Seize control of Breeze with these Viper Wall setups.

Breeze can be very challenging to play as a Controller because of the map’s large entryways and long sight lines. Controller Agents with traditional dome-shaped smoke abilities, such as Brimstone or Omen, will have trouble smoking off entryways on the Breeze, as these smoke abilities are often incapable of covering the wide entrances around Breeze.
This is not something Viper struggles with – her Toxic Screen’s massive coverage makes it easy for Viper to cover multiple entryways on Breeze, making site entry and defense much more manageable on the map.
With that in mind, we have compiled the best Viper Wall setups on Breeze for both Attacking and Defending on the map.
Viper Wall in 2022
Viper’s Toxic Screen peaked back in Patch 2.06 when the devs decided to bump up the contact decay damage for crossing Toxic Screen to 50 decay damage. This change alone made Viper’s Toxic Screen the deadliest and most cost-effective smoke ability in VALORANT.
After Patch 2.06 dropped, Viper slowly ruled the VALORANT meta thanks to her reusable smoke cover in Toxic Screen and Poison Cloud. The buffs given to Viper in Episode 2 made her a must-pick on maps such as Icebox and Bind, where she can play as an effective Sentinel-like anchor on Defense or resume her typical Controller duties on Attack.
However, Viper’s reign was cut short when Patch 4.04 dropped a year later. Viper would receive crippling nerfs that would push her back from the top of the Controller tier list and help make other Controllers like Brimstone and Omen more relevant.

Right now, Viper’s Toxic Screen does not last as long as it used to because of the changes the devs made with Viper’s Fuel. Whenever Toxic Screen and Poison Cloud are active simultaneously, Viper’s Fuel bar will drain 50% faster, effectively limiting Viper’s ability to cover multiple spots simultaneously.
Toxic Screen, Poison Cloud, and Viper’s Pit now deal less initial decay damage as well (50 >>> 30), making them less deadly than they were a few patches ago.
Overall, Viper remains a decent pick on most maps in VALORANT. Her Toxic Screen can still cover space as no other Agent can. Still, Viper players now have to be mindful of the increased Fuel consumption and overall reduced duration when executing offensive and defensive plays in VALORANT.
Breeze A-site Viper Wall
A-site on Breeze is too big to control with just five players, so it makes more sense to enter A-site, plant the Spike, then aim to play post-plant at A-Cave or A-Shop. Fortunately, Viper’s Wall can easily split A-site into two, making site entry easier for her team. After planting the Spike, you can just stay back and wait until the right moment to use Viper’s Snake Bite molly to delay the bomb defuse.
For Defense, Viper’s Wall is long enough to cover A-Main, A-Hall, and some Middle, making it a valuable ability for Defending on Breeze. Check out the Wall placement we have featured below to get a better idea.
Breeze A-site Default Wall (Attacking)
- Stand on this spot by the barrier outside A-Shop:

2. Aim high and place Viper’s Wall across A-site. Refer to the image below to get a better idea.

Breeze A-site Wall (Defending)
- Stand in this corner by the barrier on A-site:

2. Aim just above this tower:

3. Make sure you cover the Middle Pillar and A-Hall:

Breeze Middle Viper Wall
Like most maps that feature a middle lane in VALORANT, Breeze’s Middle is vital for both the Attacking and Defending teams.
On Attack, players can take the middle to execute a simultaneous site entry to A-site or B-site. On Defense, players must prevent the enemy team from taking control of the alternate lanes leading to either bombsite.
In both scenarios, Viper’s Wall can block off vision towards the middle and allow safe entry to A-Wood Doors or B-Tunnel. On the other hand, you can use Viper’s Wall to block off the space before the middle pillar and deter the enemy team from taking space beyond that area.
Mid to A-site Wall (Attacking)
- Stand in this corner at Mid-Bottom:

2. Aim high so Viper’s Wall will not end up short when you place it. Refer to the image below to get a more accurate placement:

This Viper Wall should give your team easy access to Middle and A-Hall.

Middle Wall (Defending)
- Stand in this corner in B-site:

2. Aim high so Viper’s Wall does not end up short. Make sure to cover B-Elbow and the area before the Middle Doors:

Breeze B-site Viper Wall
Viper’s Wall is mighty on B-site, able to block off all alternate entryways towards the bombsite on Attack, and capable of denying vision and entry at B-Tunnel and B-Main on Defense.
Breeze B-site Default Wall (Attacking)
- Stand in this spot at Mid-Cannon:

2. Aim high so Viper’s Wall does not end up short. Make sure to cover Arches and B-Tunnel:

This Viper Wall setup will cover B-Elbow, B-Tunnel, and B-Arches.

Breeze B-site Wall (Defending)
- Stand in this corner in B-Tunnel:

2. Aim for the pipe. Make sure to cover the B-site entrance:

Access Denied
Viper’s Wall can be very powerful on Breeze. Its long-range and decent height allow it to block off key lanes toward bomb sites on the map. Learn all the Viper Wall setups featured in this guide, and you’ll be on your way to becoming the X-factor on Breeze on both the Attacking and Defending sides.