:

2. Place the bend on the HP HUD line in this corner on the roof:

3. Throw KAYO’s molly:

When done properly, KAYO’s molly should land at B-Default:

B-Safe Plant KAYO Molly from Defender Records
You won’t always have the chance to plant at B-Default. In this case, the safe plant spot along the generator will be your only choice.
You can easily line up a post-plant KAYO molly to help defend the Spike at B-Safe Plant.
- Align yourself with the right side of this box at Defender Side Records:

2. Place the tip of KAYO’s knife icon in this corner:

3. Throw KAYO’s molly:

When done properly, KAYO’s knife should land at B-Safe Plant:

Defuse Denied
KAYO’s molly is admittedly not the best molly ability in VALORANT for delaying the Spike defuse post-plant with its short 4-second duration. Nevertheless, you can still easily line up his FRAG/ment molly to cover the Spike post-plant and punish enemies who think they can stick the defuse through FRAG/ment’s high damage.